Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction

Courses numbered 1000 to 1999, freshman; 2000 to 2999, sophomore; 3000 to 3999, junior; 4000 to 4999, senior; 5000 to 5999, graduate; 6000 to 7999, graduate courses beyond the master’s level.  Where indicated, certain 4000-level courses are accepted for graduate credit.

The number after each course title indicates the semester hours credit. CR(credit) or NC (no credit) after a course title indicates a pass/fail course with no semester hours credit.

An abbreviation following a course description indicates the semester or summer term the course will normally be offered: F-fall semester; Sp-spring semester; Sum-entire summer session; Sum I - first summer term; Sum II - second summer term.  The word “even” or “odd” follows the description of a course which is offered only in alternate years.

Students may not enroll in more than one section of the same course specified in the University catalog without approval of the Registrar.  Students who register for more than one section of the same course may be arbitrarily dropped from one of the sections without notice.

Class pre-requisites must be completed as prescribed by the most current catalog, regardless of the catalog or curriculum in effect for any student.  Students who do not meet course qualifications or who have not completed pre-requisites for a course may be arbitrarily dropped without notice.

The courses that are listed in this catalog may be offered for credit in a variety of formats, including electronically mediated teaching.




  • RADT 4050 - Radiological Seminar

    2 cr.

    Presentation of oral and written reports on current topics in the Radiological Sciences. Students are required to prepare appropriate visual aids to illustrate their discussion.

    Prerequisite(s): RATE standing.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • RADT 4057 - Directed Study: Therapeutic Radiology

    3 cr.

    Individual investigation of selected problems in Therapeutic Radiology.

    Prerequisite(s): DLRT standing.
    (Formerly RADT 455B)

    F, Sp, Sum

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  • RADT 4058 - Directed Study: Nuclear Medicine

    3 cr.

    Individual investigation of selected problems in the Radiological Sciences. Content varies.

    Prerequisite(s): DLRT standing.
    (Formerly RADT 455C)

    F, Sp, Sum

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  • RADT 4059 - Ultrasonography

    3 cr.

    Individual investigation of selected problems in Ultrasonography.

    Prerequisite(s): DLRT standing.
    (Formerly RADT 455D)

    F, Sp, Sum

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • RADT 4063 - Directed Study: Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    3 cr.

    Individual investigation of selected problems in the Radiological Sciences. Content varies.

    Prerequisite(s): DLRT standing.
    (Formerly RADT 455J)

    F, Sp, Sum

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • RADT 4071 - CT Procedures and Sectional Anatomy

    3 cr.

    The principles and skills involved in the routine imaging in computed tomography and evaluation of human anatomy in cross-section. F.


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  • RADT 4073 - CT Instrumentation and Image Acquisition

    3 cr.

    Study of the development of current computed tomography equipment, how it is used and how cross-sectional images are acquired. F.


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  • RADT 4074 - Pathology, Pharmacology, and Patient Safety in CT

    3 cr.

    Introduction to pathologies detected in cross-sectional imaging, pharmacology specific to CT, and patient safety. F.


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  • RADT 4075 - Clinical Computed Tomography I

    5 cr.

    20 Hours per week of clinical computed tomography in an approved clinical setting. F.


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  • RADT 4076 - Clinical Computed Tomography II

    8 cr.

    20 Hours per week of clinical computed tomography in an approved clinical setting. S.


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  • READ 1001 - Reading Enhancement

    3 cr.

    Development of enhanced reading skills in vocabulary, comprehension, and speed.

    May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.

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  • READ 4019 - Teaching Reading – for Secondary Teachers

    3 cr.

    A study of the methods, materials, and practices which contribute to making an effective application of reading skills in the subject matter areas.

    Prerequisite(s): approval of instructor.
    (Formerly READ 418A)

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  • READ 4020 - Teaching Reading – for Elementary Teachers

    3 cr.

    A study of the methods, materials, and practices which contribute to making an effective application of reading skills in the subject matter areas.

