Mar 06, 2025  
2015-2016 ULM Student Policy Manual 
2015-2016 ULM Student Policy Manual [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Standards of Conduct for Students (Section Five)

Section Five

Standards of Conduct for Students


Each student and/or guest assumes an obligation to obey all University rules and regulations made by properly constituted authorities.


The “Standards of Conduct for Students” outlines behavior expected by the University. Standards of conduct covering all aspects of human behavior cannot be written; therefore, omission of an offense from the written “Standards of Conduct for Students” does not prohibit the University from bringing charges for that offense. Municipal, Parish, State and Federal statutes cover many types of behavior not specified in University regulations.


Conduct regulations for students attending the University of Louisiana at Monroe and for officially recognized student organizations are designed to create and to promote a wholesome educational environment. Student and student organization conduct in the environment of an institution of higher learning is expected to be exemplary at all times. Conduct regulations at the University require each student and student organization to exercise respect for Federal, State, Parish and Municipal laws and to conduct personal affairs and activities both on and off campus to reflect credit both to the student, to the student organization, and to the University. To promote this goal, the University does not permit the following activities:

Acts Contrary to Public Health and Safety
5.03:01 Throwing any object from a University facility or vehicle to include intentionally throwing any object onto the competing surface of an athletic event. This also includes littering.
5.03:02 Possession of, display of, discharge of, use of, sale of, or attempt or threat to use firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, or other dangerous weapons, substances or materials of any kind on University property or at any University approved activity.
5.03:03 Any act of arson or setting a fire on University property without proper authority.
5.03:04 Swimming, floating, or wading in the bayou on University property. Fishing in the bayou from a bridge on University property.
5.03:05 Tampering with or removing from its proper location, fire extinguishers, hoses, or other fire or emergency equipment, except when done with reasonable belief of real need for such equipment.
5.03:06 Failure to comply with Traffic and Parking regulations for automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles, skates, skateboards, roller-blades, or any other vehicles and regulations for pedestrians; misuse or theft of staff or student parking decals. This standard includes storing or parking a gasoline-powered motorcycle, motorbike, moped or a container containing gasoline or other highly flammable liquids inside a University building.
Acts Contrary to Orderly Activities
5.03:07 Falsely reporting a fire or other emergency; falsely setting off a fire alarm; unauthorized use of emergency exits.

Falsely reporting the presence of an unlawful explosive or incendiary device with the intent to mislead, deceive, or disrupt the operation of the University or a scheduled event sponsored or cosponsored by the University.


Rioting, inciting to riot, assembling to riot, raiding, inciting to raid, or assembling to raid University personnel, buildings or other University property.

