Feb 10, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

2019-2020 Undergraduate Core Curriculum


The General Education Core Curriculum was established to serve the long-term educational needs of ULM students; it provides students with broad-based knowledge and transferrable skills applicable to all majors and careers, teaches students to understand and value learning, and encourages students to recognize their ability to affect change in their communities and a diverse world. To these ends, courses have been selected for inclusion in the Core Curriculum based on their development of competencies in at least three of five learning domains identified by the University:
  • Quantitative literacy and scientific reasoning (applying mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills; supporting arguments with quantitative evidence; understanding and applying statistical information; understanding the scientific method, laboratory techniques, and experimental design)
  • Communication (creating written, oral, and visual presentations of ideas to inform or persuade using text, data, and/or images as appropriate to audience and purpose)
  • Critical thinking (recognizing ambiguity, exploring assumptions, and understanding context to create a reasoned, logical analysis)
  • Independent and collaborative problem-solving (demonstrating personal effectiveness skills including managing time and resources, focusing through distractions, and contributing positively to team efforts where applicable)
  • Civic and ethical awareness (considering multiple perspectives and beliefs; evaluating various consequences of actions; and understanding the individual’s role as a member of local, national, and global societies)
This strong educational foundation was adapted from and adheres to the Louisiana Board of Regents Statewide General Education Requirements, which stipulate that a minimum of 39 hours of credit in certain areas of English composition, mathematics, the natural sciences, the humanities, the fine arts, the social/behavioral sciences, and computer literacy must be earned by students pursuing a B.A. (Bachelor of Arts), B.S. (Bachelor of Science), or a Bachelor’s (non-designated) degree. (A complete list of the Louisiana Board of Regents Statewide General Education Requirements can be found here). ULM’s Core Curriculum ensures that undergraduate students will be intellectually well-equipped to complete their chosen programs of study, as well as to find a meaningful place in today’s integrated world.

ULM Common Core Curriculum

Foundation Courses

It is imperative that undergraduate students entering ULM are provided with a strong academic foundation upon which to build their future college careers. Ultimately, this structure, which follows many national trends, brings a much needed breadth and commonality to the ULM academic experience and makes it easier for students to transfer between majors.

  1. UNIVERSITY SEMINAR - UNIV 1001  (1 hour)
    ENGL 1001 - Composition I    
    ENGL 1002 - Composition II  
    ENGL 1010 - Honors Composition  *

    *Participants in the ULM Honors Program will take ENGL 1010  in place of ENGL 1002 . These students are not required to enroll in ENGL 1001 .
  1. MATHEMATICS - 6 hours
    MATH 1009 - Applied Algebra for College Students   
    MATH 1011 - College Algebra   
    MATH 1012 - Trigonometry   
    MATH 1013 - Elementary Functions   
    MATH 1014 - Applied Calculus   
    MATH 1016 - Elementary Statistics   
    MATH 1018 - Contemporary Mathematics   
    MATH 1031 - Calculus I   
    MATH 1032 - Calculus II   
    MATH 2002 - Applied Linear Algebra   
  • Students may not receive credit in both MATH 1009  and MATH 1011 .
  • Students may not use both MATH 1011  and MATH 1013  to satisfy the mathematics core requirement.
  • Students may not use both MATH 1012  and MATH 1013  to satisfy the mathematics core requirement.
  • Students may not use both MATH 1014  and MATH 1031  to satisfy the mathematics core requirement.    






*Six hours must be from a single subject area of biological or physical science. Three hours must be from the other area (i.e., both physical and biological sciences must be taken). Students may receive credit toward degree in only one of PHYS 1001, PHYS 2003, PHYS 2007 and PSCI 1001.

