Jul 26, 2024  
2015-2016 ULM Student Policy Manual 
2015-2016 ULM Student Policy Manual [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Section Two - Hearing Panels

At the University of Louisiana at Monroe, the due process system consists generally of three major components:

  1. Appropriate University Unit reviews a case.
  2. Appropriate University Unit renders a decision concerning the case.
  3. The student or student organization may, under certain circumstances, initiate an appeal of the decision of the appropriate University Unit.

The course of due process varies depending on the nature of the student case.

2.02 Hearing Panels

Most hearing panels conduct investigations, and as such, all information, even hearsay, is admissible since the hearing panels are not conducting criminal or civil proceedings.

ULM Hearing Panels

Residential Life Judicial Committee: The purpose of this committee is to hear appeals from Residence Students who have been censured by the Residential Life Judicial Officer. The decision of this committee is final.

Student Organizational Judicial Committee. The purpose of this committee is to hear cases, render decisions and/or impose censures on student organizations, not individual students, for violations of University policy. Appeals from this committee are to the Vice President for Student Affairs and his/her decision shall be final.

Housing Appeals Committee: The purpose of this appeal committee is for individual students who have been denied permission by the appropriate university administrator to live off-campus or who have been denied the right to reside in University residence halls for any reason. The decision of this committee is final.

Parking and Traffic Appeals Committee: The purpose of this committee is primarily for hearing appeals of students who have been issued citations for violations of the ULM Traffic and Parking regulations. The committee’s decision is final.

Conduct Standards Committee: The purpose of this appeal committee is to hear disciplinary cases arising from major violations of the ULM Code of Student Conduct. All cases handled by this committee are from the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) and usually involved possible dismissal, suspension or expulsion of a student. Student’s appeal that satisfies the standards written in the Appellate Process shall have their appeal reviewed by the President’s Appeal Panel. Their decision is final. 

President’s Appeal Panel: (formally Administrative Review Board) This panel is an appellate body hearing non-academic appeals of major violations of the ULM Code of Student Conduct. The hearing will be closed, and extend directly from decisions made by the University Judicial Officer(s), the Conduct Standards Committee or the Student Sexual Harassment Committee. Their decision is final.

Medical Assistance Committee: The purpose of this committee is to hear and resolve cases where interim measures, such as behavioral contracts are deemed inappropriate or students pose a danger to themselves or others, or which the student substantially disrupts normal University activities. This committee, with appropriate documentation will determine if a student may be seriously interfering with the educational processes because of a mental, emotional or psychological health condition. The committee will make decisions on medical withdrawals as outlined in the Medical Assistance Policy located in Section 4 of this policy manual.

Medical Appeal Panel: Is an appellate body hearing medical appeals, in a closed hearing, extending directly from decisions rendered by the Medical Withdrawal Committee.

In the majority of appeals, the final University voice is the President’s Appeal Panel or the appropriate University Vice President who will send written notification of a decision to the student or student organization presenting the appeal. A student or student organization, who for any cause, fails to reasonably accept or receive the University’s written notification within 48 hours of the official mailing date designated by the U.S. Post office on the envelope is subject to the immediate imposition of the applicable University censure(s)

In an appeal where the student or student organization has received a sanction of suspension from the University for a period of one academic year, or if the sanction is of greater severity, the student or student organization may choose to make a procedural appeal, via the University President, to the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors. If the student chooses to appeal to the Board of Supervisors after all administrative procedures have been exhausted at the institutional level, the appeal must be within 30 calendar days of the institution”s decision. The Board’s review is limited to a determination of compliance with the established and appropriate procedures at the institutional level. The student shall be notified of the Board’s decision.

Title IX Appeals Committee: The purpose of this appeal committee is to hear sexual harassment cases arising from violations of the Sexual Misconduct Policy and/or the Code of Student Conduct.  The cases addressed by this committee usually involve possible dismissal, suspension, or expulsion of a student. The Appeals Committee will provide opportunity for the Complainant and Accused to appear before the committee to provide a verbal or written statement addressing the reason the decision of the Title IX Coordinator should or should not be upheld. If either the Complainant or Accused chooses not to submit a statement or appear before the committee, the Appeals Committee will make the recommendation based on the information received. The Appeals Committee will formulate a decision based upon a preponderance of evidence as to whether the Title IX coordinator’s determination was fair and proportionate to any violation. As part of its deliberations, the committee will also consider whether the determination will (a) result in an end to the violation in question; (b) reasonably prevent a recurrence of a similar violation; and (c) remedy the effects of the violation on the Complainant and the university community.

