Oct 23, 2024  
2017-2018 ULM Student Policy Manual 
2017-2018 ULM Student Policy Manual [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Room Contract Terms

A. It is university policy that students contract for room and meals on a semester basis for the residence halls and suites and either an academic year or academic year plus summer for the apartments; therefore, all enrolled students living on-campus must pay for both services.

B. In compliance with the University of Louisiana System Governing Board’s resolution, all unmarried full-time undergraduate students are required to live in on-campus residence halls or campus apartments as space is available. (See On-Campus Housing Requirements in “Schedule of Classes” for exemptions.) If space is not available, a student may be granted a one semester exemption to move off campus. However, the student will be expected to move back on campus the next academic year unless they meet the established requirements to remain off campus. Upperclassmen (Seniors, Juniors, etc.) will be given priority with off-campus exemption requests.

C. Students violating this policy as stated in paragraph 2 (above) will be required to pay full room and meal charges for the period the violation occurred.

D. Students may request off-campus exemption or approval through the Office of Student Services (Student Center, # 239). The application (Off Campus Housing Request Form) must be completed and submitted with supporting documentation for the basis of exemption.  Applicants seeking exemption to the University of Louisiana System’s mandatory on-campus housing requirement must meet one (1) of the University’s allowable exemptions and adhere to the prescribed procedures before being considered. Failure to submit required documentation with the completed Off Campus Housing Request Form may result in the application being automatically denied and/or discarded.  For more information and the list of the allowable exemptions, please refer to the Student Policy Manual section noting Housing Exemption for Off Campus or at www.ulm.edu/reslife.

Application Deadlines for Submitting the Request for Off-Campus Approval or Exemption:

May 1st (Fall semester);

November 15th (Spring semester); and

April 15th (Summer semesters). 

Students who have been denied an exemption for Off-Campus living, by the Office of Auxiliary Enterprise, may appeal in writing to the Housing Appeals Committee. Applicants shall read and explicitly follow all steps prior to submitting their written appeal to the Housing Appeals Committee. Appeal request and documentation may be delivered to the Office of Auxiliary Enterprise, Strauss # 250.  Appeals will be heard by the Housing Appeals Committee immediately after the deadlines when possible. The Housing Appeals Committee is final.

E. All dining facilities on campus are closed when classes are not in session. Residents, except those living in the Bayou Village Apartments, should not expect to remain on campus during the semester breaks. If a resident does require housing during the break period they must contact the Residence Life Office two weeks prior to the end of the semester in order to register for interim break housing. Residents may be consolidated for this period.

F. The university reserves the right to (1) deny the request of any prospective student, (2) change the residence hall or room assignment (a resident without a roommate will be reassigned or charged for a private room), or (3) cancel accommodations of any student; (4) enter and inspect any room at any time when cause prevails; and (5) require immediate payment for damages to furnishings and/or physical structure.

G. Cancellations for continuing students and new students must be made May 1st for the fall semester and January 2nd for the spring semester. Cancellations must be in writing and submitted to the Residential Life Office prior to the above dates. Do not assume dropping your classes will automatically cancel your housing. If a room reservation is not cancelled by the due date for each semester the student will be held responsible for their housing. Failure to claim an assigned room is not an accepted form of cancellation. Students who decide not to return to the University over the winter break must contact the Residential Life Office to make arrangements to remove their belongings prior to the beginning of the spring semester. Students are subject to a pro rated fee for the days their belongings were in their room from the end of the previous semester to the day the items are removed and the student officially checks out of the room.

H. The university is not responsible for loss or damage to items in the residence hall due to theft, fire, water, heat, or other causes. Residents are encouraged to contact their or their parents personal insurance provider to verify their coverage under their homeowners policy or if you they need Renter’s Insurance.

I. If a student withdraws from the University within the first 14 days of class, their housing will be pro rated for the days they had possession of the room. After the 14th class day, no refunds are given. Students who are dismissed from the university and/or residence halls for academic or disciplinary reasons are not eligible for a refund.

J. Returning students, who fail to meet the priority pre-payment deadline for housing registration, may not receive their priority assignment request. (Note: Meal charges are not assessed by Residential Life.)

K. Overnight Guest: Residents must register their overnight guest at the Residence Life office, located in University Commons II, no later than 12:00 noon on the day the guest will be staying. If a room is a double occupancy room, the request must be agreeable to the roommate. Overnight guest must be of the same sex as the resident making the overnight request and the guest must be at least 17 years of age. This university policy applies to all housing including the Bayou Village Apartments.

L. Residential Life regulations prohibit the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or possession of alcoholic beverage containers in any residence hall or apartments on campus. The University will abide by state, parish or municipal law.

All residents are responsible for reading and abiding by the policies listed in the Guide to Residence Hall Living.


Each person, as a resident of ULM, possesses certain reciprocal, individual rights and responsibilities which must be respected. Primary rights of the resident include the right to read, study, and sleep, free from undue interference in the hall and in one’s room. “Quiet Hours” is a phrase used to designate those times set apart for study and quiet when no one is supposed to turn up the radio/stereo or make any other noises which might disturb the study or sleep of other students. Quiet hours apply to both students and guests. Quiet hours are from 8 p.m. until 8 a.m. daily including weekends. Quiet hours are maintained 24 hours a day during the last two weeks of a regular semester regardless of formal or informal notice made by individual residence hall. EXCESSIVE NOISE IS NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME.

Residents must register all overnight guests. It is the responsibility of the student to know all policies governing visitation and overnight guests in their hall as well as any hall they visit. Consult your RA or hall director if you have any questions.

Residents may be assessed a minimum of $150 for allowing an illegal resident to reside in their room.