Feb 02, 2025  
2017-2018 ULM Student Policy Manual 
2017-2018 ULM Student Policy Manual [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Section Three - Statement of Rights and Responsibilities

3.01 General Statement of Student and Student Organization Rights

Student application for admission into the University of Louisiana at Monroe is voluntary, and students who are granted admission subsequently participate in all of the University’s programs and privileges. University approval of an application represents an invitation to join the University community and to remain a part of this community as long as the student fulfills both the academic and behavioral standards published in the University of Louisiana at Monroe Catalog, the Student Policy Manual, the ULM Code of Student Conduct, the ULM Student Organization Handbook, and all other officially promulgated University publications including departmental publications. Thus, each student admitted to the University of Louisiana at Monroe voluntarily accepts responsibility to adhere to academic and behavioral standards set forth by the University and the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors; however, each student is entitled to the inherent rights associated with higher education institutions.

These rights include: 
3.01:01 The right to submit an application to the University and be accepted according to the University’s published requirements. No applicant shall be denied admission because of race, religion, sex, political affiliation, national origin , physical or mental disability, age or veteran status.
3.01:02 The right to expect a quality education.
3.01:03 The right to develop one’s individual potential.
3.01:04 The right to be free from discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, political affiliation, national origin, physical or mental disability, age or veteran status.
3.01:05 The right to freedom of speech and assembly which are subject to University requirements for the maintenance of order and the protection of rights and privileges of other members in the University community. This includes expression and discussion of views relevant to subject matter in the classroom; however, such expression and discussion is subordinate to the responsibility of the instructor and is not to disrupt routine classroom activity nor infringe on the learning process of other class members.
3.01:06 The right to inquire, discuss, listen and evaluate.
3.01:07 The right to be interviewed on campus by any employing firm, agency, corporation or organization whose qualifications for employment are met by the University. The student shall however inform the appropriate University department of the employing firm’s presence on the University campus.
3.01:08 The right to pursue an education without undue interference.
3.01:09 The right to appropriately communicate one-on-one with administrators, instructors, counselors, advisors, staff and other University Officials.
3.01:10 The right to confidentiality of official records, transcripts, disciplinary records and other educational records consistent with the “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974” (the Buckley Amendment).
3.01:11 The right to invite and hear speakers on topics of student choice subject to the approval of both student elected or appointed representatives and University Officials.
3.01:12 The right to belong to University approved/recognized student organizations which shall be open to qualified students without respect to race, religion, sex, political affiliation, national origin, physical or mental disability, age or veteran status restriction of any kind.
3.01:13 The right to confidentiality of information relating to personal views, beliefs and political associations acquired by administrators, instructors, counselors, advisors, staff and other University Officials in the course of their work.
3.01:14 The right to publish and distribute subject to the standards of reasonable journalism and applicable regulations/statements of the U.S. Constitution and the Federal Communications Commission. Similar rights are afforded oral statements of views on student operated radio and television stations.
3.01:15 The right of access to University facilities through University approved/recognized student organizations for business meetings, special meetings and programs open to the public; student organizations are responsible for reserving University facilities through the Office of Student Development.
3.01:16 The right of students or University approved/recognized student organizations to use the University name only when identifying the University affiliation; using the University name or logo without the express permission of an authorized University Administrator or University Official is strictly prohibited.
3.01:17 The right to petition the appropriate University Unit or body for redress of grievances.
3.01:18 The right to fair hearings and appeals.
3.01:19 The right of privacy including freedom from unreasonable and unauthorized search and seizures relative to person, personal property, papers, effects and on-campus living quarters.
3.01:20 Students and student organizations may have other rights which are written into University-approved policies.
3.01:21 The right to be free from harassment, threats, stalking, violence, hazing, etc.

3.02 General Statement of University Rights

As a multipurpose, senior institution of higher education committed to preserving a wholesome educational environment and safeguarding the rights and well-being of its citizens, the University retains certain rights to include:

3.02:01 The initiation of searches and seizures, with probable cause relative to person, on-campus living quarters, papers, effects and other personal student properties on the campus. Such searches and seizures shall proceed with the knowledge, approval and/or supervision of administrators and officials from the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct), the Office of Student Affairs and/or the University Police Department. The student shall be present, if reasonably possible, during the search. If, in the opinion of a University Official, a law or a University regulation is being violated, entry into a student room may be made without prior notice to the student.
3.02:02 The entry into student rooms without notice, in cases of emergency where imminent danger to life, health, safety or property is reasonably feared and where routine repair and maintenance is necessary.
3.02:03 The use of a student’s personal telephone by University representatives in the course of emergency situations and within the confines of responsibilities and duties.
3.02:04 The suspension of a student’s education or housing for just cause either for academic, disciplinary or behavioral reasons (students may be removed from university housing during the appeal process if deemed necessary for health and safety concerns). When students are unable to effectively pursue their academic work, or when their behavior is disruptive to the normal educational process of the University or is detrimental to themselves and other University community members due to drug and/or alcohol abuse or psychological disturbance, they may be administratively withdrawn, temporarily suspended or dismissed from the University involuntarily. In some cases a student may be permanently banned from the University campus or from individual areas or buildings, i.e. all Residence Halls.
During Interim of Initial Hearing and Prior to Conduct Standard ‘s Appeal Hearing or the Title IX Appeals Hearing:

If the student’s continued presence at the University is potentially dangerous to the health and safety of the educational environment, the university administrators of the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) and/or the Title IX coordinator, have the right during the interim of the investigation, initial hearing to 1) ban the student from all buildings with the exception of those in which his/her classes are being held for an indefinite period of time and/or 2) mandate off-campus housing.

During an Official Hearing Information:

An alleged victim’s or witness(s) name(s), may elect to remain anonymous to the alleged student offender during the initial university hearing or in the event of the Title IX Appeals Hearing or Conduct Standards Appeals Hearing regarding an incident that involves physical or sexual assault or a violent act or commission of an act that may be considered harmful or of unlawful behavior. In the event of a Conduct Standards Appeals Hearing or a Title IX Appeals Hearing, university officials, committee members, and alleged offender(s) may question the alleged victim or witnesses via telephone call from a secure location approved by the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) administrator.

3.02:05 The assignment of a minimum grade of zero for a questionable work submitted by a student found responsible of academic cheating or plagiarism; this failing grade shall be imposed for a first offense of cheating or plagiarism. For a second offense, the student shall receive a minimum grade of “F” in the course. For a third offense, the student shall be suspended from the University for an indefinite period. For such offenses, the student, instructor, instructor’s Department Head, the student’s College Dean, and the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) shall be notified of the censure within five class/business days of the decision.
3.02:06 The assignment of cases involving student violations of University regulations to the appropriate University Administrator, hearing panel or appellate panel by either the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) or the appropriate Academic Unit.
3.02:07 The suspension, dismissal, expulsion, withdrawal of rights and privileges, or withdrawal of official University recognition of any student organization for violation of University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors or University policies, rules, and regulations, and for violation of federal, state, parish or municipal laws.
3.02:08 Generally, an administrative withdrawal, a temporary suspension, temporary withdrawal, temporary withdrawal of official University recognition, removable from ULM housing or dismissal from the University will be made when students or student organization members exhibit behavior posing a significant threat of danger or physical harm to themselves or others in the University community. Behaviors which are considered as posing a significant threat to the University community shall include but are not limited to the following acts enumerated briefly below and fully stated in the “Standards of Conduct for Students”, Section 5.03 of this Code:
  5.03:02 Firearms, etc.
  5.03:03 Arson
  5.03:05 Fire and Emergency Equipment
  5.03:07 False Reporting of Fire or Other Emergency, etc.
  5.03:08 False Reporting of Unlawful Explosive, etc.
  5.03:09 Rioting, etc.
  5.03:14 Visitation of Other College Campuses, etc.
  5.03:18 Vandalism, etc.
  5.03:23 Threat or Commission of Physical Violence, etc.
  5.03:24 Hazing
  5.03:29 Unauthorized occupation of any University Facility, etc.
  5.03:34 Unauthorized or Illegal Possession, etc.
  5.03:36 Falsification, Forgery, Alteration, etc.
  5.03:39 Theft, etc.
  5.03:46 Unauthorized Access to or Misuse of University Computers, etc.
  5.03:49 Convicted of a felony
  5.03:50 Formally Charged by Civil Authorities with the Commission of a Felony, etc.
  5.03:51 When there is Strong Convincing Evidence, etc.
  5.03:52 Sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual harassment as defined in the University Policies section (Chapter 4) of this manual.
  Other behaviors necessitating such University action may include the interference with the rights of other students, staff, or faculty of the University or with the exercise of any University-sanctioned activity or function.
3.02:09 In cases of psychological disturbance, additional University action, other than administrative withdrawal, temporary suspension or dismissal, may include but is not limited to:
  1. Notifying parents, guardians or significant others even though the student is 18 years or older.
  2. Initiating the action necessary to have the student restrained in the custody of persons or institutions qualified to deal with acute or chronic psychological disruptions. Placing the student in the custody of an institution may subject the student to medical care, medical procedures and costs for which the University is not responsible or liable.
  3. Following such behavior, the University reserves the right to remove an individual from the residence hall, require the student to have a licensed psychiatrist, psychologist or counselor provide a certified psychological or psychiatric evaluation stating that the student is competent to return and adjust to the University environment. Such documentation must be provided to the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) and to the University Counseling Center. Upon receipt of this evaluation and the student’s written request for reinstatement, the University will assess the submitted documentation and decide reinstatement. The University reserves the right to deny the student readmission into the University until such time that the student’s request and the certified evaluation qualifying the student’s competence is approved and meets the standards of reasonableness by the University.
3.02.10 The University’s jurisdiction over all violations of conduct standards which occur on or off the University campus. Student actions on campus that violate both University behavioral standards and federal, state, parish and municipal laws will be adjudicated by both the appropriate University Administrator or University Unit and the appropriate civil authorities.
3.02.11 The imposition of administrative withdrawal, temporary suspension, provisional status, removable from residence hall or dismissal of a student arrested for a violent felony. When reasonably possible, the appropriate University Administrator will impose one of these censures. Within a reasonable time period and depending on the student’s status with civil authorities, the University may hold a hearing before a Conduct Standards Committee which will determine if the student’s presence on the campus constitutes:
  1. A threat of danger to self,
  2. A threat of danger to others of the University community,
  3. A threat of danger to property on the University premises, or
  4. An immediate threat of disruptive interference with the normal conduct of the University’s activities.

