Sep 07, 2024  
2016-2017 ULM Student Policy Manual 
2016-2017 ULM Student Policy Manual [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Alcohol Medical Amnesty Policy


The purpose of the policy is to remove barriers and increase the likelihood that students who require emergency medical assistance as a result of high risk alcohol consumption will receive such assistance. This policy will provide an opportunity for a caring intervention that will not result in a disciplinary action from the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct).

The Medical Alcohol Amnesty Policy is a way for the University of Louisiana at Monroe to reduce the harmful consequences caused by the abuse of alcohol. This policy is designed to promote responsible decisions when students are faced with medical emergencies requiring emergency medical attention. Emergency medical attention is defined as admittance to a hospital. This policy is in place to encourage students to not fear seeking the help of others when faced with a high risk alcohol intervention.

Students who qualify for medical amnesty will not receive any sanctions from the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct).

The University of Louisiana at Monroe does not condone under-aged drinking but does recognize that it is occurring and has implemented this policy in hopes that it will encourage more students to make the appropriate decision to call for help when emergency medical attention is needed.

Qualifying for Medical Amnesty:

There are three categories for who qualifies for medical amnesty and what is required of them for it to be granted. All categories apply to both on-campus and off-campus in regard to Student Conduct allegations. The three categories are described below:

Persons in need of Emergency Medical Attention:

Students who receive emergency medical attention and are hospitalized directly related to the consumption or use of alcohol may be eligible to receive medical amnesty. Students will be referred to the Office of Student Services and if the students qualify for medical amnesty, no disciplinary actions will be issued from the Office of Student Services. Students may be referred to additional resources on our campus and will be required to follow through with the requirements in order to receive amnesty, such as meeting with our Substance Awareness Counselor within a short time after being hospitalized. The Office of Student Services has the authority to notify the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of students under the age of 21 (who are claimed as dependents for income tax purposes) who receive medical amnesty of the situation which has triggered the use of the medical amnesty policy. Students who receive emergency medical attention may be granted medical amnesty only once while enrolled at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Any subsequent violation will result in a referral to Student Services.

Other Individuals Present:

Students who help seek emergency assistance on behalf of persons experiencing alcohol related emergencies or lend a helping hand to the emergency situation are eligible to receive amnesty. Students may or may not be referred to the Office of Student Services. If students are referred, they may be granted amnesty and will not receive any disciplinary actions from the Office of Student Services. Students may be required to participate in an appropriate educational program or referred to additional resources on our campus in order to receive amnesty. In order to encourage students to be proactive in helping others, the University does not limit the number of times a student can seek amnesty while assisting others during an alcohol-related emergency.


A representative of a university recognized club or organization hosting an event is required to seek medical assistance in a medical emergency to be eligible for medical amnesty as it applies to clubs/organizations. Representatives from the organization may be required to meet with the Office of Student Services or the Coordinator of Student Development. Clubs/organizations that qualify for medical amnesty will not be charged or sanctioned for violations of the University’s alcohol-related policies, and the incident will not be noted on the club/organization’s record. Organizations may be required to participate or organize an appropriate educational program to the organization and its members. Medical amnesty for a club/organization is granted to the club/organization only. Members of the organization must qualify for medical amnesty as described previously. Clubs/organizations may only be granted medical amnesty once per academic school year and only for appropriately recognized events of their organization.

Limitations of Medical Amnesty:

Medical amnesty applies to incidents that require emergency medical attention and the student is taken to the hospital directly related to the consumption or use of alcohol. The policy does not apply to any type of drug related behavior including use, possession, or distribution. Additionally, the policy does not apply to other prohibited conduct, such as, but not limited to assault, theft, driving while impaired, property damage etc. If other prohibited conduct occurs, the student(s) will be held responsible by the University and the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) for those violations.

Nothing in this policy shall prevent an individual who has enforcement obligations under state or federal law to report, charge, or take other action related to the possible criminal prosecution of any student.