The president of the university will review the Appeals Committee’s report and will concur with the recommendation or will make a different decision regarding the status of the employee or student. The time period between the Appeals Committee meeting and the president’s review is approximately one (1) week. Official notification to the parties will follow in a formal letter, with a copy to the Title IX Coordinator.

The imposing of sanctions represents the end of the process at the university level. The Accused and the Complainant have the right to appeal to the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors pursuant to any UL System appeals process that may be in effect.

2.02:01 Conduct Standards Committee

The Conduct Standards Committee may serve as an initial or first-line judicial body and as an appellate body for nonacademic matters.

  1. Composition
    The Conduct Standards Committee is composed of full-time faculty or staff members and full-time graduate or undergraduate student members. Faculty members are appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs upon the recommendation of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Staff members are appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs. One faculty or staff member shall be appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs as the Chairperson, and a Vice Chairperson shall be appointed in like manner. Student members are appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs upon the recommendation of the Student Government Association President, University Department Heads, or other ULM recognized organization presidents.
  2. Quorum
    A quorum shall consist of five members, at least three representing faculty and staff, with one of these members presiding as Chairperson.
  3. Voting
    A simple majority vote of this Committee will rule.
  4. Service
    Each member will serve for a one year period. Members will normally be appointed at the beginning of each fall semester; re-appointments will require a written request of the member to the Vice President for Student Affairs. Upon approval by the Vice President for Student Affairs, re appointments will follow the procedure stated above.

2.02:02 Student Organization Judicial Committee

This judicial committee shall function in several capacities: 1) as an initial review body for all organizational violations of University policy as set forth in properly promulgated documents; 2) as an appellate body for student organization appeals; and 3) as a review body for reinstatement and compliance issues. The purpose of this committee is to hear cases, render decisions and/or impose censures on student organizations, not individual students or employees, for violations of University policy. Students who belong to and act in the name of a University recognized student organization and who violate University rules and regulations through a corporate act will be subject to a hearing by the Student Organization Judicial Committee; additionally, these students shall be subject individually to a censure(s) for violation(s) of University policy through the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct). Furthermore, this committee shall serve as a review body for censured student organizations regarding compliance or non-compliance with all University imposed censures. This hearing panel is authorized as well by the University to apply additional censures for non-compliance with previously imposed censures. This committee is further authorized by the University to review the status of suspended or dismissed student organizations upon submission of an application for reinstatement as a University recognized student organization. The committee may also make recommendations to the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) for actions to be considered and possibly initiated against a University employee involved in student organization misconduct.

  1. Composition
    The Student Organization Judicial Committee is composed of faculty or staff members and three part-time or full-time student upper-class members. Faculty members are appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs upon the recommendation of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Staff members are appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs. One faculty or staff member shall be appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs as the Chairperson, and a Vice Chairperson shall be appointed in like manner. Student members are appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs upon the recommendation of the Student Government Association President, University Department Heads, or other ULM recognized Organization Presidents.
  2. Quorum
    A quorum shall consist of five members, at least three representing faculty or staff, with one of these members presiding as Chairperson.
  3. Voting
    A simple majority vote of this committee will rule. The Chairperson will not vote in proceedings unless a tie vote must be broken.
  4. Service
    Each committee member will serve for a one year period. Members will normally be appointed at the beginning of each fall semester; re-appointments will require a written request of the member to the Vice President for Student Affairs. Upon approval by the Vice President for Student Affairs, re-appointments will follow the procedure stated above.

2.02:03 Housing Appeals Committee

The Housing Appeals Committee is a Division of Student Affairs committee, constituted for the purpose of hearing appeals of individual students who have been denied permission by the appropriate University Administrator to live off campus or who have been denied the right to reside in University residence halls for any reason. The decision of this committee is final.

  1. Composition
    The Housing Appeals Committee is composed of full-time
    Division of Student Affairs staff members and full-time student members. Staff members are appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs. One staff member shall be appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs as the Chairperson, and a Vice Chairperson shall be appointed in like manner. Student members are appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs upon the recommendation of the Student Government Association President, University Department Heads, or other ULM recognized Organization Presidents.
  2. Quorum
    A quorum shall consist of five members, at least three representing staff, with one of these members presiding as Chairperson.
  3. Voting
    A simple majority vote of this committee will rule. The Chairperson will not vote in proceedings unless a tie vote must be broken.
  4. Service
    Each committee member will serve for a one year period. Members will normally be appointed at the beginning of each fall semester; re-appointments require a written request of the member to the Vice President for Student Affairs. Upon approval by the Vice President for Student Affairs, re-appointments will follow the procedure stated above.

