The University establishes policies and procedures regarding registered student organizations. This section provides an overview of these policies and procedures. Though the policy statements listed below are summarized, it is the student’s and student organization’s responsibility to review the policy statements and ensure that compliance is maintained.
- Alcohol Policy – Serving, Possessing and Consuming of Alcoholic Beverages by Students and Student Organizations.
See Section VIII (Alcohol Policy for ULM Sponsored Events and Checklist) in the ULM Student Policy Manual for information regarding the University Alcohol Policy and how it effects student organizations.
- Hazing Policy – Prohibition of Hazing See Section IV or the ULM Student Policy Manual for information regarding the University Hazing Policy. No student shall employ a program of pledge education which includes or condones “hazing or hazing activities”.
- Strolling/Strutting Policy - The University prohibits “strolling/strutting” at university sponsored events such as but not limited to the following:
- Week of Welcome
- Homecoming Block Party
- Mardi Gras Ball
- Pep Rallies
- Spring Fever Activities
- Graduation Activities
“Strolling/Strutting” is allowed only during Greek sponsored activities or when explicitly invited by the Office of Student Life and Leadership.
Judicial Procedures for Student Organizations, Violation of Constitution
Whenever a student organization violates any provision of its constitution and/or bylaws (as on file in the Office of Student Life via the online group management system) or University regulations, the appropriate administrator of the Office of Student Life will recommend to the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) appropriate disciplinary action.
The appropriate University Administrator, the appropriate Academic Unit, the Conduct Standards Committee, the Student Organization Judicial Committee, the President’s Appeal Panel, the Title IX Appeals Committee, or the Appeals Committees, either prior to or after a hearing, may impose or recommend one or more of the penalties listed in Section 6.01 of the ULM Code of Student Conduct for a student or a student organization.
Hearing Procedure
Non-academic evidence brought against student members of University-approved student organizations which justifies a charge of violation of the ULM Code of Student Conduct, shall be presented to the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) and/or the Office of Student Life by an instructor, student, administrator, University police officer or other law enforcement official, or other University employee.
Whether physical evidence is or is not surrendered, a written report concerning the students’ alleged violation should be presented to the Office of Student Life; however, the initial contact may be in person or by phone or email. The Office of Student Services (Student Conduct), Office of Student Life, and/or Student Affairs administrator(s) will discuss the circumstances and evidence surrounding the alleged violation with the person(s) bringing the charge, and will advise that person(s) on actions that may be taken under the ULM Code of Student Conduct.
After reviewing the evidence supporting the alleged violation, the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct), Office of Student Life, and/or Student Affairs administrator(s) will discuss the charge with the student organization’s University advisor, a representative of that organization’s executive committee and/or the student(s) involved. If the evidence is sufficient to justify such action, the students will be informed that the University is bringing formal charges under the ULM Code of Student Conduct.
The student representing the organization will be provided with a written notice of the formal charges. The organization’s student representative will be informed of the organization’s rights as outlined in the ULM Code of Student Conduct. Students may make use of an advisor, as provided under Section V, Procedural Due Process Principles, of the ULM Code of Student Conduct. Please review the Student Policy Manual for more detailed information.
Appeal Procedure
An organization may appeal administrative decisions concerning its activities as set forth in Section 8 (ULM Code of Student Conduct) in the Student Policy Manual.
Late Night Events Policy
For after hours or late-night events, please check with the Facility Manager or appropriate University Administrator for the policy and procedures for that particular building, facility, or area.
In some instances or events, especially when an event lasts after 9 p.m., University Police will be required and a nominal fee will be charged. A sufficient number of officers will be assigned to work security for events to insure a reasonably safe function. The Office of Student Life, and University Police require that late-night events must be registered through both offices at least ten (10) working days prior to the event. For additional information, contact the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) at (318) 342-5230 or University Police at (318) 342-5350 or the Office of Student Life at (318) 342 -5287.
The Vice President for Student Affairs and/or President of the University has the authority to grant or deny late-night events happening on campus
Peaceful Assembly
The University acknowledges the right and privilege of individual students, groups of students, and registered student organizations to assemble peacefully on campus. The University may impose reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on the exercise of the right of peaceful assembly to insure that the essential operation of the University or the rights and/or welfare of other members of the University community are not impaired, diminished, or threatened.