    Prerequisite(s): approval of instructor.
    (Formerly READ 418B)

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  • READ 4022 - Literacy Interventions for Adolescents

    3 cr.

    Teaches secondary education majors to integrate reading, writing, speaking, and listening strategies and activities into adolescent reading instruction. Must be admitted to Teacher Education.

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  • READ 4081 - Continuing Studies in Reading

    1-3 cr.

    Various topics in reading.

    May be repeated. Credit may not be applied toward a degree. Grade of CR (Credit) or NC (No credit) will be awarded.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

Risk Management and Insurance

  • RMIN 2005 - Risk and Insurance

    3 cr.

    A study of pure risk and risk-bearing, including insurance and non-insurance methods of handling risks; introduction to life, disability, property, marine, and liability insurance.

    F, Sp

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  • RMIN 3007 - Property and Casualty Insurance

    3 cr.

    The fundamentals of property and casualty insurance, including analysis of contracts, rating, underwriting, regulation, and financial strength of insurers.

    Prerequisite(s): RMIN 2005  or permission of department head.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • RMIN 3008 - Business Risk Management

    3 cr.

    A study of the analysis and treatment of the pure, nonspeculative risks faced by the business firm. The development of the risk management process, exploration of the use of various risk management techniques on identified exposures, and application of the process and those techniques in a risk management case study. Applicable to any business major and to various non-business majors. Introduction to the concept of pure risk and the minimization of its costs to businesses, non-profit organizations, and government bodies.

    Prerequisite(s): RMIN 2005  and RMIN 3007  or permission of department head.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • RMIN 3009 - Life Insurance

    3 cr.


    Development of the life insurance business; carriers, types of insurance and annuity contracts and their uses, premium and reserve computation and state regulation, and problems on life insurance programs for individuals, families, and institutions.


    Prerequisite(s): RMIN 2005  or permissions of department head.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • RMIN 3011 - Health and Social Insurance

    3 cr.

    Analysis of the nature of health and social insurance; hospitalization and medical insurance, surgical benefits, major-medical coverages, disability income contracts; causes, extent, and economic consequences of old age dependency, unemployment, and disability.

    Prerequisite(s): RMIN 2005  or permission of department head.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • RMIN 3019 - Insurance Accounting

    3 cr.

    The use of accounting information to evaluate the financial stability and financial strength of insurance companies. Not open to accounting majors.

    Prerequisite(s): RMIN 2005 ; junior standing or permission of department head.
    (Same as ACCT 3019 )


    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • RMIN 3020 - Insurance Operations

    3 cr.

    Operations of an insurance company including regulation, underwriting, claims, ratemaking, and the financial accounting process and global strategies of an insurance organization.

    Prerequisite(s): RMIN 2005 

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  • RMIN 3021 - Commercial Property Insurance

    3 cr.

    Use of commercial property insurance and other risk management techniques to address an organization’s property loss exposures.

    Prerequisite(s): RMIN 2005 

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  • RMIN 3022 - Commercial Liability Insurance

    3 cr.

    Use of commercial liability insurance and other risk management techniques to address and organization’s liability loss exposure.

    Prerequisite(s): RMIN 2005 

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  • RMIN 4008 - Surplus Lines and Reinsurance

    3 cr.

    A study of the excess and surplus lines markets as well as the reinsurance sector of the insurance industry. With the multinational and complex nature of many firms, more insurance protection is purchased from surplus lines companies or associations like Lloyds of London, or self-insured by way of captive insurers established off-shore. The use of captives often places the firm in the position to deal directly with the reinsurance market. The formation and classification of these companies, their regulation, the products they sell, how they market the products, their accounting procedures, their financial statements, and their comparison to primary insurers, are covered.

    Prerequisite(s): RMIN 2005  and RMIN 3020  or permission of department head.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • RMIN 4010 - Insurance Internship

    3 cr.

    Planned and supervised work experience within the fields of risk management and insurance. Open only to juniors and seniors in Risk Management and Insurance program with approval of director.