2.02:04 Parking and Traffic (Traffic Appeals) Committee

The University Parking and Traffic Appeals Committee are constituted primarily for the purpose of hearing appeals of students who have been issued citations for violations of the ULM traffic and parking requirements. The decision of the board is final.

  1. Composition
    The Parking and Traffic Committee is composed of 2 full time Faculty, 2 full time Staff and 2 full time Student members. Faculty, Staff, and Student members are appointed by the Vice President of Student Affairs. Final approval of all members of the Appeals Committee will be through the Vice President of Student Affairs.
  2. Quorum
    A quorum will consist of at least 3 members of the Appeals Committee.
  3. Voting
    A simple majority vote of the committee will rule. The Chairperson will not vote unless a tie must be broken. 
  4. Service
    Each member of the Appeals Committee will be appointed at the beginning of the Fall Semester and serve for a period of two years; members may be re-appointed for an additional 2 years by the Vice President of Student Affairs.  Upon approval by the Vice President of Student Affairs, the re-appointments will follow the above stated procedures.

2.02:05 Academic Appeals Committee

The Academic Appeals Committee serves as an appeals committee for cases related to grades and other academic matters and for cases arising out of student violations of the ULM Cheating-Plagiarism Code or cases involving disruption of classes.

  1. Composition
    The Academic Appeals Committee is composed of four (4) full-time faculty members and three (3) full-time students. Faculty members are appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. One faculty member shall be appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs as the Chairperson, and a Vice Chairperson shall be appointed in like manner. Student members are appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs upon the recommendation of the Student Government Association President, University Department Heads, or other ULM recognized Organization Presidents.
  2. Quorum
    A quorum shall consist of five members, at least three of whom must be faculty with one of these members presiding as Chairperson.
  3. Voting
    A simple majority vote of the committee will rule. The Chairperson will not vote unless a tie vote must be broken.
  4. Service
    Each member of the Academic Appeals Committee will serve for a one year period. Members will normally be appointed at the beginning of each fall semester; re-appointments will require a written request of the faculty or student member to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Upon approval by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, re-appointments will ensue.

2.02:06 Title IX Committee (Appeals)

The Title IX Appeals Committee is an appointed committee by the President of the university, created for the purpose of hearing and resolving Title IX appeals from complaints of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct brought by a student against another student or employee or brought by a student or employee against student members of University approved student organizations. 

  1. Composition
    The Title IX Appeals Committee is composed of a trained group of employees consisting of full-time faculty or staff members. In the case of faculty, individuals must also be tenured. Members of this committee are appointed by the President.
  2. Quorum
    A quorum shall consist of three members, with one of these members presiding as Chairperson.
  3. Voting
    A simple majority vote of the Committee will rule. The Chairperson will not vote unless a tie vote must be broken.
  4. Service
    Each committee member will hold 12 month appointments 

2.02:07 President’s Appeal Panel

The President’s Appeal Panel is an appellate body hearing on-academic appeals, in a closed hearing, extending directly from decisions rendered by the Conduct Standards Committee.

  1. Composition
    This Hearing Panel is composed of four members—the Vice President for Student Affairs or his designated representative, the Vice President for Academic Affairs or his designated representative, the College Dean or his designated representative under which the appealing student is presently registered according to the Registrar’s Office and one student representative selected by the President. Appeal cases involving student organizations shall have the College Dean reasonably selected by the Vice President for Student Affairs. The Vice President for Student Affairs shall serve as Chairperson for all hearings.
  2. Quorum
    The presence of three members, or their designated representatives, shall constitute a quorum.
  3. Voting
    A simple majority vote of this Board will rule. When only a quorum of three members is satisfied, the three seated members shall concur on the final action of the Panel. The decision of this panel is final unless the student meets the requirements for a final appeal to the Board of Supervisors (8.02:04).

2.02:08 Academic Vice President Appeals Panel

The Academic Vice President’s Appeal Panel is a closed hearing for academic appeals, extending directly from decisions rendered by the Academic Appeals Committee.

