2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
School of Nursing
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Arrant, Bailes, Brooks, Burgess, Campbell, Craighead, Davenport, Doughty, Durkee, Glaze, Holmes, Hughes, Hummel, Jones, Kennedy, Kincannon, Lewis, Miller, Moreau, Morgan, Moss, Reid, Sabin, Smart, Warren, Wiggins
General Information
The School of Nursing offers the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Curriculum options for the traditional student, the RN student, the LPN student and students with a previous baccalaureate degree in a field other than nursing are available. The nursing curriculum is composed of two segments, pre-nursing and professional nursing. The pre-nursing segment includes three academic semesters, or the equivalent, in an accredited college or university. It is concerned with instruction in general education and the basic physical and biological sciences to prepare the student for professional nursing. After admission to the professional program, there are five academic semesters concerned with instruction in professional nursing courses necessary to prepare the student for the practice of professional nursing. For specific information about the program for students with a previous baccalaureate degree, please see the section related to the accelerated program. It should be noted that prior criminal convictions may have a bearing on admission decisions when applying for the professional program in nursing.
Core Curriculum
All majors in the baccalaureate curricula having pre-professional and professional segments within the School of Nursing complete a general education core curriculum consisting of English, 6 hours; Mathematics, 6 hours; Natural Sciences, 9 hours; Arts, 3 hours; Humanities, 9 hours; and Social Sciences, 6 hours.
Mission Statement
The University of Louisiana at Monroe School of Nursing shares the University’s commitment to instruction, research, and service. The primary mission of the School of Nursing is to offer a specialized program of study of nursing science which will prepare its graduates for effective service as beginning professional nurses who will practice in a variety of health care delivery settings as clinicians, leaders, and agents of change, provide its graduates with the background necessary for further professional education and growth, and provide an environment in which its graduates can develop a desire for life-long learning and a passion for the practice of nursing as a discipline of science, caring, and compassion. Further, it is the mission of the School of Nursing to provide continuing education to meet the needs of the nursing community, of Northeast Louisiana, provide professional service to the community, and promote the development of the nursing profession through scholarly activity.
Admission to Pre-Nursing
Applicants for admission to the pre-nursing curriculum must meet the general admission requirements for admission to the University.
Applications are to be submitted to the University Admissions Office.
Admission to the Professional Nursing Program
The School of Nursing offers clinical and didactic, instruction in the professional program. The School is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, One Dupont Circle, N.W., Suite 350, Washington, D.C., 20036 -1120. Admissions are based upon the availability of clinical sites and faculty. With all factors being equal, preference is extended to Louisiana residents.
Applicants for admission to the professional program, in addition to meeting the requirements for admission to the University, must fulfill the requirements of the pre-nursing curriculum and entrance exam. An applicant to the Traditional, or LPN program must possess a minimum, corrected cumulative grade point average of 2.8 in all required pre-nursing courses, excluding grades earned in developmental education courses. Applicants to the Accelerated option, see Accelerated Admission Criteria . In addition, no grade less than “C” will be accepted in any pre-nursing course. Courses with NURS prefix may be repeated only once.
Application forms for admission to the professional program in Nursing may be obtained from the Office of the School of Nursing and online. Completed application forms, along with the application fee, are to be received by the Director of the School of Nursing by March 1 for the Fall Semester and by October 1 for the Spring Semester. Each application will be reviewed individually for compliance with the requirements for admission and licensure of the Louisiana State Board of Nursing described in the Louisiana Administrative Code. The Director of the School of Nursing will take final action and notify the student.
Due to the utilization of objective criteria in processing applications, attainment of minimum requirements in the pre-nursing curriculum does not necessarily ensure admission to the professional nursing program. If for some reason a student is not admitted to the nursing program, reapplication must be made following the regular procedure. The student must fulfill all prerequisites in the required sequence of courses leading to application for the professional program in Nursing.
