Mar 31, 2025  
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Physical Facilities


The University Library and Conference Center

The university library’s purpose is to support the mission of the University of Louisiana at Monroe in its academic endeavors, research via technology applications, collection building, and the provision of e-literacy instruction to students, faculty, and staff.  The university library also serves non-university users such as businesses, individuals, non-profit organizations, and government entities, particularly in the areas of northeast Louisiana history and the library’s special collections and archives.

The library is a member of OCLC, the largest resource-sharing network of world libraries, enabling cataloging, bibliographic verification, and interlibrary loan via computers connected online to the system headquarters.  The Library’s electronic catalog is a part of LOUIS, the state-wide library network, which provides access to bibliographic and abstracting sources.  As a part of LOUIS, the Library has access to EBSCOhost, providing ULM users access to over 70,000 full-text electronic journals. The university library also provides access to more than 100,000 electronic books.

All are welcome to use the resources of the university library. To borrow library materials one must have a valid ID card; be enrolled in a cooperative program offered by other institutions; become a member of Friends of the ULM Library; or acquire a ULM Alumni Honorary Card.

Director: Don Smith, Dean of the ULM Library
Contact: (318) 342-1050
Web site:

Centers, Institutes, and Clinics

Center for Business and Economic Research

The Center for Business and Economic Research functions to stimulate research activities of the faculty and to serve the business and industrial populace of northeast Louisiana in solving the business and economic problems of the area. The center gathers, analyzes, interprets, and disseminates statistical information resulting from investigations of potential economic significance to the Northeast Louisiana area.

Director: Dr. Robert C. Eisenstadt
Web site:
Location: Hemphill Hall, 1st Floor

Communication Resource Center

The Communication Resource Center serves the Department of Communication by providing a space for the Speech and Debate Forum to hold forensic labs, department meetings, graduate comprehensive exams, and a library.  Located in Stubbs Hall, Room 117, the Communication Resource Center is also used for instructional purposes, interviewing prospective candidates, and is reserved by other departments when other meeting places are unavailable.

Department head: Dr. Carl L. Thameling
Satellite secretary for Stubbs Hall: Mrs. Linda Davis
Contact: (318) 342-3184; (318) 342-1551
Location: Stubbs Hall, Room 117

Digital Media Studio

The Digital Medial Studio is a highly specialized multimedia studio in the College of Education and Human Development. It houses 20 iMac computers, scanners, digital still cameras, digital voice recorders, video cameras, and presentation equipment. The studio, staffed by student workers from the university, enables students to create and develop digital portfolios and multimedia presentations. The studio also assists students with the college’s electronic assessment system, Taskstream.

Director: Dr. Leonard Clark
Contact: (318) 342-1242
Web site:
Location: Strauss Hall, Room 265

Doctoral Research Center

The Doctoral Research Center provides a technology-rich environment for group and individual research, video conferencing, and media-based presentations. The center is also used for seminar and doctoral-level committee meetings and consultations.

Contact: (318) 342-1288
Location: Strauss Hall, Room 154-B

Human Performance Laboratory

This laboratory serves as an integral part of the science core curriculum for undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Kinesiology. Practical experience related to career choices is provided to students in the areas of teaching, physiological assessment, wellness, cardiac rehabilitation, and other sports medicine fields.

Students and faculty use the facilities for research, and the laboratory provides a comprehensive fitness testing program to the university and the community.

Director: Dr. Ken Alford, Dr. Lisa Colvin
Contact: (318) 342-1306
Location: Brown Hall, Room 137

Institute of Corrections and Juvenile Justice

The Institute of Corrections and Juvenile Justice is charged with providing continuing education and training, beyond basic jailer training, to corrections personnel in public and private corrections agencies. It also has the responsibility to initiate, coordinate, and conduct special programmatic activities related to juvenile and adult correctional populations. The jurisdiction includes Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, although personnel from other areas are invited to attend training sessions.

Director: Dr. Attapol Kuanliang, Graduate Coordinator of Criminal Justice
Contact: (318) 342-1443
Location: Stubbs Hall, Room 208

Institute of Gerontology

The Institute of Gerontology conducts research and provides in-service training for those in the fields of health and social sciences and maintains community service programs to meet the specialized needs of older persons.

The institute further offers academic courses through a multidisciplinary spectrum to develop students for work with older adults. The unit encourages research related to the aging process.