    Prerequisite(s): RMIN 2005 

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  • RMIN 4023 - Insurance Seminar

    3 cr.

    A study of the application of various insurance coverage to fulfillment of personal, business, and social needs. Students are assigned special projects in the field of their interests.

    Prerequisite(s): RMIN 2005   or RMIN 3007  or RMIN 3009  or RMIN 3011  or permission of instructor.
    Sp, even

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • RMIN 4091 - Directed Study

    1-3 cr.

    Individual study of Insurance.

    Prerequisite(s): approval of department head.
    F, Sp, Sum

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  • SCIE 1000 - Mathematics Workshop for Incoming Freshmen

    Credit/No Credit

    Review of fundamental topics required for success in college algebra. Open only to incoming freshmen who participate in a mathematics study skills workshop. Credit/No Credit. Not for degree credit.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

Social Work

  • SOCW 1001 - Introduction to Social Work

    3 cr.

    The historical development of the social work profession to the present. The knowledge, values, and skills required for the profession are identified. The role of social workers in various fields of social work practice is described.

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  • SOCW 1002 - Social Welfare as an Institution

    3 cr.

    The structure and function of public and private agencies that have been developed to help meet human needs. This course will integrate society’s values with program services provided to prevent or alleviate social problems experienced by individuals, groups and communities.

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  • SOCW 2005 - Human Behavior and Social Environment I

    3 cr.

    An introduction to basic principles and fundamental concepts necessary for acquiring and organizing knowledge about human behavior and the social environment. Concentration on the stages of individual development from birth to old age. Students are required to complete a service learning project assigned by the classroom instructor.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCW 1001  and SOCW 1002  or approval of department head and/or instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCW 3001 - Interviewing and the Helping Relationship

    3 cr.

    Develops theoretical knowledge and practical skills in interviewing, and recording by studying concepts, principles, and techniques in the classroom and by applying them in role-play interview situations. Students are required to complete 30 clock hours of experiential learning in an agency approved by the classroom instructor.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCW 1001 , SOCW 1002 , and SOCW 2005  and Social Work major.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCW 3003 - Social Policy and Social Work

    3 cr.

    Learning to identify and analyze the processes of social policy decision-making in the social, political, and economic arenas. Examines societal values and ideologies which relate to the development of social policies and programs.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCW 1001 , SOCW 1002  and Social Work or Pre-Social Work major.
    Offered to non-majors who have completed the University core English composition, humanities, social sciences requirements with the permission of department head and/or instructor.

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  • SOCW 3005 - Human Behavior and Social Environment II

    3 cr.

    An introduction to knowledge, theories, and concepts about human behavior from the perspective of mezzo systems interactions with micro and macro systems.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCW 1001 ; SOCW 1002 ; and SOCW 2005  and Social Work or Pre-Social Work major.
    Offered to non-majors who have completed the University core English composition, humanities, social sciences requirements with the permission of department head and/or instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCW 3015 - Practice I

    3 cr.

    The focus of this course is to enhance and develop the skills necessary for generalist social work practice with micro and mezzo client systems. Utilization of an ecological systems approach to assessing and addressing problems in living is examined. The impact of human diversity on the practice intervention is emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCW 2005  and SOCW 3001  and Social Work major.

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  • SOCW 3020 - Fundamentals of Case Management

    3 cr.

    This course introduces students to the concept of case management and how it is used to provide human services. Students will explore the many factors affecting case management today including federal legislation, emerging client groups, technology, shifting demographics, new service delivery models, and the resulting ethical and legal dilemmas.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCW 1001 , SOCW 1002  and Social Work or Pre-Social Work major.
    Offered to non-majors who have completed the University core English composition, humanities, social sciences requirements with the permission of department head and/or instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCW 4003 - Family Violence and Social Work Practice

    3 cr.