Atmospheric Sciences
ATMS 1001 - Introduction to the Atmosphere  
ATMS 1002 - Introduction to Severe Weather  
ATMS 1006 - Introduction to Climate Change  

CHEM 1001 - Introductory Chemistry I  
CHEM 1002 - Introductory Chemistry II  

CHEM 1007 - General Chemistry I  
CHEM 1008 - General Chemistry II  
CHEM 1050 - Integrated Chemistry for Education Majors  

GEOS 1001 - Earth Science   
GEOS 1002 - Natural Disasters and Hazards   
GEOS 1050 - Integrated Geosciences for Education Majors   
GEOS 2001 - Environmental Science   
GEOS 2080 - Oceanography   


BIOL 1001 - The Living World  
BIOL 1010 - Human Biology  

BIOL 1014 - Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology I  
BIOL 1015 - Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology II  

BIOL 1020 - Principles of Biology I  
BIOL 1022 - Principles of Biology II  

BIOL 1050 - Integrated Biology for Education Majors  

  1. HUMANITIES - 9 hours
    At least 3 hours must be a Literature course in the discipline of English. Acceptable Literature courses are identified in the list below with an asterisk(*).

*ENGL 2001 - British Literature I  
*ENGL 2002 - British Literature II  
*ENGL 2003 - World Literature I  
*ENGL 2004 - World Literature II  
*ENGL 2005 - American Literature I  
*ENGL 2006 - American Literature II  
*ENGL 2007 - Honors English  
*ENGL 2016 - African-American Literature  
*ENGL 2019 - Honors English  
*ENGL 2050 - Explorations in Literature   

CHIN 1001 - Elementary Chinese  
CHIN 1002 - Elementary Chinese  

COMM 1001 - Fundamentals of Communication  
COMM 1010 - Honors Communication Studies  
COMM 1018 - Interpersonal Communication  
COMM 2001 - Public Speaking  
COMM 2060 - Small Group Communication  

FRNH 1001 - Elementary French I  
FRNH 1002 - Elementary French II  
FRNH 1003 - French Study Abroad  
FRNH 1005 - Elementary French I and II  
FRNH 2001 - Intermediate French I  
FRNH 2002 - Intermediate French II  

  1. FINE ARTS - 3 hours
    Students must take one 3 hour fine arts course to fulfill this requirement.

    ART 1001 - Basic Design  
    ART 1003 - Drawing  
    ART 1009 - Art Appreciation  
    ART 2001 - Survey of Art I  
    ART 2002 - Survey of Art II  

    ARTS 1010 - Honors Arts  

    DANC 3001 - Theory and Application of Dance  

    MUSC 1001 - Fundamentals of Music Theory  
    MUSC 1091 - Enjoyment of Music  
    MUSC 1092 - Enjoyment of Jazz  

    THEA 1091 - Enjoying Theatre  
    THEA 2021 - Beginning Acting   

       Students must take at least three hours of social/behavioral sciences at the 2000 level or above. These courses are indicated with an asterisk(*) in the list below.




Core Curriculum Guidelines

  1. The student’s work in a major or minor may count toward meeting the University Core.
  2. Transfer students can apply equivalent hours earned at other universities to meet ULM core requirements (equivalency to be determined by the appropriate department head and the Board of Regents’ Statewide Student Transfer Guide and General Education Articulation Matrix).
  3. All freshman students are required to take the University Seminar for one credit hour (the course will not count toward any degree program and will be nontransferable).
  4. In the absence of a compelling reason, degree programs should refrain from defining or limiting student choices within the menu of prescribed general education courses.

Core Curriculum Abbreviations Used in Degree Plans or Programs of Study

Some degree plans specified that certain courses must be taken from within a menu of the sets of courses in the core curriculum. For those that did so, first the specific course will be listed in the degree plan, followed by the appropriate abbreviation which indicates which requirement is being fulfilled by the specified required core curriculum course. For example, if MATH 1013  and MATH 1031  must be taken by Computer Science majors, then the requirement will be listed as “MATH 1013 cm, MATH 1031 cm”. The core curriculum abbreviations which have been used are as follows:

  ce Core English Composition
  ch Core Humanities
  cf Core Fine Arts
  cm Core Mathematics
  cnp Core Natural/Physical Science
  cs Core Social Science