Oct 23, 2024  
2017-2018 ULM Student Policy Manual 
2017-2018 ULM Student Policy Manual [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Recognized Student Organizations (RSO’s) Alcohol and Amnesty Policy


A. Each student organization must have a designated faculty/administrative staff advisor throughout the school year in order to function as a Recognized Student Organization (RSO) All advisors (faculty/staff/alumni) must be registered in the Office of Student Life and Leadership and registered on Wingspan, the on-line RSO web-site. An advisor is required to be in attendance at all On-Campus after hour social events sponsored by their organization if alcohol is served. The advisor is strongly encouraged to attend any off-campus functions as well. It is also the responsibility of the faculty/staff advisor to abide by and to assist in ensuring that all of the members of the organization abide by University, State and Local laws and to assist the organization in maintaining an up to date constitution and officer’s list on Wingspan.

B. Student Organizations or groups, and their elected officers will assume complete responsibility for on & off-campus activities, including conduct of any and all participants attending such functions. Failure to accept and/or discharge this responsibility will subject the violating student organization or group to suspension of social privileges and/or revocation of University recognition.

C. All construction affiliated with a student organization, including but not limited to props, walkways, decks and swimming pools, shall be in compliance with city and state building codes.

D. All organizations scheduling activities where alcohol will be present must abide by the following guidelines:

1. The possession, use and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, parish and city.

2. The elected officers will assume responsibility and/or hire University, City or local parish officers for checking proper ID’s (driver’s license) and providing wristbands or stamps to individuals who are 21 years of age and eligible to consume alcoholic beverages. These measures help

3. No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through the chapter treasury nor may the purchase of alcoholic beverages for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of or on behalf of the organization.

4. No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor. (i.e. those under legal drinking age)

5. No organization may co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor, charitable organization, or tavern/bar (defined as an establishment generating more than half of annual gross sales from alcohol) where alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present.

6. No organization may sponsor, co-sponsor or co-finance a function where alcohol is purchased by any of the host groups or organizations.

7. “Open Parties”, where alcohol is present; meaning those with unrestricted access by non-members of the organization without specific invitation, shall be PROHIBITED. Private parties can be held on organization property or through leasing an off-campus facility. A guest list should be retained during “private parties” and kept on file through the end of each semester following the party.

8. Organizations whose national policies require members to sponsor activities utilizing BYOB (Bring your own beverage) instead of licensed third-party vendors are required to bring the written policy from their National Office to have on file with the Coordinator of Student Development (SC Room 257) and are advised to strictly adhere to that policy and its mandates. BYOB does not release the organization from checking proper ID’s and issuing wristbands. National organizations BYOB policies do not supersede University policies or state, local and city laws.

9. No member shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games”.

10. Organizations cannot require members to be present at an alcohol function.

11. No alcoholic beverages of bulk quantity or common sources (kegs, cases, jungle juice, hard liquor etc.) may be purchased, accepted as a donation or used under any circumstances. Beer and wine only will be allowed. Providing a common source of any alcoholic beverage – be it beer, alcoholic punch, or an open bar – implies that it is provided by or on behalf of the organization, regardless of who actually purchased it. In addition, no alcohol may be served from common source containers on organization property or at organizational events. This provision also applies to third party vendors.

12. Non-Alcoholic beverages (other than water) must be readily available and in sufficient quantities for members and their guest. The non-alcoholic beverages must be displayed in equal prominence along with the alcoholic beverages.

13. An amble supply of non-salty food must be provided at all events where alcohol is present and must be displayed in equal prominence along with the alcoholic beverage

14. Events must be centered on a theme; not alcohol. Organizations are strongly advised to select themes which are considered in good taste and which are not considered to be insensitive to any group.

15. No “cover charge” (door charge/walk-up charge) may be imposed at social events where alcohol is present. Only members and invited guest with ‘pre-ticket” sales are authorized to attend.

16. Only licensed and insured third-party vendors may sell alcohol to participants at a social event. The organization is prohibited from such sales. a. A fair market value for the alcoholic beverage must be collected by the vendor for each individual drink served and the student organization is not allowed to subsidize the sale. b. One “price” for “all you can drink” is not allowed under any circumstances. c. Only certified bartenders will be allowed to sell alcoholic beverages d. Third party vendor must not be associated with the sponsoring organization.

17. Alcoholic beverages cannot be provided as free awards.

18. The possession, sale, and/or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances is strictly prohibited.

19. Designated drivers are required for all events where alcohol is available. (a 20-1 ratio for attendees to drivers shall be used)

20. Organizations with designated housing must not exceed the fire marshals number for occupancy. (Fire Marshals certificate of occupancy must be on file with the Office of Student Life and Leadership.)

21. The expressed or implied consent of a person to any illegal actions shall not be considered an exception to this policy and is not defensible as a violation thereof.

• Special note: Philanthropic events held on or off-campus where a ULM organization is raising money for a specific cause must be registered and approved on Wingspan.




1. Any student organization sponsoring a social event on-campus must have the event registered and approved on Wingspan.

2. A faculty/administrative staff or official alumni advisor(s) must be present for any on-campus, after hours’ social event where alcohol is available. (note: all advisors should be registered on Wingspan)

3. On-Campus events must end by 11p.m. Sunday through Thursday and events must end by 1:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. Any exceptions must be approved by the Director of Student Life and Leadership and the Vice President for Student Affairs.