    Identifies the four major kinds of violence with families; assesses the dynamics and complex issues associated with family violence and their implications for the social worker; looks at current local, state, and national efforts to resolve the problem. Emphasis is on an overview of treatment and prevention programs for victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior level standing or permission of the department head and/or the instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCW 4004 - Social and Emotional Aspects of Disabilities

    3 cr.

    The course examines physical and developmental disabilities from four basic perspectives using an interdisciplinary ecological approach: (1) physical and medical aspects of disabilities; (2) psychosocial and emotional aspects of disabilities; (3) micro and macro-level intervention approaches and (4) advocacy, policy-making, and legislative efforts by and on behalf of people with disabilities at the local, state, and national levels.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior level standing or permission of the department head and/or the instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCW 4005 - Differential Diagnosis

    3 cr.

    An organized introduction to and synopsis of the criteria for understanding and interpreting individual diagnoses in the DSM-IV and other diagnostic tools related to the functionality of human behavior in the context of diverse social systems.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2001  and PSYC 4001  and junior standing.

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  • SOCW 4008 - Child Abuse Recognition and Treatment

    3 cr.

    Defines the abused and neglected child; examines the dynamics associated with dysfunctional families and multi-level treatment approaches for the abused child and abusive parents. This course identifies characteristics of victims and abusers.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or approval of department head and/or instructor.,
    (Formerly 406)

    Students may not receive credit for both PSYC 4041 and SOCW 4008.

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  • SOCW 4010 - Human Services in a Rural Environment

    3 cr.

    This course examines human services in rural environments, stressing the social and cultural factors that affect the delivery of services in rural environments. Focus is on the practice skills and resource knowledge base needed by the helping professional to be most effective working with the rural micro, mezzo, and macro client systems.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or approval of the department head and/or instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCW 4011 - Social Work Practice With the Elderly

    3 cr.

    An introduction to the social, economic, and psychological dimensions of aging using a person-in-environment approach.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior level standing or permission of the department head and/or instructor.
    (Same as GERO 4011 .)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCW 4012 - Diversity

    3 cr.

    An analysis of the structure, culture, and social processes of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social economic status, and religious groups in America.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of instructory and/or Program Coordinator.

    Formerly: SOCL 4012

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  • SOCW 4016 - Practice II

    3 cr.

    Generalist social work theory and its application at the macro level of practice. This course will focus on the application of social work skills of assessment and problem-solving at the organizational and community level. To be taken concurrently with SOCW 4021  and SOCW 4022 . Social Work majors only.

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  • SOCW 4019 - The Child, Family, and Community

    3 cr.

    Examines the common and particular needs of children and families in the community from social and correction services systems, and resources.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of instructor and/or Program Coordinator.

    Formerly:  SOCL 4019 and SOCW 4001

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  • SOCW 4021 - Field Education in Social Work

    6 cr.

    Supervised practice in an approved social work agency for four full days weekly. Fall or Spring enrollment. Application must be made in the first month of the semester prior to enrolling in Field Work.

    Prerequisite(s): Completed all 1000 and 2000 level courses, earned a grade of “C” or higher in all courses required for a major, and earned a GPA of 2.3 in all courses required for the degree. During enrollment in Field Education, the student will enroll in SOCW 4016  and SOCW 4022 . One additional course may be taken during this semester.
    Social Work majors only.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCW 4022 - Field Education Seminar

    3 cr.

    To be taken by all students enrolled in SOCW 4021 , FIELD EDUCATION IN SOCIAL WORK. The course content is integrated with the field practicum experience. This is a capstone course addressing materials covered in all social work foundation areas from the perspective of a generalist social work practitioner. Emphasis is on value and ethics, diversity, research, social and economic justice, and populations-at-risk. The formal evaluation of social work students is conducted via an exit exam and an assessment of written and oral communication skills.

    Social Work majors only.

    Click here for course scheduling information.


  • SOCL 1001 - Introduction to Sociology

    3 cr.

    A survey of the basic concepts of sociology and techniques of sociological research; factors and principles influencing the social life of man.

    (Same as SOCL 1002  and 3000C.)