  1. Composition
    This Board is composed of four members- Vice President for Academic Affairs or his designated representative, the Vice President of Student Affairs or his designated representative, the College Dean or his designated representative under which the appealing student is presently registered according to the Registrar’s Office and one student representative selected by the President. The Vice President for academic appeals shall serve as the chair person for this panel.
  2. Quorum
    The presence of three members, or their designated representatives, shall constitute a quorum.
  3. Voting
    A simple majority vote of this Board will rule. When only a quorum of three members is satisfied, the three seated members shall concur on the final action of the Panel. The decision of this panel is final.

2.02:09 Residential Life Judicial Committee

The RLJC is a Residential Life committee, composed of student members who live in campus residence halls. This committee was created for the purpose of hearing appeals from residential students who have been censured by the appointed Residential Life Conduct Officer.

  1. Composition
    The RLJC is a nine-month disciplinary committee composed of residence hall students. Students must be full-time and have earned at least 15 semester hours. All members must be in good standing with the university and have a cumulative GPA of 2.2. Students that fall below a 2.0 GPA in any semester will not be allowed to serve on this committee. Students will be nominated and elected by their respective residence hall to serve on this committee. One student elected by the RLJC shall serve as Chairperson, overseeing hearings and filling out the necessary paperwork in conjunction with each hearing. The committee members will also elect a Vice-Chairperson. Alternate members shall be selected in like manner to fill vacancies occurring for hearings.
  2. Quorum
    A quorum shall consist of five members with one of these members presiding as chairperson.
  3. Voting
    A simple majority vote of this committee will rule. The Chairperson will not vote in proceedings unless a tie vote must be broken.
  4. Service
    Each committee member will serve for a nine-month period (Fall & Spring semesters). Members will normally be selected at the beginning of each fall semester; re-appointments will require a written request of the member to the Residential Life Conduct Officer with the approval of the University Conduct Officer.

2.02.10 Medical Assistance Committee

The Medical Assistance Committee is a closed committee created to hear and resolve cases related to a student’s mental, emotional or psychological health condition.

  1. Composition
    This panel will consist of the following members:
    Clinic Manager, ULM Student Health Center or a Nursing Administrator from ULM Faculty or Staff
    Director of the ULM Counseling Center
    Director of the ULM Student Success Center
    Two (2) Mental Health Professionals from ULM Faculty or Staff
    Dean of Students (nonvoting)
  2. Quorum
    A quorum will consist of four (4) members, with one member presiding as chairperson.
  3. Voting
    A simple majority vote of this panel will rule. The chairperson of this panel will not vote in proceedings unless a tie vote must be broken.
  4. Appeals
    The decision of this panel may be appealed to the Medical Appeal Panel.

2.02:11 Medical Appeal Panel

The Medical Appeal Panel is an appellate body hearing medical appeals, in a closed hearing, extending directly from decisions rendered by the Medical Withdrawal Committee.

  1. Composition
    This Panel is composed of four members—the Vice President for Student Affairs or his designated representative, the Vice President for Academic Affairs or his designated representative, the Dean of the College of Health Sciences or his designated representative under which the appealing student is presently registered according to the Registrar’s Office and one student representative selected by the President. The Vice President for Student Affairs shall serve as Chairperson for all hearings.
  2. Quorum
    The presence of three members, or their designated representatives, shall constitute a quorum.
  3. Voting
    A simple majority vote of this Panel will rule. When only a quorum of three members is satisfied, the three seated members shall concur on the final action of the Panel.
  4. The decision by this panel is final.


2.03 Membership Qualifications

2.03:01 Good Standing

Students appointed to serve on the Student Organization Judicial Committee, the Conduct Standards Committee, the Student Sexual Harassment Committee, or one of the Appeals Committees must be in good standing with the University, as approved by the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct), must have earned a minimum of 24 cumulative semester hours, and must have and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.2 based on a 4.0 system.

2.03:02 Service Conditions

Faculty and student members of the ULM hearing panels will serve one year appointments unless otherwise approved. Faculty and student members may be replaced during their appointments for justifiable reasons such as resignation, incapacity, change of status or irregular attendance. Furthermore, hearing panels may remove a member for malfeasance in the performance of hearing panel responsibilities.

If a member can no longer serve, the member shall notify the particular hearing panel chairperson of the member’s immediate resignation. Replacements are made and approved by the Vice President for Student Affairs or the Vice President for Academic Affairs as appropriate.

2.03:03 Chairpersons’ Responsibilities

All hearing panel chairpersons shall, with the assistance of the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct), instruct members on student disciplinary policies, rules and hearing procedures. Chairpersons shall conduct all proceedings in a spirit of fair play, but any chairperson’s decisions may be overruled by a simple majority vote of the particular hearing panel.