Gatherings for the purpose of expression of a position on campus, local, state, national, or international issues, are protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution so long as they remain peaceful. A peaceful assembly does not disrupt or interfere with the conduct of the operation of the University essential to the accomplishment of its lawful mission, infringe on the rights of other students, members of the faculty, administrators, other employees of the University, invited guests of the University, visitors to the campus, or any other person; endanger the health, safety, or welfare of other persons on campus; result in damage or destruction of property; or violate a local, state, or federal law.
Peaceful assemblies by students are not required to be scheduled or registered with the Office of Student Life unless the event meets one or more of the following criteria:
- The event will be held in a building on campus.
- The event will utilize a designated area, site, or location on campus reasonably adjacent to facilities that are regularly scheduled for use by the University.
- The event will utilize a designated area, site, or location on campus at which events are typically scheduled.
- The event may reasonably require involvement of a service department of the University, e.g., the directing of traffic and/or parking, managing a crowd, the turning on of electricity, or the providing of electricity to the site, marking of playing fields, blocking of streets, setting up stages or platforms, placing special trash receptacles in the area, providing tables and/or chairs and inspection and/or cleanup after the event.
- Any event involving a table, display, or any other structure.
- Any event involving amplified sound or sound that is otherwise sufficiently loud to cause a disturbance.
- Any event involving the distribution of food or beverages. (See Alcohol Policy for events involving alcohol.)
- Any event that poses reasonable safety concerns.
- Any event that will involve out-of-pocket costs to the University. (Any such costs must be reimbursed by the user).
Although the University does not require the registration and scheduling of events that do not meet one or more of the above criteria, students or student organizations who plan such events are strongly encouraged to schedule and register such events at least 10 (ten) working days in advance with the Office of Student Life. Receiving the advice and counsel of staff who routinely deal with such matters may help to avoid unintended consequences that are possible violations of University Policies.
Events that do meet one or more of the criteria listed above, must be registered with the Office of the Student Life at least ten (10) days in advance, although more time is strongly recommended and in some cases may be necessary (e.g. events involving security require the organization to formally request it from ULM PD at least 10 days in advance). Registered student organizations have certain privileges related to reserving space and utilizing Physical Plant (e.g. reserving tables, chairs, electrical set up). Greek organizations must register social events with Greek Life. All other activities meeting any of the above listed criteria must be registered with Student Life.
The University acknowledges the right of students to peaceful assembly. In the same spirit and in the interest of the protection of the rights of others, the University also asserts its right and duty to intercede, if and when, an assemblage ceases to be peaceful. Individual students and student organizations have the responsibility to exercise the right of peaceful assembly in a safe and prudent manner, and the University holds individual students and student organizations accountable for their actions while participating in such events on campus.
Any individual, group, or party wishing to hold an assembly to exercise their right to free speech is encouraged to register ahead or time or upon arrival in Student Center 258. Amplified sound is not allowed and access points to offices, buildings, and events must not be obstructed.
Speakers and Entertainers Policy
The University is a forum for the exchange of ideas. Such exchange can only occur on a scholarly plane if order is maintained and standards of decorum and good behavior are recognized by all. The University recognizes that some speakers or entertainers will have audiences of a single class or seminar and that other speakers or entertainers will be addressing themselves to a wider spectrum of the University community. It is the responsibility of the University to provide the climate and conditions for teaching, research, extension, and other services and the following policies are designed to serve these objectives:
- The arrangements for a speaker or entertainer, the conduct of the speaker or entertainer on campus, and the good order of the meeting are the concern of both the inviting group and the University. Only those student organizations recognized by the University may invite and sponsor speakers or entertainers.
- The University reserves the right to cancel any speaking or entertainment event it deems likely to cause an interruption in the University’s orderly activities.
- The President or his duly authorized representative may order a speaking or entertainment event to be terminated on the grounds that it constitutes a disruptive activity. Any member of the faculty or staff or any student who resists such an order shall be subject to disciplinary action.