Director: Dr. Karen Frye, Interim Department Head
Contact: (318) 342-1465
Location: Stubbs Hall, Room 103

Institute of Law Enforcement

The Institute of Law Enforcement is charged with the responsibility of providing continuing education and training, beyond basic certification and re-certification training, for law enforcement personnel. Its jurisdiction includes Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Personnel from other areas may also attend training sessions. The unit determines training needs and schedules and conducts training sessions utilizing qualified instructors.

Director: Dr. Robert Hanser, Department Head
Contact: (318) 342-1443
Location: Stubbs Hall, Room 208

Kitty DeGree Speech and Hearing Center

The Kitty DeGree Speech and Hearing Center provides quality speech, language, and hearing services to children and adults throughout northeast Louisiana. It allows students to conduct applied clinical research and complements academic instruction which prepares students to enter practice in diagnosis and management as speech-language pathologists. The students’ clinical experience is supervised by ASHA certified personnel. Interested individuals may contact the center for additional information.

Director: Ms. Sarah Hayes
Contact: (318) 342-1395
Web site:
Location: Sugar Hall, Room 152

Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic

The Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic provides therapy services to ULM faculty, staff, and students, and to the general public. Therapy services are provided in the areas of child and adolescent problems, marital conflicts, infidelity, divorce and custody issues, spousal abuse, substance abuse, mental illness, depression, grief, and other individual and family issues. Services are available to individuals, couples, and families for a nominal fee each session. Fees are negotiable. Services are free to ULM faculty, staff, and students.

Director: Dr. Bethany Simmons, Director of Clinical Services
Contact: (318) 342-5678 or (318) 342-1281
Web site:
Location: Strauss Hall, Room 112

Mass Communications Labs

Digital Audio Lab

Mass Communication houses its digital audio lab in Stubbs 152. The lab consists of two iMac computers and two high-end Blue Yeti Mics. This area is solely used for voice-overs, audio editing, podcast production, and voice dictation practice. Garage Band, Audacity, and other audio editing software are installed and maintained on the computers.

The lab is maintained by Assistant Professor John Rodriguez and knowledgeable student workers. The audio lab serves as a hub for students and faculty who wish to create real podcast productions or record and edit voice-overs for video projects.

Digital Mac Lab

Mass Communication houses an extensive and state-of-the-art Mac lab. The Mac lab consists of twenty-one 27” iMacs which are fully loaded with the latest hardware, as well as software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Acrobat Pro, and Final Cut Express. The MCOM Mac Lab also maintains 10 flatbed scanners, 10 Wacom Tablets, six Olympus E-510 Digital SLRs, and two Nikon D30s, and makes use of an HD projector for teaching and presentations.

Instruction is provided by professors, Dr. Bette Kauffman, Dr. Chris Mapp, Dr. Peggy Bowers, and John Rodriguez, MFA of the MCOM program and the student workers, who maintain the equipment. Our lab is used to develop campaign ideas, create communication design projects, edit video, develop websites, and deliver curriculum instruction.

Digital Production Lab

Mass Communication houses a state-of-the-art digital video production lab. This lab is used for post-production editing and special effects creation. The lab maintains seven high-end dual core Xeon Mac Pros; each Mac Pro makes use of dual 24” Mac Studio monitors. The production lab also has a video ingestion device for quick capture of recorded footage.

Each Mac Pro has Adobe Photoshop, Flash, Premiere Pro, Sound Booth, After Effects, Illustrator, Encore, Final Cut Pro, Sound Edit, DVD Studio Pro, and Motion. Students are able to create fully interactive DVDs, edit video and audio, and produce high-quality digital cinema.

Students and faculty are also able to check out three Sony 1000U shoulder-mounted HD camcorders, two Sony HD camcorders with XLR inputs, and five standard definition Sony Handycams. Tripods and remote mic packs are also available for mobile digital cinema production.

The lab is maintained by Assistant Professor John Rodriguez and knowledgeable student workers. The goal of this lab is to provide MCOM students with a simulated real-world post production and special effects creation scenario, and to serve as a digital video hub for the entire ULM campus.

Digital Video Lab

Mass Communication houses and maintains a state-of-the-art digital video lab. The digital video lab consists of three full-time, in-studio Sony Camcorders which connect to a digital video switcher. The video switcher feeds all video signals to a state-of-the-art Tricaster system. Audio is also channeled through a digital audio mixer into the Tricaster system to create a complete video/audio stream. As video and audio are mixed down, students are able to save video broadcasts, which can either be streamed live on the web or archived for post-production. The Tricaster is connected to a video file server; this enables students to store their files and access them from the post-production lab (located in Stubbs 154).

