Oct 23, 2024  
2017-2018 ULM Student Policy Manual 
2017-2018 ULM Student Policy Manual [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Posting Policy

The University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM) strives to create a campus culture that supports its academic mission. It seeks to provide an environment conducive to learning, one that is aesthetically pleasing and welcoming for faculty, staff, students, alumni, community members, and visitors. Thus, the following Policy is effective, July 1, 2006.

All individuals or groups wishing to post materials on campus in display areas not assigned to them shall report to the Office of Student Life for approval. All materials selected for posting must be approved and stamped. ULM is not responsible for the safety of any material placed on campus and reserves the right to remove and discard any materials or chalking not in compliance with this policy.

Please note that this not the complete set of Posting Policies. The full Posting Policies can be found at ulm.edu/policies under Student Life and Leadership.

I. General

  1. Posting, distributing of literature, fliers, posters, advertisements, or any other material is limited to only ULM divisions/departments, ULM programs and ULM RSO’s. Non-ULM groups are asked to publicize in the ULM student newspaper.
  2. Materials must be clear and legible, must bear the name of the sponsoring ULM division/department, ULM program or ULM RSO, and must provide current contact information.
  3. Materials making reference to the use, sale, consumption or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs are prohibited, including but not limited to: 2-4-1 specials, happy hours, BYOB, BYOC, All you can drink, Keg, Keg Party, Keg Bust or illustrations/photos depicting these activities.
  4. Materials displaying or referring to violence or obscenities and of a defamatory or commercial nature are prohibited.

II. Posting Policy

A. Registered Student Organizations (RSO)

a. Each RSO must have an event approved in the online group management system prior to requesting approval to advertise the event.

b. Posting is not allowed on any reserved or departmental display area without permission from the appropriate department/organization, even if the posting has been stamped and approved for Student News areas.

B. Academic Departments

a. Representatives wishing to post information on behalf of an academic department may use departmental display areas without prior approval from the Office of Student Life.

b. Any materials posted outside of departmental display areas must be approved and stamped by the Office of Student Life prior to posting.

C. Student Elections & Campaigning

All general posting rules and specifications will apply for campaign materials in addition to SGA election codes.


III. Specifications

  1. Fliers are limited to a maximum size of 11” x 17” with the exception of specially sanctioned university events as outlined in Section VII of this policy. Any flier that exceeds the size limit will be removed.
  3. All postings should be limited to the cork portion of the display board or strip. For metal strips, the posting must be hung correctly behind the white “teeth.” No adhesives may be used.
  4. Tacks are to be used on cork posting boards and strips only (the use of staples, tapes, stickers or adhesives is prohibited).
  5. All costs associated with the removal of any material posted with anything other than tacks will be billed to the responsible party.
  6. Postings on top of others will be removed.
  7. No more than one flier per ULM division/department, ULM program or ULM RSO may be posted on an individual display area.
  8. It is the responsibility of the ULM division/department, ULM program or ULM RSO to remove all postings 24 hours after completion of the publicized event.
  9. Fliers posted by a ULM division/department, ULM program, or ULM RSO that provide information related to ULM issues and events will be given priority.
  10. Failure to adhere to these regulations will result in removal of the flier and action being taken by the University.

IV. Display Areas

  1. General postings are limited to display areas designated by headers with ULM STUDENT NEWS. A list of those locations may be obtained through the Office of Student Life located in the Student Center Room 258.
  2. Posting is strictly prohibited in or on the following: chalkboards, desks, podiums, sidewalks, interior and exterior walls of buildings, doors (wood or glass), concrete, pilings, columns, windows, glass fronts, painted surfaces, brick, wood surfaces, trees, traffic signs, campus signage, light posts/poles, trash cans, bathrooms & fixtures, staircases, railings, borders and frames of display boards, emergency call phones, fixtures, mailboxes, newsstands, ad dispensers, bus stops, benches, utility boxes, motor vehicles, and private property.
  3. Posting is not allowed on any reserved or departmental display area without permission from the appropriate department/organization.