    LCCN: CSOC 2013

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  • SOCL 1002 - Introduction to Sociology: International Perspective

    3 cr.

    A survey of the basic concepts of sociology and techniques of sociological research; factors and principles influencing the social life of man. This course examines these factors from an international perspective.

    (Same as SOCL 1001  and 3000C.)

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  • SOCL 2003 - Social Problems

    3 cr.

    Individual, family, and community disorganization. Attention is given to social planning, reconstruction, and problems of minorities.

    LCCN: CSOC 2113

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  • SOCL 2026 - Perspectives on Aging

    3 cr.

    An orientation from practitioners in the community and from an academic interdisciplinary perspective to programs, services, issues, and problems in working with older persons.

    (Same as GERO 2026 )

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  • SOCL 3005 - Popular Culture

    3 cr.

    An indepth examination of the forms of popular culture - activities that occupy our leisure time – proliferation of these forms, and popular culture’s impact on socialization, life-styles, and social change.

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  • SOCL 3010 - Sociology in Film

    3 cr.

    An examination of sociological concepts and themes in American and foreign popular and educational films. A $5 fee will be assessed to cover partial cost of film rental.

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  • SOCL 3025 - Contemporary Social Movements

    3 cr.

    An examination of current social movements with an analysis of social and cultural background, forms of expression and organization, and their role and function in modern society.

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  • SOCL 4002 - Social Psychology

    3 cr.

    Significant effects of group membership on individual behavior; the basic importance of language and the socialization process; social change and mass behavior.

    Prerequisite(s): Non-social work majors only.
    (Same as PSYC 4002 )

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCL 4004 - Medical Sociology

    3 cr.

    An analysis of human adaptation to illness, the sick role, social organization of medical institutions, and the sociology of death.

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  • SOCL 4005 - Theories of Crime and Delinquency

    3 cr.

    An analysis of the extent of crime and delinquency; impact of crime and elinquency on society; physical, social, and psychological causation of crime and delinquency; and current issues in criminology.

    (Same as CJUS 4005 .)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCL 4006 - Religion and Society

    3 cr.

    A study of structure and functions of religion and its effect on society, culture, and personality, a comparative analysis of religion; and an examination of religion in American based on sociological research.

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  • SOCL 4008 - Environmental Sociology

    3 cr.

    An analytical and critical survey of current policy and dominant trends in environmental/sociological thought. Topics include preservationism, conservationism, deep ecology, NIMBYism, environmental justice, ecofeminism, and environmental risks and hazards.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCL 1001 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCL 4015 - Juvenile Delinquency and Justice

    3 cr.

    The nature, extent, and causes of juvenile delinquency; factors in its treatment and prevention, including community and agency programs; and analysis of the legal system as it applies to juveniles.

    (Same as CJUS 4015 .)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCL 4024 - Women and Aging

    3 cr.

    Examines the life experiences of women as they age. Emphasis is on sociological influences on perceptions of aging among women and on aging women’s roles in society.

    (Same as GERO 4024 .)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCL 4025 - Seminar in Death and Dying

    3 cr.

    Exploration of the social organization of dying, including a view on cross-cultural perspectives on death, treatment of the dying patient, and the grief process.

    (Same as GERO 4025 )

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCL 4036 - Seminar in the Development of Sociology

    3 cr.

    The study of social thought that influenced sociological ideas and concepts. Recent trends and influences in modern sociology will be discussed.

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  • SOCL 4043 - Sociology of Sports, Recreation, and Leisure

    3 cr.

    The structure and functions of sports and recreation in fulfilling leisure pursuits in American society.

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  • SOCL 4052 - Qualitative Research

    3 cr.

    An examination of different types of qualitative research, techniques of data collection, analysis, and presentation, and ethical issues; exploration of the strengths and limitations of this type of interpretative work.

    (Same as GERO 4052 )

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCL 4070 - Social Research

    3 cr.