4. A minimum of three University Police will be required at on-campus events where alcohol is available. UPD will provide one officer to check proper identification (Driver’s License) and issue wrist bands for those individuals who are 21 years old and legally eligible to consume alcohol if they choose to do so. These measures help to insure that only those of legal drinking age are served alcohol. UPD and the venue director will determine the actual number of officers needed for the event. Officers will be paid through University Payroll, not cash or check. UPD will also need an estimated number of attendees.

5. Alcohol beverage sales must cease 45 minutes before the conclusion of the event.

6. No ice chest are allowed inside the university venues by members or guest of an organization.

7. Only licensed and insured third party vendors may sell alcohol to participants at a social event. The RSO is prohibited from such sales.

8. Only certified Bar Tenders over the age of 21 will be allowed to sell or distribute alcoholic beverages.

9. NO BYOB parties allowed on campus.


RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANIZATION means an association of students or group which has complied with the formal requirement and has been approved for University recognition through Office of Student Life and Leadership.

MEMBER OF THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY means any University administrator or official, instructor, student, staff member, or employee of the University.

UNIVERSITY PREMISES or UNIVERSITY RELATED PREMISES means all land, buildings, facilities, and equipment owned, leased, on loan, or controlled by the University. For organizational housing near the university (designated by the CLERY patrol area of UPD), it is understood by the University of Louisiana Monroe and local fraternity / organizational house corporations that fraternity / organizational houses are privately owned or leased facilities located on private property and are not on University property.

  • BYOB means “bring your own beverage”
  • UPD – University Police Department
  • MPD – Monroe Police Department
  • OPSO – Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s Office

Alcohol Medical Amnesty Policy

Purpose: The purpose of the policy is to remove barriers and increase the likelihood that students who require emergency medical assistance as a result of high risk alcohol consumption will receive such assistance. This policy will provide an opportunity for a caring intervention that will not result in a disciplinary action from the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct).

The Medical Alcohol Amnesty Policy is a way for the University of Louisiana Monroe to reduce the harmful consequences caused by the abuse of alcohol. This policy is designed to promote responsible decisions when students are faced with medical emergencies requiring emergency medical attention. Emergency medical attention is defined as admittance to a hospital. This policy is in place to encourage students to not fear seeking the help of others when faced with a high risk alcohol intervention.

Students who qualify for medical amnesty will not receive any sanctions from the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct).

The University of Louisiana at Monroe does not condone under-age drinking but does recognize that it is occurring and has implemented this policy in hopes that it will encourage more students to make the appropriate decision to call for help when emergency medical attention is needed.

Qualifying for Medical Amnesty:

There are three categories for who qualifies for medical amnesty and what is required of them for it to be granted. All categories apply to both on-campus and off-campus in regard to Student Conduct allegations. The three categories are described below:

Persons in need of Emergency Medical Attention: Students who receive emergency medical attention and are hospitalized directly related to the consumption or use of alcohol may be eligible to receive medical amnesty. Students will be referred to the Office of Student Services and if the students qualify for medical amnesty, no disciplinary actions will be issued from the Office of Student Services. Students may be referred to additional resources on our campus and will be required to follow through with the requirements in order to receive amnesty, such as meeting with our Substance Awareness Counselor within a short time after being hospitalized. The Office of Student Services has the authority to notify the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of students under the age of 21 (who are claimed as dependents for income tax purposes) who receive medical amnesty of the situation which has triggered the use of the medical amnesty policy. Students who receive emergency medical attention may be granted medical amnesty only once while enrolled at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Any subsequent violation will result in a referral to Student Services.

Other Individuals Present: Students who help seek emergency assistance on behalf of persons experiencing alcohol related emergencies or lend a helping hand to the emergency situation are eligible to receive amnesty. Students may or may not be referred to the Office of Student Services. If students are referred, they may be granted amnesty and will not receive any disciplinary actions from the Office of Student Services. Students may be required to participate in an appropriate educational program or referred to additional resources on our campus in order to receive amnesty. In order to encourage students to be proactive in helping others, the University does not limit the number of times a student can seek amnesty while assisting others during an alcohol-related emergency.

Clubs/Organizations: A representative of a university recognized club or organization (RSO) hosting an event is required to seek medical assistance in a medical emergency to be eligible for medical amnesty as it applies to clubs/organizations. Representatives from the organization may be required to meet with the Office of Student Services or the Coordinator of Student Development. Clubs/organizations that qualify for medical amnesty will not be charged or sanctioned for violations of the University’s alcohol-related policies, and the incident will not be noted on the club/organization’s record. Organizations may be required to participate or organize an appropriate educational program to the organization and its members. Medical amnesty for a club/organization is granted to the club/organization only. Members of the organization must qualify for medical amnesty as described previously. Clubs/organizations may only be granted medical amnesty once per academic school year and only for appropriately recognized events of their organization.

Limitations of Medical Amnesty: Medical amnesty applies to incidents that require emergency medical attention and the student is taken to the hospital directly related to the consumption or use of alcohol. The policy does not apply to any type of drug related behavior including use, possession, or distribution. Additionally, the policy does not apply to other prohibited conduct, such as, but not limited to assault, theft, driving while impaired, property damage etc. If other prohibited conduct occurs, the student(s) will be held responsible by the University and the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) for those violations.

Nothing in this policy shall prevent an individual who has enforcement obligations under state or federal law to report, charge, or take other action related to the possible criminal prosecution of any student.