- The person or organization inviting a speaker or entertainer to the campus will be responsible for any and all damages caused by acts of malfeasance on the part of the speaker or entertainer, or those acting in concert with him. The person or organization inviting a speaker or entertainer to the campus shall hold the University harmless from any and all losses and damages caused by acts of malfeasance on the part of the speaker or entertainer, or those acting in concert with him.
Probate Policy
All ULM affiliated NPHC Fraternity and Sororities are allowed to participate in probate shows that introduce their new members to the ULM student body. These shows are to be held only on-campus at any ULM affiliated building or property. No probate shows are to be held anywhere off-campus.
All probate shows shall follow the ULM Student Policies and Organizational Handbook, their respected chapter’s national organizational policies, and the National Pan-Hellenic Council guidelines concerning probate and new member programming.
All probate shows or events shall require a minimum of two UPD officers. It is the sole responsibility of each organization conducting a probate show or event to contact University Police to request service from and pay overtime fees or charges for these officers. A minimum of ten (10) days notice is required when requesting UPD officers.
NPHC fraternities and sororities are allowed to include any appropriate costumes and/or masks during these probate shows. Any costume or mask questions or deviations must be approved by the ULM Greek Advisor, or the Vice President for Student Affairs. Any NPHC student organization found to be in violation or failure to follow this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action determined by the Office of Student Life and/or the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct).
Philanthropy/Fundraising Policy
Each student organization is permitted to engage in fundraising or philanthropy activities only with prior approval from the Office of Student Life. Request for approval of any type of solicitation, fundraising, or philanthropy proposed to take place on or off campus must be made through the online group management system. This policy ensures that businesses do not receive an unreasonable number of requests from ULM student organizations and that the businesses and groups are well-matched.
On-Campus Solicitation Policy
- Sales solicitation of a commercial nature, whether by students or non-students, is not permitted on the campus except when specifically approved by the University administration. Please report infractions to the Office of Student Life. Vendors must have a letter of approval from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
- Credit card solicitation is not permitted on campus
Decorating Regulations Policy
Decorations for all major student functions to be conducted indoors must be approved by the Office of Student Life. For decorations, such as Homecoming, the Student Government Association will assign the area for the decoration.
Food and Drink Policy
Food or drink is not allowed in auditoriums, classrooms, laboratories, and other instructional support areas.
Financial Management for RSO’s
Realizing that student development is augmented through opportunities to become involved and to serve, the Division of Student Affairs emphasizes the importance of sound financial management as a cornerstone of proper Risk Management practices for Recognized Student Organizations. Accordingly, the Division ensures the acceptance of fiscal responsibility by a Recognized Student Organization through the establishment of minimum standards of financial management. Compliance with the minimum standards demonstrates the existence of a structure that encourages responsibility among student leaders who are duly appointed or elected officers of a Recognized Student Organization. The Office of Student Life stipulates compliance of a prospective student organization, as well as those recognized student organizations seeking recertification, to meet the following:
Minimum Standards for RSOs with Referendum Income - As a proof to the Division of Student Affairs that the organization maintains a proper structure assuring fiduciary responsibility, the Recognized Student Organization agrees to…
- Have a designated, elected officer assist the advisor in creation of an annual budget, which must be voted into acceptance by the membership at large in a roll-call vote (using yes, no, or abstain) no later than the group’s orientation for the academic year. Minutes showing this acceptance must be turned in to the Budget Office, located in Library 213, with the budget.
- Require the elected President’s signature on all check requests as Requesting, in addition to the advisor’s signature as Requesting. The advisor’s immediate supervisor will be listed as the Approver.
- The elected Treasurer will keep a running document and file to keep track of adherence to the voted-upon budget.
- Any purchases not covered by the voted-upon budget must be voted upon by the general membership in a roll-call vote prior to purchase. The resulting check request must include the minutes from the meeting in which the purchase was approved.
- It is highly recommended that all RSOs with Referendum income, including Student Activity Enhancement Fee funds, adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Minimum Standards for RSO’s with Private Income/Accounts – As a proof to the Division of Student Affairs that the organization maintains a proper structure assuring fiduciary responsibility, the duly appointed or elected officer of a Recognized Student Organization agrees to…
- Obtain a Federal EIN number for the RSO. The RSO may not use ULM’s EIN number. Once a Federal EIN number has been obtained through the IRS, this number should be used to open the RSO’s bank account. Do not use a social security number to open an account for an RSO. More information about this process can be found in the next section below. RSOs may not use the ULM EIN number, and recognition of an RSO by ULM does not imply tax-exempt or non-profit status.