Once a determination is made, the Conduct Standards Committee may impose an appropriate censure(s).

3.02:12 To remove a student employed by the University from a position, with or without pay, during the course of an investigation by the University or by civil authorities. Student employees hired through the Residential Life Department and housed in Residential Life facilities (Hall Director apartment, Resident Assistant room, etc.) may be physically removed (to include personal possessions) from the University’s residential facilities or moved into another residential assignment during the course of an investigation.

3.03 General Statement of Student and Student Organization Responsibilities

When a student is admitted to the University of Louisiana at Monroe or when a student organization is officially approved by the University, the student and student organization are then obligated to learn, respect and abide by all of the University’s policies and to assume responsibility for the consequences of one’s own actions. Moreover, the student and student organization are obligated to assume the responsibilities of a mature individual or a law-abiding student organization respectively:

3.03:01 To abide by the behavioral standards of the University and the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors.
3.03:02 To inform the appropriate University department about the presence of an employing firm coming on to the campus.
3.03:03 To attend enrolled classes regularly and punctually and to know attendance requirements.
3.03:04 To submit excuses to the professor for all class absences within three days after returning to class.
3.03:05 To abide by Federal, State, Parish and Municipal laws.
3.03:06 To hold inviolate the rights of others regarding freedom of expression and assembly.
3.03:07 To respect the rights and property of others including University Administrators, instructors, counselors, advisors, staff, students, guests and other University Officials.
3.03:08 To follow the principles of common decency and acceptable behavior suitable to a higher education institution where student conduct is to be exemplary at all times.
3.03:09 To realize that one’s behavior reflects either credit or discredit not only on self but also on the University community.
3.03:10 To respect all University property to include property of departments and other agencies housed on campus.
3.03:11 To complete all academic requirements for any class in which a student is enrolled.
3.03:12 To maintain current local and/or home addresses with the University Records or Registrar’s Office.
3.03:13 To maintain current organizational membership information with the Office of Student Life and Leadership and/or the appropriate University adviser on a semester to semester basis.
3.03:14 To inform all student organization members of the Hazing Policy, Privacy Act and other relevant organization information on a semester to semester basis.

3.04 General Statement of University Responsibilities

As the University affords students the opportunity for continued education and increased knowledge, the University therefore assumes responsibilities that include:

3.04:01 Providing an environment suitable to the pursuit of academic excellence.
3.04:02 Displaying leadership through all activities, functions and operations in the areas of academics, business and student affairs.
3.04:03 Protecting and maintaining high academic standards at all levels.
3.04:04 Establishing policies, procedures, rules and regulations relative to student life and consistent with other institutions of higher education.
3.04:05 Requiring students and student organizations to demonstrate habits, attitudes and behavioral standards consistent with socially acceptable mores of the community at large.
3.04:06 Providing students and student organizations with due process when violations of University policies have occurred.
3.04:07 Recognizing student organizations for any lawful, educational-related purpose upon the submission of a constitution and by-laws, the name of a faculty/staff adviser and an alphabetical list of members. The aforementioned must be submitted to the Department of Student Life who forwards these documents to the Office for Student Affairs for approval.
3.04:08 Denying or reasonably limiting a student or student organization the right of access to University facilities when the student or student organization has previously committed physical abuse or vandalism of facilities. In such cases, the University will also demand restitution for damages from the student(s) or student organization.
3.04:09 Maintaining student information and academic records vital to the student organization or vital to the student’s education and to University research and policy formulation.
3.04:10 Exercising discretion in recording and disseminating information about all students and student organizations to ensure that privacy is maintained.