Mar 03, 2025
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Nursing, B.S.N.
Traditional Student Curriculum Plan
Total hours for degree 120
Accelerated Option Curriculum Plan for Students with a Previous Baccalaureate Degree
The School of Nursing provides an opportunity for students who have a previous baccalaureate degree in a field other than nursing to be admitted into a curriculum specifically designed to facilitate attainment of a baccalaureate degree in nursing. Students must be accepted specifically into the Accelerated Program. Requirements include a previous baccalaureate degree, specific pre-nursing prerequisites, and a GPA of 3.0 on all prerequisite coursework applied to this degree. Students will be admitted to the accelerated option beginning yearly in January. Applicants must meet general admission requirements for admission to the University. Other requirements can be found under “Admission to the Professional Nursing Program” section. Required for accelerated program
Specific Courses required prior to admission to professional nursing courses:
Equivalent courses may be earned as part of the previous degree. Admission Requirements for Accelerated Program
A preliminary review of college transcripts must be conducted by an advisor prior to submitting an application in order to determine admission eligibility and identify any necessary course prerequisites. A GPA of 3.0 is required in the following courses: ENGL, MATH, CHEM, PSYC, SOCL, HLST, and BIOL. All other courses applied to the degree must have a grade of “C” or better. A letter must be submitted, that describes the applicant’s views of nursing as a profession and the qualities he/she possesses that will ensure success in professional nursing. A personal interview is required on-campus, with a member of the School of Nursing Administration. This interview will provide an opportunity to discuss program requirements, curriculum, nursing, and the applicant’s ability to complete a course of intensive study. All prerequisite courses and the baccalaureate degree must be completed prior to beginning the Accelerated Option. Retention in the Accelerated Program
Failure of a student to earn a “C” or better (progressive grade) in a professional nursing course will result in automatic suspension from the professional nursing program. If an accelerated student fails or drops a nursing course (or courses) or makes a non-progressive grade in a nursing course, that student will have a choice of three options. - The student may choose to apply for readmission and, if accepted, repeat the non-progressive nursing course(s) and additional courses as recommended by the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee with the next accelerated class.
- The student may apply for readmission in the next accelerated class and, if accepted, start from the beginning in the accelerated program.
- The student may complete all prerequisites for the traditional program and apply for readmission into the traditional program.
Students who desire readmission to the professional program after being suspended, resigning or withdrawing from the accelerated professional nursing program must submit an application for readmission through the School of Nursing Admissions and Academic Standards Committee. Students enrolled in the professional program of the School of Nursing are responsible and accountable for their actions related to patient care. In addition, a score of 80% on a dosage calculation test and a score of 100% on a drug safety test is required before each clinical. If appropriate scores are not achieved by the third test, the student must drop all nursing courses. The faculty in the course involved and the Director have the right and responsibility to impose sanctions on a student whose conduct in the clinical setting is detrimental to patient welfare. Sanctions can include suspension from the course with a grade of “F” and may result in permanent suspension (dismissal) from the School of Nursing. Curriculum Plan for Accelerated Program
Total requirements for degree 125
Registered Nurse Curriculum Plan
The School of Nursing provides an ONLINE opportunity for registered nurses to be admitted into the baccalaureate degree program. Graduates in nursing from NLNAC accredited and state-approved diploma and associate degree programs who have an unencumbered license to practice may be awarded forty semester credit hours based on current licensure at the time of admission. Applicants for admission to the professional program, in addition to meeting the requirements for admission to the University, must fulfill the requirements of the pre-nursing curriculum. An applicant to the RN program must possess a minimum, corrected cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in all required pre-nursing courses excluding grades earned in developmental courses. No entrance exam is required. Part-time and full-time study is available. This curriculum is a part of the GOLD program. Retention in the RN to BSN Program
Failure of a student to earn a “C” or better (progressive grade) in a professional nursing course will result in automatic probation from the professional nursing program. Students who desire readmission after being on probation, suspended, resigning, or withdrawing from the professional nursing program must submit an application for readmission through the School of Nursing Admissions and Academic Standards Committee. Students who have earned a non-progressive grade in a required nursing course may be readmitted to repeat that course only one time and, in addition, may be readmitted to repeat courses in only two semesters. Readmission is not automatic, and must be reconsidered on an individual basis. Students enrolled in the professional program of the School of Nursing are responsible and accountable for their actions related to patient care. The faculty in the course involved and the Director have the right and responsibility to impose sanctions on a student whose conduct in the clinical setting is detrimental to patient welfare. Sanction can include suspension from the course with a grade of “F” and may result in permanent suspension (dismissal) from the School of Nursing. The total number of hours required for the degree is 121. Thirty (30) hours must be earned through instruction offered by the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Pre-Requisite and Core Courses
Professional Course Requirements
Total Hours 26
40 credit hours granted with current LA RN license upon successful completion of all prerequisites and NURS 2020 . Total hours for degree 121
LPN to BSN Curriculum Plan
The School of Nursing provides an opportunity for licensed practical nurses to be admitted into the baccalaureate degree program. Graduates in nursing from state-approved licensed practical nurse programs who have an unencumbered license to practice in Louisiana may be admitted for part-time or full-time study. Provision is made for these students to demonstrate their achievement by taking examinations for credit in selected arts, sciences, and nursing courses. Twelve (12) credit hours may be earned throughout the program from proficiency tests and skills checkoff and recognized work experience. Students entering the program with a degree and transfer students with sophomore or above status are not required to take UNIV 1001. Other requirements can be found under “Admission to the Professional Nursing Program” section. For further information contact the School of Nursing. Retention in the LPN to BSN Program
Failure of a student to earn a “C” or better (progressive grade) in a professional nursing course will result in automatic probation from the professional nursing program. Students who desire readmission after being on probation, suspended, resigning, or withdrawing from the professional nursing program must submit an application for readmission through the School of Nursing Admissions and Academic Standards Committee. Students who have enrolled in or earned a non-progressive grade in a required nursing course may be readmitted to repeat that course only one time and, in addition, may be readmitted to repeat courses in only two semesters. A failure in either component will require that both components of a combined theory/clinical course be repeated. Readmission is not automatic, and must be considered on an individual basis. Students enrolled in the professional program of the School of Nursing are responsible and accountable for their actions related to patient care. All students must be CPR certified, according to the School of Nursing Student Handbook, to enter a clinical area. A score of 80% on a test of dosage calculations is required each semester before entering clinical. In addition, a score of 100% is required on a drug safety test each semester. Failing to successfully pass both of these tests by the third attempt will necessitate the student dropping all courses with a clinical component. The faculty in the course involved and the Director have the right and responsibility to impose sanctions on a student whose conduct in the clinical setting is detrimental to patient welfare. Sanctions can include suspension from the course with a grade of F and may result in permanent suspension (dismissal) from the School of Nursing. Students will be required to take nationally normed tests throughout the curriculum, make a satisfactory score on such tests, and follow the remediation policy of the School of Nursing. In the last semester of the curriculum, students will be required to take a comprehensive exam and to make a satisfactory score on such an exam prior to graduation and taking the licensing exam. Total hours for degree 120
*Credit received after successful completion of challenge examination. **Students should see the University Core Curriculum requirements. |