The digital video lab also makes use of green screens, Cool Lux professional lighting kits, and virtual set technology. The lab is maintained by Assistant Professor John Rodriguez and knowledgeable student workers. The goal of this lab is to provide MCOM students with a simulated real-world video production scenario, and to serve as a digital video hub for the entire ULM campus.

Department Head: Dr. Carl L. Thameling
Satellite secretary for Stubbs Hall: Mrs. Linda Davis
Contact: (318) 342-3184; (318) 342-1551

North Delta Regional Training Academy

The unit was established to provide basic training for peace officers. It schedules and conducts classes to meet needs as mandated by the Police Officer Standards and Training Council (POST). The academy coordinates with the directors of the Institute of Corrections and Juvenile Justice and the Institute of Law Enforcement, and assists them in matters of mutual concern. Designated staff of the academy also conduct appraisal and evaluation services of personnel and program performance in outlying agencies throughout the region.

Director: Capt. Donald P. Stewart (retired)
Contact: (318) 362-5558
Location: 420 Wheelis Street, West Monroe, LA 71291

Northeast/Central Louisiana Regional Tumor Registry

The North Louisiana Regional Tumor Registry is responsible for abstracting every newly diagnosed cancer in the 12 parishes of northeast Louisiana, the nine parishes in northwest Louisiana, and the six parishes in central Louisiana. The registry is a part of the Louisiana Tumor Registry that collects and processes cancer incidence data from eight geographic regions, and is a clinical site for Louisiana Tech University Health Informatics and Information Management students.

Director: Ms. Nadine S. Johnston, RHIA, CTR
Contact: (318) 342-1840
Web Site:
Location: Sugar Hall, 4th Floor

Small Business Centers

Small Business Development Center

The Small Business Development Center provides management and technical assistance to entrepreneurs and owners of existing businesses in northeast Louisiana through continuing education, one-on-one counseling, and technical assistance. Additionally, the center serves as an information resource center.

Workshops and seminars keep small businesses informed on current events and changing trends in the business world. The center houses business publications, statistical data, census figures, and start-up manuals. A computerized information base with a national networking capacity is also maintained.

Small Business Institute

The Small Business Institute provides small business owners with volunteer consulting services from ULM graduate students and seniors under the direction of qualified ULM staff and faculty. The primary objectives are to provide high-quality management and technical assistance, as well as provide to students an opportunity to apply knowledge gained in the classroom. Consultants are available in the ares of financial strategy development, advertising strategy development, valuing going concerns, marketing research, marketing strategy development, production management, bookkeeping systems, and logo development.

Director: TBA
Contact: (318) 342-1224
Web site:

Location: Hemphill Hall

Social Science Research Lab

ULM created the Social Science Research Laboratory to expand inter-disciplinary research efforts. Faculty representing social psychology and political science have identified individuals from various disciplines interested in interdisciplinary research collaboration in applied research projects with the potential to positively impact our community; service-learning is an extremely important component in virtually everything we do.

The laboratory has research fellows at ULM and elsewhere representing psychology, political science, and sociology.

The lab continues to promote a knowledge-based economy and a research and development corridor in northern Louisiana.

Co-Directors: Dr. Joseph McGahan and Dr. John Sutherlin
Contact: (318) 342-3135
Web site:

Location: Strauss Hall, Room 359

Soil-Plant Analysis Laboratory

The Soil-Plant Analysis Laboratory provides soil, plant, microbiological, water and wastewater analysis services.

The ULM Soil Plant Analysis Laboratory serves the regional municipal, industrial and agricultural communities as well as the community at large in northeast Louisiana and is the only soil and plant analysis lab located on a university campus in north Louisiana to offer a full range of such services.

Laboratory manager: Kristopher Kelley
(318) 342-1948
Web site:

Location: Chemistry and Natural Science Building, Room 117

Student Publications

Student Publications serves as a fully functioning newsroom and media design production facility under the auspices of the Department of Communication. Located in Stubbs Hall Room 131, Student Publications is home to the Hawkeye student newspaper, the Chacahoula yearbook, and the Helicon, a literary magazine published once a year in conjunction with the Department of English. The newsroom/studio features multiple iMac computers, scanners, digital cameras, video cameras, voice recorders, and the latest Adobe Creative Suite desktop publishing and video/photography software. The newsroom/studio also features a 42-inch, wall-mounted, flat-screen television and two smaller flat screen televisions used for watching newscasts.