Nursing students are required to submit a physical examination report to the office of the Director of the School of Nursing upon admission. For the protection of the student and to meet the requirements of affiliating agencies, certain health related information is required at the time of admission to the professional program. These requirements are based on recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and are subject to change as recommendations change. Professional healthcare students, i.e., nursing students must prove non-communicable with TB testing yearly. (Sanitary Code, State of Louisiana). The Mantoux skin test and Hepatitis B immunization can be obtained through Student Health Services for a nominal cost. Mantoux skin test and Hepatitis B immunization may also be obtained from other sources, with the student providing appropriate and specific documentation to Student Health Services. After admission to the professional program, the Mantoux skin test must be repeated and results recorded by Student Health Services each year. Prior to entering clinical each semester, all students must submit proof of CPR - Health Care Provider, according to the School of Nursing Student Handbook. Health insurance is required for all students.
At any time that a student is enrolled in pre-nursing or nursing, the Louisiana State Board of Nursing requires knowledge of: (a) information regarding whether a student has ever been arrested, charged with, convicted of, pled guilty or no contest to, or been sentenced for any criminal offense in any State; and/or (b) information regarding any actual or pending disciplinary action against them by any licensing board. These facts must be reported to the Director of the School of Nursing who will forward the information to the Board. Entrance into or continuation in the program will be dependent on the Board’s action.
Retention in the Professional Nursing Program
Failure of a student to earn a “C” or better (progressive grade) in a professional nursing course will result in automatic probation from the professional nursing program. Students who desire readmission after being on probation, suspended, resigning, or withdrawing from the professional nursing program must submit an application for readmission through the School of Nursing Admissions and Academic Standards Committee. Students who have enrolled in or earned a non-progressive grade in a required nursing course may be readmitted to repeat that course only one time and, in addition, may be readmitted to repeat courses in only two semesters. A failure in either component of a combined theory/clinical course will require that both components be repeated. Readmission is not automatic, and must be considered on an individual basis.
Students enrolled in the professional program of the School of Nursing are responsible and accountable for their actions related to patient care. All students must be CPR certified, according to the School of Nursing Student Handbook, to enter a clinical area. A score of 80% on a test of dosage calculations is required each semester before entering clinical. In addition, a score of 100% is required on a drug safety test each semester. Failing to successfully pass both of these tests by the third attempt will necessitate the student dropping all courses with a clinical component. The faculty in the course involved and the Director have the right and responsibility to impose sanctions on a student whose conduct in the clinical setting is detrimental to patient welfare. Sanctions can include suspension from the course with a grade of “F” and may result in permanent suspension (dismissal) from the School of Nursing. Students will be required to take nationally normed tests throughout the curriculum, make a satisfactory score on such tests, and follow the remediation policy of the School of Nursing. In the last semester of the curriculum, students will be required to take a comprehensive exam and to make a satisfactory score on such an exam prior to graduation and taking the licensing exam.
Probation/Suspension Regulations
NURSING PROBATION. Students who are in good academic standing in the School of Nursing and earn a non-progressive grade in one course will be placed on professional nursing probation.
NURSING SUSPENSION. Students who have earned a non-progressive grade in one course twice or have a third failure after repeating courses in two other semesters will be suspended from the professional program.
NURSING APPEAL. Students who wish to appeal their suspension from the professional program may appeal to the School of Nursing Admission and Academic Standards Committee.
NOTE: Suspension from the professional nursing program prevents students from registering for all university classes. However, students interested in another academic program may contact the dean’s office responsible for the program to discuss eligibility for the program. If eligible, the student should process a change of curriculum form in the dean’s office. They will then be permitted to register for classes according to the University calendar in effect.
- CN or NB — The grade of CN (non-progressive “C” which carries two quality points) or NB (non-progressive “B” which carries three quality points) may be assigned to students who fail to meet clinical or theory requirements. These grades indicate non-progression and successful completion of the course/courses is required before the student can progress.
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