5.03:10 Participation in harassment, in any group demonstration, sit in, or disorderly conduct which disturbs the orderly activities and processes of the University or infringes on the rights of other students or University personnel.
5.03:11 Sitting, obstructing or placing items such as books, purses, drink containers, etc., in hallways, stairways, walkways, or building entrances or exits.
5.03:12 Documented obstruction, disruption or interference of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures or University-authorized activities or events.
5.03:13 Documented interference with the right of access to University facilities or with any other lawful rights of any person on campus.
5.03:14 Visitation of other college or university campuses or industrial sites, or any other property (private, public, or corporate) for the purpose of defacing or destroying said institutions or property or of disrupting the normal activities of such said institutions or property.
5.03:15 Abusive, drunken, violent or excessively noisy behavior or expression on University property or at University- authorized activities.
5.03:16 Intentionally delaying, obstructing or resisting persons who identify themselves as Residential Life staff members, faculty members, University Administrators, University Police Officers or other law enforcement officials, fire officials, or other University employees in the performance of their duty.
Acts Contrary to Property Rights
5.03:17 Trespassing.
5.03:18 Vandalism, malicious or ignorant destruction, damage, disfigurement or misuse of public or private property including library materials.
5.03:19 Unauthorized entry or use of University facilities or any violation of University rules regarding the use of University property.
Acts Contrary to Individual Rights
5.03:20 Discriminatory behavior against any member of the University community.
5.03:21 Engaging in oral or written speech that is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and/or is likely to incite or produce such action (including e-mails, text messaging and voice mail).
5.03:22 Lewd, indecent, or obscene/offensive behavior or the distribution of obscene/offensive matter on or off University property; this standard includes similar behavior when utilizing telephones, answering machines, computers, or computer-generated materials and sound systems.
5.03:23 The threat or commission of physical violence and/or against any person on or off University property or at any University-authorized event or other conduct which threatens the health or safety of any person. This standard includes violence purposed to influence an employee’s official action, and it includes intimidation and threats made toward the person bringing the charge or witnesses involved in any University disciplinary hearing. This may include cyber stalking as defined in 5.03:53.
5.03:24 Hazing in any form including any action taken or situation created, whether on or off college or University property, which is life threatening to the individual; and kidnapping, paddling, slapping, branding, burning with a cigarette, or any such activities which are life threatening to the individual or are intended to hurt or to humiliate physically or mentally. (Please refer to the Hazing Policy in the Student Policy Manual for a further completed definition of hazing.)
5.03:25 Disrespect or inappropriate behavior at any time when dealing with students and University personnel, and the general public. This includes various degrees of obscenities and profanities; e-mails, text messaging and voice mail.
5.03:26 Harassment, of any member of the University community. Stalking or the repeated following or harassing of another person accompanied by the making of a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear of death or serious injury (including e-mails, text messaging and voice mail).
Acts Contrary to Stated Policy
5.03:27 Failure to comply with University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors or University rules and regulations related to any areas within their jurisdiction, including but not limited to: library, residence halls, dining services, traffic, automobile usage, conduct on and off campus, conduct in the classroom, organizational activities, and use of building and physical plant.
5.03:28 Failure of residence hall students, their guests or visitors to comply with those rules governing conduct of students residing in residence halls.
5.03:29 Unauthorized occupation of any University facility; unauthorized visitation in campus residence halls.
5.03:30 Failure to produce identification when requested by a University Police Officer, a residence hall staff member, or other identified University Official.
5.03:31 Improper move-out or check-in of the University residence hall system.
5.03:32 Unauthorized establishment of an off-campus residence.
5.03:33 Failure to answer a University summons or to appear for a disciplinary hearing as outlined in this Code.
Acts of Dishonesty, Misuse or Unauthorized Possession
5.03:34 Violation of University Drug Policy, to include: Unauthorized or illegal possession, use, distribution, sale, manufacture or transportation of narcotics, stimulants, depressants, barbiturates, sedatives, tranquilizers, hallucinogens, drug paraphernalia, marijuana and/or other similarly known drugs and/or chemicals.
5.03:35 Violation of University Alcohol Policy, to include: Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or possession of alcoholic beverage containers on campus, or during any trip sponsored by the University, except as provided in University policy. Underage drinking or possession or providing alcohol to underage students on or off campus.
5.03:36 Falsification, forgery, alteration or misuse of University documents, records, identification cards or meal tickets; furnishing false information to the University with the intent to deceive.
5.03:37 Dishonesty or illegal gambling in any form on University property or at any University-approved activity.
5.03:38 Passing a worthless check or money order to the University or to a member of the University–community acting in an official capacity.
5.03:39 Theft, larceny, shoplifting, embezzlement or the temporary taking of the property of another.
5.03:40 Bribing any University employee.
5.03:41 Giving false testimony or other evidence at any official hearing of the University or giving false information to any faculty or staff member acting in the performance of his/her duties.
5.03:42 Academic Cheating and/or Plagiarism (Cheating and Plagiarism Policy )
Other Acts of Misconduct
5.03:43 Violation of censures imposed by the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) or any other specified University Unit.
5.03:44 The commission of acts or attempted acts on or off University property, at University-authorized events or on any property owned, leased, or occupied by any formal or informal organizations associated with, approved by, or identified with the University, including without limitation, any athletic club, academic club, social club, fraternity, sorority or other society, which acts or attempted acts constitute a violation of federal, state, parish or municipal law.
5.03:45 Giving, taking or acquiring possession of, without permission, any academic (tests, research papers, notes, books, periodicals, or etc.,) or personal information, passwords, confidential documentation,  or financial materials from an office, student worker or employee of the University. This would include copyright violations and security access to university systems.
5.03:46 Unauthorized access to or misuse of University computers, computer systems, networks or services. This includes services such as FaceBook, My Space, etc. Students using computer resources at the University must have an account issued to them and must abide by the terms and conditions stated on the account authorization form. All admitted students automatically have an account issued upon admission approval and therefore are required to use this University assigned account for computer resources at the University. All students must abide by the terms and conditions stated in the Technology Acceptable Use Policy found at

NOTE: Any violation or abuse of University computing equipment, or any breach of security regarding University computers can result in the loss of privilege to use University computing resources or in more serious disciplinary action.
5.03:47 Failure to comply with directions of University Officials acting in the performance of their duties.
5.03:48 Attempting to commit, aiding, planning, or inciting others to commit, or attempt to commit any act of misconduct set forth above.

Finally, to preserve the educational environment of the University community, a student or student organization may be formally charged with a violation of the ULM Code of Student Conduct and referred to a hearing before the appropriate University Administrator or the appropriate University Unit for possible disciplinary action when as a result of misconduct the student or student organization is:

5.03:49 Convicted of a felony.
5.03:50 Formally charged by civil authorities with the commission of a felony of such nature that the student’s or student organization’s continued presence at the University is potentially dangerous to the health, safety, and educational environment of the University community; or
5.03:51 When there is strong convincing evidence that the student or student organization against whom civil authorities have not brought charge or imposed penalties has committed a felony of such nature that the student’s or student organization’s continued presence at the University is potentially dangerous to the health, safety, and educational environment of the University community.
5.03:52 Sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, sexual harassment, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual exploitation as defined in the university Sexual Misconduct Policy .
5.03:53 Cyberstalking
  1. Use in electronic mail or electronic communication of any words or language threatening to inflict bodily harm to any person or to such person’s child, sibling, spouse or dependent, or physical injury to the property of any person, or for the purpose of extorting money or other things of value from any person.
  2. Electronic mail or electronic communication to another person repeatedly, whether or not conversation ensues, for the purpose of threatening, terrifying or harassing any person.
  3. Electronic mail or electronic communication to another and to knowingly make any false statement concerning death, injury, illness, disfigurement, indecent conduct or criminal conduct toward the person electronically mailed or of any member of the person’s family or household with the intent to threaten, terrify or harass.
  4. Knowingly permit an electronic communication device under the person’s control to be used for the taking of an action as noted in 5.03:45, and 46.