V. Distribution of Materials

  1. The passing or handing out of literature, fliers, posters, advertisements, or any other material is limited to ULM divisions/departments, ULM programs and ULM RSO’s. No private or commercial advertisements shall be distributed in this manner on the ULM campus.
  2. The passing or handing out of literature, fliers, posters, advertisements, or any other material is limited to the following areas: SUB, ULM Bookstore sidewalk area, Quad, Scott Plaza and sidewalk areas, the walkway between Hanna and Walker, the sidewalk beside Schulze, and the sidewalk area between CNSB and Kitty DeGree.
  3. Passing or handing out fliers inside any academic or administrative building, residence hall or University facility is prohibited. Exceptions may be granted in cases where the material intended to be distributed is directly related to the mission or goals of the University. Only ULM divisions/departments, ULM programs and ULM RSO’s may be granted approval. The Office of Student Life, in consultation with the President or designee, shall make a final decision regarding exceptions.
  4. The passing out of materials must be conducted in a courteous manner and cannot be disruptive to the ULM community or the orderly processes of the University. Materials may not be forced upon an individual.
  5. ULM divisions/departments, ULM programs, and ULM RSO’s passing out fliers will be responsible for the clean-up or removal of their fliers that litter campus grounds or facilities, regardless of the individuals littering.
  6. The Office of Student Life will notify the party responsible for the materials and provide the location of the litter. The offending party will have 24 hours from the date of notice to clean up the litter. Should the offending party not act to remove the litter within the 24-hour period, the party will be billed for all costs associated with the clean-up of any litter caused by the distribution of material.
  7. Failure to adhere to this Policy will result in removal of the party distributing the material from the campus and action being taken by the University against the party (ies) responsible for the purchase, promotion, and/or distribution of materials.

VI. Chalking

  1. Chalking on campus is limited to ULM divisions/departments, ULM programs and ULM RSO’s, and is permitted only on the following designated paved sidewalk areas: SUB, Sandel, Walker, Brown Hall (front), and Band buildings, as well as the Quad and Bayou Park. (Chalking on/in academic buildings is prohibited).
  2. The substance used for chalking must be water-soluble and easily washable by water or rain.
  3. Chalking is prohibited on brick surfaces, walls, benches, glass, windows, doors (wood or glass), pilings, columns, windows, painted surfaces, trees, traffic signs, light posts, emergency call phones, fixtures, mailboxes, newsstands, ad dispensers, bus stops, utility boxes, motor vehicles, private property, and other objects.
  4. The Office of Student Life will notify the party responsible for improper chalking and provide the party with 24 hours to clean up the chalking in violation of this Policy. Should the offending party not act to remove the chalk within the 24-hour period, the party will be billed for all costs associated with the clean-up of the chalk.
  5. Maps and information specifying designated areas may be obtained through the Office of Student Life located in the Student Center at the front desk.

VII. Free-Standing Signs (Sandwich Boards/A-signs/Greek Letters, and Stake Signs)

The University of Louisiana at Monroe believes that student organizations are integral to the holistic development of students’ while pursuing a higher education. In order to successfully accomplish this mission to the University allows Student Organizations to hold events on campus in order to allow them to fulfill their respected mission and vision statements.

In order to make these events successful Student Organizations are allowed to publicize and promote their organizations on campus through various flyers, signs, boards, etc.. as long as they are in compliance with the ULM Posting Policies and Procedures on campus.

All individuals or groups wishing to post materials on campus in display areas not assigned to them shall report to the Office of Student Life for approval.  All materials selected for posting or standing must be approved and stamped. ULM is not responsible for the safety of any material placed on campus and reserves the right to remove and discard any materials or chalking not in compliance with this policy.

The following is the appendix to the ULM Posting Policy and Procedures for free-standing signs.