- Non-profit status is a legal status for charitable organizations (501(c)3 status) and commits the organization to strict reporting procedures required by the IRS. Based on the frequent turnover of student leadership and strict reporting required, it is not recommended to file for non-profit status as an RSO.
- Do not use “ULM” when establishing the name of the private bank account for the RSO. For example, do not name the account “ULM Knitting Club.” Rather, name it simply “Knitting Club.”
- Require at least two signatures for all transactions, with no withdrawal authority or acceptance of checks made payable to cash, if an account with a local financial institution is maintained by the organization. ULM Employees may not be listed on a private bank account for any ULM RSO.
- Adhere to the University of Louisiana at Monroe’s policy regarding the Louisiana Attorney General Opinion No. 94-167 which states:
It is the policy of the University that University employees not have the Care, Custody, and/or Control of any funds of Student Organizations, Clubs, Groups, and Other Organizations affiliated with the University, and that the duly appointed and/or elected officer (e.g. treasurer) of said organizations who are not employees of the University be solely responsible for the receipt, deposit, and/or expenditure of organization funds for private bank accounts.
- Disclose at any time, with or without notice, any and all financial accounts maintained on-campus and off-campus to the Division of Student Affairs.
- Comply with a request for information on all financial operations pertaining to the organization through the Office of Student Life reporting system.
Treasurer(s) or president(s) of a Recognized Student Organization shall report any changes to this information to the Office of Student Life in the same manner or upon request at any time.
EIN Number for Checking Accounts
Student organizations in need of a checking account must first apply for a tax identification number through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS Form SS-4), also known as an EIN number (Employer Identification Number). Organizations apply online at Once the tax identification number has been assigned, groups must fill out the appropriate forms with a local bank to receive the checking account, using the newly acquired EIN number to open the account, not a social security number. Using a social security number puts the burden of liability for the account on the individual rather than the organization and can affect that individual’s personal taxes, including interest accrual or any issues with the account. Registered student organizations at ULM are encouraged to use campus branch of La Capitol Federal Credit Union, which is located on Northeast Drive next to Starbucks and the WIDS office. LaCapitol is familiar with the process of officer transition and has forms available when organization needs to change signature authority between officers. At no time should a University faculty, staff, or official representative have signature or withdrawal authority on this private account.
The following is a step-by-step procedure regarding how to apply for an EIN number via the IRS:
- Go to the online application for an EIN number on the IRS’s website here:
- Click on “Apply Online Now.”
- Read the instructions on this page, and click “Begin Application.”
- Select “View Additional Types, including Tax-Exempt and Governmental Organizations” option for the “What type of legal structure is applying for an EIN?” and click Continue.
- Choose the most appropriate option for your RSO. Most groups will select from Political Organization, Church-Controlled Organization, Community or Volunteer Group, Social or Savings Club, or Sports Team (community). After selecting an option, click Continue.
- Read the description to ensure you have selected the correct type of organization, and click Continue to confirm that selection.
- Enter your first name, last name, and Social Security Number. Even though you are using a social security number to apply for the EIN, the EIN, once received, is what will be used to open a bank account. Select whether you are an authorized officer or member of the group OR whether you are a third party applying on behalf of the organization. Click Continue.
- Enter your RSO’s address information and click Continue.
- Enter the requested information for your RSO and click Continue.
- Enter the requested information for your RSO on this page and click Continue.
- Select the “Other” option for “What does your business or organization do?” and click Continue.
- Select the Organization option when asked for your business activity and click Continue.
- Select the activity that best describes the mission of your organization from the provided list and click Continue.
- Select whether you prefer to receive the EIN number by mail or email and click Continue.
- Once the number is received, you may apply for a private bank account at a bank or credit union. The EIN must be carefully stored in the RSO’s records for future officers.
If having any trouble applying for the EIN, you will need to contact the IRS directly at 1-800-829-4933.