Director: Christopher Mapp
(318) 342-5454
Location: Stubbs Hall, Room 131

The Write Place

The Write Place is an informal, comfortable, and technologically-advanced space where writers at any level or point in the writing process can talk about their writing concerns with tutors who are willing to listen, share, and respond. The goal of these tutorial writing conversations is not necessarily to perfect a given paper so much as it is to help writers investigate their own thinking and writing processes as they work through writing assignments in their classes.

Director: Ms. Meredith McKinnie
Contact: (318) 342-1523
Web site:

Location: University library, first floor

Activity Center

The ULM Activity Center serves as one of the finest recreational/fitness facilities in the South. The $5 million student-funded facility opened on March 1, 1993. The 88,000-square-foot complex houses the Recreational, Intramural, and Wellness programs.

The facility includes five multi-purpose courts (basketball, volleyball, and badminton), six glass-wall racquetball/wallyball courts, a 2,300-square-foot group exercise room, a 4,200-square-foot weight room with machines and free weights, a cardiovascular/fitness area with stationary bikes, stairmasters, elliptical trainers, rowing machines, treadmills and stretching area, an elevated cushioned jogging track (6.5 laps/mile) with pace clocks, men’s and women’s locker rooms equipped with saunas and steam rooms, a lounge area with a big-screen TV and refreshment center, and a service center for equipment checkout, towel rental, and locker rental.

Open: Daily, flexible seasonal hours
Closed: Major holidays
Admission: $20 student fee included in tuition

Director: Ms. Treina Landrum
Contact: (318) 342-5305
Web site:

Location: Warhawk Way, next to Malone Stadium

Residence Halls/Residential Life

ULM has a total of six residence halls and the Bayou Village apartment complex.

Bayou Village Apartments: The apartments are one-bedroom/one bath, two-bedroom/two bath and four bedroom/four bath apartments. Each apartment is fully furnished including all kitchen appliances and a wash/dryer combination. All utilities, Internet, local phone service and digital TV with HBO in all the bedrooms plus the living room are included in the price of the room. Each apartment has its own HV/AC unit. Residents may choose an academic year contract or an academic plus summer contract. The apartments do not close during the winter break.

Bayou Suites and University Commons II: These are two-bedroom/one bath suites and are inside corridor buildings. Bayou Suites is a freshmen only Scholars Hall with a required 3.5 cumulative GPA requirement.  Each room has high speed Internet, digital cable TV with HBO, local phone service, ceiling fans, individual HV/AC units for each suite, and laundry facilities throughout the buildings, computer lab, and vending machines. 

University Commons I: This building is double occupancy rooms with a shared bathroom. Each room has high speed Internet, digital cable TV with HBO, local phone service, ceiling fans, and individual HV/AC units. There are laundry facilities throughout the buildings, a computer lab, and vending machines as well as community rooms for programming.

Madison (male only) and Ouachita (female only): These residence halls are double occupancy suite style rooms with a shared bathroom. Each room has digital cable TV with HBO, local phone service, high speed Internet and individual HV/AC units. There is a laundry facility, computer lab, and vending machines centrally located for the use of the residents.

Masur Hall: This is an all-female, exterior corridor building.  It has double occupancy suites with a shared bathroom.  All rooms have high speed Internet, digital cable TV with HBO, local phone service, and building-wide HV/AC system. There is a community building that includes large screen TV, study areas, computer lab, a laundry facility, and vending machines.

Building Access: Bayou Suites, University Commons I and II, Ouachita Hall, and Bayou Village Apartments are controlled access buildings. Students assigned to these buildings will use their ID cards to access the buildings and are issued keys to their individual rooms.  Madison Hall and Masur Hall are exterior corridor buildings with key access to their rooms.

Director: Ms. Tresa Buckhaults
Contact: (318) 342-5240
Web site:


Student Union Building and Student Center

Constructed in 1938 and renovated with a large addition in 1962, the Student Union Building (or SUB, as it is sometimes called) is considered the gathering place for students, faculty and staff members, alumni, and friends of the university. The SUB and the Student Center had major renovations during 2006 with funding raised by self-assessed fees from the students of ULM.

The renovated facilities include a ballroom, meeting rooms, SGA and Campus Activities Board offices, computer lab, Student Copy Center, social areas, and the University Food Court.

The University Bookstore

The ULM student’s one-stop resource for textbooks, stationery, and everything needed for success in the classroom such as backpacks, notebooks, pens, and binders. The University Bookstore also offers a large variety of school logo apparel, including hats, caps, t-shirts, shorts, and sweats in sizes from infants to XXXL.