    The formulation of a research problem; ethics of research; development of research design; sampling procedures; collecting and processing of research data.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCL 1001 .
    Formerly SOCL 4050. (same as POLS 4070 )

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SOCL 4071 - Social Statistics

    3 cr.

    The Statistical procedures appropriate to the measurement and analysis of social data.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCL 1001 .
    Formerly SOCL 4051. (same as POLS 4071 )

    LCCN: CSOC 3113

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  • SOCL 4099 - Senior Seminar

    3 cr.

    A capstone course for the sociology major. A small-group interdisciplinary approach to relevant issues in sociology research, writing and presentation.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.

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Speech-Language Pathology

  • SPLP 1013 - Introduction to Speech/Language/Hearing Disorders

    3 cr.

    For SPLP majors in the College of Health Sciences, for Health Care Professionals, and for Education majors. A survey of speech, language and hearing development and associated disorders. An introduction to the professions of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 1052 - Speech and Language Acquisition

    3 cr.

    The development of speech in children in the family and the effects of culture on language.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 2002 - Speech and Language Science

    3 cr.

    A three credit hour course designed to provide the student with knowledge of the production, transmission, and perception of acoustic signals in speech communication.

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  • SPLP 2020 - Beginning Sign Language

    3 cr.

    An introductory course in the study of American Sign Language (ASL) and Pidgin Sign English (PSE) with an emphasis on the Deaf Community and their culture. An understanding of some of the basic cultural differences of the Deaf and how they relate to the development and existence of sign languages will be coupled with basic skills in both ASL and PSE. Non-majors only.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 2040 - Anatomy and Physiology of Speech Processes

    3 cr.

    The anatomy and physiology of the respiratory, phonatory, articulatory and swallowing mechanism. Cannot be used as a Biology elective.

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  • SPLP 4001 - Phonetics

    3 cr.

    Correct sound pronunciation; phonetic transcription rules through application of the International Phonetic Alphabet to General American English and other varieties.

    Prerequisite(s): SPLP 1013 , SPLP 1052 , SPLP 2001 , SPLP 2002 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 4004 - Multicultural Issues in Clinical Service Delivery

    3 cr.

    Issues related to providing culturally least-biased services to those with communication disorders and differences. Focus is on theories and methods of clinical counseling.

    Prerequisite(s): SPLP 1013 , SPLP 1052 , SPLP 2001 , SPLP 2002 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 4005 - Diagnosis of Communication

    3 cr.

    Principles of assessment including the instruments, procedures, and report writing skills utilized in diagnosing and reporting speech and language disorders.

    Prerequisite(s): SPLP 4001 , SPLP 4028 , SPLP 4033 

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 4010 - Supervised Clinical Observation

    1 cr.

    25 clinical clock hours of supervised observation from an ASHA Certified professional in various settings.

    Prerequisite(s): SPLP 4028 ,  SPLP 4033  

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 4028 - Articulation Disorders

    3 cr.

    Types, causes, symptoms, and therapy for articulatory defects in speech.

    Prerequisite(s): 4017, 4018, or consent of instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 4033 - Language Pathology

    3 cr.

    Language acquisition, language disorders of reception and expression, and habilitation methodologies in learning.

    Prerequisite(s): SPLP 1052  or consent of instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 4035 - Clinical Procedures and Observations

    3 cr.

    Provides students with principles of managing communicatively disordered clients with supervised observation of diagnostic and therapy sessions.

    Prerequisite(s): SPLP 4001 , SPLP 4028 , SPLP 4033 

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 4044 - Structure of the English Language

    3 cr.

    The principles of English linguistics including phonology, syntax, and pragmatics with a focus on meaning and structure.

    Prerequisite(s): approval of program director.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 4076 - Beginning Practicum in Communication Disorders

    1-6 cr.

    Clinical practicum with individuals who are communicatively challenged. Students will complete the required clock hours with clients having specific disorders as specified by the instructor.

    Prerequisite(s): approval of department head

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 4077 - Audiology

    3 cr.