  1. All ULM divisions/departments, ULM programs or ULM RSO’s wanting to place free standing signs on campus must register with the Office of Student Life (342-5287).
  2. Free-standing signs are limited to only ULM divisions/departments, ULM programs, and ULM RSO’s. No commercial advertisements should be distributed in this way on the ULM campus.
  3. The placement of free-standing signs must be in accordance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) codes, and is limited to the following grass/non-paved areas: Bayou Park (as long as the signs are at least 8ft away from any sidewalk), Grove (next to the tailgating area or tent), Walker Hall, Commons (as long as the signs are at least 8ft away from any sidewalk), and Front of the Coliseum next to the information board. Placements outside the designated areas will require special permission from the Office of Student Life, in consultation with the President or designee.  
  4. The placement of free-standing signs on sidewalks, walkways or any paved areas is prohibited, except for emergency, safety, warning or directional signs placed by ULM Police department, other law enforcement/emergency officials, facilities management officials/Physical Plant, or University officials acting on behalf of the University to announce a matter directly related to the health, safety, or welfare of the university community.
  5. The maximum size for free-standing signs is 8 feet by 4 feet (tall or wide).
  6. The maximum number of free-standing signs that can be placed per ULM department, ULM program, or ULM RSO is as follows: 1) One A Signs/Sandwich Boards/Set of Greek Letters per organization 2) Ten Stake Signs
  7. Free-standing signs may be placed on campus for a set number of days determined by the Office of Student Life on an event by event basis.
  8. The ULM division/department, ULM program or ULM RSO will be responsible for the removal of all signs within 24 hours after the ending date/time of the event(s).
  9. Signs will be removed due to: harm posed to the university community, damage or deterioration by inclement weather, excessive postings, or space constraints.
  10. The Office of Student Life reserves the right to reduce display time, change space allocation, remove signage, and deny space when deemed necessary. The Office of Student Life’s decision shall be final.
  11. The Office of Student Life will notify the party responsible for the signs that it has violated the ULM Posting Policy with a warning the first time a policy is violated. After two violations of the ULM Posting Policy by the same organization in an academic school year the Free Standing Sign privileges of the violating organization/s will be suspended for a full calendar year starting the date of the second violation.

VIII. Banners

  1. The use of banners is limited to only ULM divisions/departments, ULM programs, or ULM RSO’s. The use of banners is restricted to special events recognized and supported by the University. (The Office of Student Life, in consultation with the President or designee, shall make a final decision regarding the placement of the banners taking into consideration safety, potential damage to buildings, property, trees and plants, and importance of the event or matter being advertised.)
  2. Any group wanting to place a banner in/on the SUB must contact the Office of Student Life and the Coordinator of Student Union Facilities for procedures and approval.
  3. Materials used to post banners must not cause alterations or damage to the original condition of the wall or facing.
  4. Any group wanting to place a banner in/on any other facility or location on-campus not specified in this Section, must obtain written permission from the Office of Student Life 10 (ten) calendar days prior to the event. (The Office of Student Life’s decision in consultation with the President or designee, shall be final.)

IX. University Special Events/Student Government Elections Provisions.

  1. Special events include Student Government Elections, and University-Wide events (i.e., Homecoming, Mardi Gras elections, Week of Welcome, etc.).
  2. All material distributions for special events will use the Special Provisions Section. These materials must be registered and approved through the Office of Student Life at least five calendar days prior to the distribution of materials.

X. Special Provisions

The following are exemptions to the provisions outlined in Section IV of this Policy and are only allowed during special events. They are subject to approval by the Office of Student Life. Failure to adhere to any provision as outlined in the special events section will result in immediate removal of all materials, and the appropriate action being taken by the University.

A. Special Provisions for Distribution of Material

a. The passing out or handing out of literature, fliers, posters, advertisements, or any other material is permissible in outside/exterior common areas, except the steps and doorways of buildings and facilities.

b. The handing out of material in academic or administrative buildings, or the interior of any facility is prohibited. Handing out material in residence halls requires special permission from Residential Life.

c. These provisions are permissible beginning seven (7) calendar days prior to the event and must end with the completion time of the event.

B. Special Provisions for Posters

a. Posters must be no larger than 24” x 44” in size.

b. Only one poster per department/organization per event is allowed on each poster area.

c. These special provisions are permissible, beginning seven calendar days prior to the event. Posters must be removed within 24 hours after the ending date of the event.

C. Provisions for Free-Standing Signs

a. Free-standing signs can be placed on-campus for a maximum of seven calendar days.

b. All signs must be removed within 24 hours after the date of the event.

c. The placement of free-standing signs is permissible only on the grass areas of campus. (see Section V for designated areas)

d. The maximum number of free-standing signs that can be placed per organization is:
Ten A Signs/Sandwich Boards/Greek Letters
Fifty Stake Signs maximum

e. These provisions are permissible beginning seven calendar days prior to the special event, and must be removed within 24 hours after the ending date of the event.