Open: Mon-Thurs, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Fri, 7:30 a.m.-noon
Closed: Weekends

Contact: (318) 342-1982
Web site:
Location: Sandel Hall

Bry Art Gallery

Art exhibits change monthly and feature all types of student media including paints, drawings, prints, sculpture, photography, and ceramics. Exhibits are primarily by professional artists with some students shows throughout the year. The Bry Art Gallery features an art show by area children each May.

Open: Mon-Th, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m./Fri, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Closed: Weekends and holidays
Admission: Free

Director: Mr. Cliff Tresner
Contact: (318) 342-1375
Web site:
Location: Bry Hall, first floor

Museum of Natural History

The Museum of Natural History houses extensive research collections in the biological sciences, and geological and archaeological exhibits. It comprises three divisions: Botany, Geosciences, and Zoology.

The Botany Division features an herbarium of more than 470,000 dried plant specimens. The herbarium is the largest in the state and one of the fastest growing in the nation. Primarily for a historical record, the herbarium offers research and teaching functions, and free identification of local plant specimens.

The Geosciences Division houses Native American artifacts, material from the South Pacific, and geological and fossil specimens from many areas, especially Louisiana.

The Zoology Division houses a nationally ranked collection of fishes. With more than 12 million specimens, it rivals research collections at Cornell, the University of Michigan, Harvard, and Tulane. It also features large collections of reptiles and amphibians, primarily from the Southern United States and Mexico.

Admission: Free

Director: Dr. Tom Sasek, Dr. Gary Stringer, and Dr. John Carr
Contact: (318) 342-1868
Web site:
Location: Hanna Hall, first floor

Wesley Art Gallery

The Wesley Art Gallery is the second oldest art gallery in Monroe. Each month it features a different one-person art exhibit, usually by ULM student artists. Exhibited are all types of studio media such as paints, drawings, prints, sculpture, photography, ceramics, and weaving. In 1965, the gallery began building a permanent collection which features at least one art work from each year since. The permanent collection provides a history of ULM in the art forms.

Open: Daily (including holidays), 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Admission: Free

Location: 112 Delano Drive (next to Strauss Hall)

ULM Dental Hygiene Clinic

The dental hygiene clinic is open to the public, including ULM students and faculty. Treatments provided are: x-rays, deposit removal and polishing, sealants, flouride, nutritional assessment, and oral cancer screenings. The clinic is located in Caldwell Hall, and appointments can be made by calling (318) 342-1616. A minimalfee is charged. A dentist is available in each clinic in the event that a referral is needed for further dental treatment.

Director: Ms. Sharon Chaney, Clinical Coordinator
Contact: (318) 342-1270
Web site:
Location: Caldwell Hall, Room 124

ULM Child Development Center

The ULM Child Development Center is a five-star rated laboratory setting providing quality care and education for young children. It is operated by the College of Education and Human Development, Department of Curriculum and Instruction. This laboratory is an on-site child care facility with children ranging in age from six weeks through four years. Children of ULM faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members may enroll at the ULM Child Development Center.

The center provides experiences for children that focus on the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional development of each child. The center’s primary goal is to provide practical experiences in best practices for university students to prepare them for a variety of professions in which they will work with young children.

Open: Mon-Fri, 7:15 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Closed: In corellation with ULM semester breaks and holidays

Director: Ms. Emily Williamson
Contact: (318) 342-1913
Web site:

Clarke M. Williams Student Success Center

Opened in 2007, the Clarke M. Williams Student Success Center houses a computer lab, rooms for group study and tutoring, and multi-media rooms. A full-time advising staff provides academic support services for all students, including assisting students with planning course loads and exploring career options.

In addition to its academic counseling services, the Student Success Center has a modern computer lab with extended hours of operation available to all students. Included in this is technical support.

Open: Mon-Thurs, 7:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Fri 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Closed: Sat-Sun (Academic Advisors); Sun (Computer Lab)
Admission: Free to students

Director: Ms. Barbara Michaelides
Contact: (318) 342-5550
Web site:

Location: Northeast Drive, next to University Library

ULM Community Counseling Center

The ULM Community Counseling Center is designed to provide counseling and substance abuse counseling services to the general public. The services are provided by advanced graduate students under the supervision of a faculty member.

Walk-ins are welcomed, but appointments are recommended. Services are available to the public at a maximum fee of $25. ULM students who have paid their activity fees may use the center at no additional cost.

Open: Mon.-Thurs., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Closed: Weekends
Fees: Up to $25 for the public; free for ULM students

Director: Dr. Yolanda Dupre
Contact: (318) 342-1263
Web site:
Location: Strauss Hall, Room 284