    The nature of deafness and hard-of-hearing problems. Anatomy, physiology, and neuroanatomy of the hearing mechanism with an introduction to pathology; scope of practice.

    Prerequisite(s): SPLP 1013 , SPLP 1052 , SPLP 2001 , SPLP 2002 

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 4090 - Neurophysiological Bases for Communications

    3 cr.

    Principles of anatomy and physiology of the normal neurological system as related to language and speech system.
    Cannot be used as a Biology elective.

    Prerequisite(s): SPLP 2040 

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  • SPLP 4092 - Directed Study: Speech Pathology

    1-3 cr.

    Directed study in Speech Pathology.

    May be repeated for a total of 6 credits.
    Prerequisite(s): approval of program director.
    (Formerly SPLP 491A)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPLP 4093 - Directed Study: Language Pathology

    1-3 cr.

    Directed study in Language Pathology.

    May be repeated for a total of 6 credits.
    Prerequisite(s): approval of program director.
    (Formerly SPLP 491B)

    Click here for course scheduling information.


  • SPAN 1001 - Elementary Spanish I

    3 cr.

    An introduction to the basic grammatical structures of Spanish with the objectives of developing an elementary ability to speak, understand, read, and write the language.

    May not be taken for credit by native speakers of Spanish without the department head’s approval.

    LCCN: CSPN 1013 (3 hr.)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 1002 - Elementary Spanish II

    3 cr.

    A continuation of the study of Spanish on the elementary level.

    May not be taken for credit by Native speakers of Spanish without the department head’s approval.

    Prerequisite(s): A “C” or better in SPAN 1001  or permission of the department head.

    LCCN: CSPN 1023 (3 hr.)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 1003 - Study Abroad

    3-6 cr.

    Application of language skills in a foreign language environment. Students will be involved in a total immersion living situation and will receive a minimum of fifteen clock hours per week in formal language instruction.

    Prerequisite(s): a “C” or better in SPAN 1001  or permission of department head.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 1004 - Spanish for Professions

    3 cr.

    An introduction to the vocabulary, terminology, and structures for developing basic Spanish skills for professions.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1002  or equivalent.
    (May not be used as part of a major or minor in Spanish.)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 1005 - Elementary Spanish I and II

    6 cr.

    May not be taken for creit by native speakers of Spanish without the department head’s approval.

    Same as SPAN 1001  and SPAN 1002 .

    LCCN: CSPN 1026

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 1097 - Beginning Spanish

    1 cr.

    Independent reading, grammar, and/or conversation on the elementary level.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1002  or SPAN 1005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 1098 - Beginning Spanish

    1 cr.

    Independent reading, grammar, and/or conversation on the elementary level.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1002  or SPAN 1005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 1099 - Beginning Spanish

    1 cr.

    Independent reading, grammar, and/or conversation on the elementary level.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1002  or SPAN 1005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 2001 - Intermediate Spanish I

    3 cr.

    A continuation on the intermediate level of study begun in SPAN 1001  - SPAN 1002  with an emphasis on the grammar, reading, and conversation. Work in the computerized Language Learning Center is required.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1002  or SPAN 1005 .

    LCCN: CSPN 2013 (3 hr.)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 2002 - Intermediate Spanish II

    3 cr.

    A continuation on the intermediate level of study begun in SPAN 1001 -SPAN 1002  with an emphasis on the grammar, reading, and conversation. Work in the computerized Language Learning Center is required.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1002  or SPAN 1005 .

    LCCN: CSPN 2023

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 2005 - Intermediate Spanish I and II

    6 cr.

    Same as SPAN 2001  and SPAN 2002 .

    Prerequisite(s): a “C” or better in SPAN 1002  or department head approval.

    LCCN: CSPN 2026

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 2006 - Spanish Reading and Composition

    3 cr.

    Review of basic grammatical concepts and an introduction to reading literary and cultural texts.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 2010 - Commercial Spanish

    3 cr.

    Readings, discussions and translations of business materials in Spanish with continued emphasis on reading, writing, speaking, listening and translation skills.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.


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