Aug 31, 2024  
2015-2016 ULM Student Policy Manual 
2015-2016 ULM Student Policy Manual [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Classroom Behavior

The University of Louisiana at Monroe supports the principle of freedom of expression for both instructors and students. The University respects the rights of instructors to teach and students to learn. Maintenance of these rights requires classroom conditions that do not impede their exercise. Classroom behavior that seriously interferes with either,

  (1)  the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or

  (2)  the inability of other students to profit from the instructional program will not be tolerated.

  (3)  An individual engaging in disruptive classroom behavior may be subject to disciplinary action.

When, in the judgment of the instructor, a student’s behavior in a class is as seriously disruptive as to compel immediate action, the instructor has the authority to remove the student from the class on an interim basis, pending an informal hearing on the behavior. If, upon the order of the instructor, such a student refuses to leave the classroom, the instructor will contact the University Police (342-5350) and request assistance in removing the student from the classroom.

  • A student who has been removed from a class on an interim basis is entitled to an informal hearing before the head of the department offering the course within three working days of the removal.
  • The department head may either: approve an agreement of expectations between the student and the instructor and reinstate the student to the class, or, extend the removal of the student from the class. A copy of all material including the Disruptive Classroom Incident Report sent to the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) shall be provided to the instructor’s academic department head, the student and to the student’s academic dean.
  • The student may appeal to the appeals committee the department head’s decision.


  1. Students are required to adhere to the behavior standards and to refrain from disrupting classes and/or the education process.
  2. If a student is disruptive, the faculty member and/or the relevant Assistant/Associate Dean’s office may ask the student to stop the disruptive behavior and warn the student that such disruptive behavior can result in academic and disciplinary action.
  3. A faculty member is authorized to ask a student to leave the classroom or other academic site if the faculty member deems it necessary. If the faculty member does this, she/he shall file a Disruptive Classroom Incident Report with the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) and the Assistant/Associate Dean of the College or Department Chair within 24 hours. The faculty member shall provide the student with a copy of this report.
  4. A faculty member may also exclude the student from the classroom or other academic area pending resolution of the matter by:
    1. informing the student of the exclusion,
    2. informing the student of his/her rights to request an expedited review of the exclusion, and
    3. by immediately referring the matter to the Department Head by submitting the Disruptive Classroom Incident Report
  5. Nothing in this policy prohibits an immediate call to the ULM, Police Department or referral of the matter to another policy office, as determined to be appropriate by the classroom instructor.
  6. Students are allowed to Appeal  as outlined in the policy manual.
  7. Cell Phone Policy - Cell phones should be turned off or set to vibrate only when in academic buildings (including the University Library) and may be used only in restrooms, group study rooms, and offices. Text messaging may be used throughout the Library (with the exception of the classrooms) provided that no audible sound is used to notify the recipients. All people carrying cell phones into a classroom, laboratory, or clinic must turn off and store (e.g., in a backpack, purse, phone holster, or other similar item) their phones prior to entering the room. Cell phones are not allowed on desk or table tops. If there is an extenuating circumstance that requires the cell phone to be on during a class, the student must obtain permission from the instructor prior to the beginning of class and must operate the phone in a silent (vibrate only) mode. Each instructor may further restrict the use of cell phones in class and may determine the consequences for violations of this policy. People who violate this cell phone use policy may be asked to leave the building

The Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) is the custodian of student disciplinary (conduct) files on campus. Therefore, all documentation involving classroom behavior, cheating, plagiarism, falsification of documents etc., must be forwarded to this office located in the Student Center, 239.

Possible Sanctions

The goal is to insure that both the University and the student’s rights are protected and the process focuses on whenever possible, providing solutions that are corrective and educational.

If there is an on-going problem with a student who is disrupting class proceedings or whose behavior is causing concern, the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) recommends the following steps the instructor may take to address the students behavior:

  1. meet with the student and explain why the behavior is inappropriate,
  2. tell the student what type of behavior is expected in the classroom,
  3. explain to the student what consequences will take effect if the inappropriate behavior continues,
  4. complete the Disruptive Classroom Incident Report online to the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) with actions taken,
  5. if the students behavior does not change, inform the student of his/her options in regard to hearings and appeals.

The faculty member may determine the course-related sanction to be imposed against the student, up to and including failure for the course. A letter must be sent to the student stating the imposed sanction and informing the student of his/her right to appeal. A copy must be sent to the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct).

Authority of Instructor and Relevant Assistant/Associate Dean’s Office

  1. Written warning with expectations
  2. Exclusion from the instructor’s classroom or academic area, pending expedited review by the Department Head
  3. Academic sanction, if course participation is a component of the final grade and is indicated in the course syllabus

Authority of the Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) for violent, threatening, or harassing behavior

  1. Warning
  2. Educational Sanctions, such as educational classes, or community service
  3. Disciplinary Probation
  4. Dismissal, Suspension, Expulsion
  5. Banned from any part or all of campus


  • Instructors should be aware that notes of the dates, times, witnesses and details of the incidents of disruption, and impact of the disruption on those present, may be important in any future proceedings which may be necessary.
  • The Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) requires written documentation by submission of the Disruptive Classroom Incident Report which will contain factual and descriptive information.
  • The student is entitled to see this documentation.

Disruptive Classroom Incident Form

The Disruptive Classroom Incident Report shall contain the following information:

  1. Date of Report
  2. Student’s Name:
  3. CWID#:
  4. Instructor’s Name:
  5. Instructor’s Phone Number:
  6. Instructor’s E-Mail:
  7. Title of Course, Course Number and Section:
  8. Date/Time/Location of Incident:
  9. Attach a detailed summary of the incident, including a description of the disruptive behavior
  10. Witnesses
  11. Action, if any, taken by the instructor (e.g. student warned, asked to leave the class, etc):
  12. List Charges as listed in the Standards of Conduct for Students, Section Five such as
    1. 5.03:12 Intentional obstruction, disruption or interference of the Education Process etc.
    2. 5.03:36 Falsification, forgery, altercation or misuse of University documents, records, identification cards or meal tickets; furnishing false information to the University with the intent to deceive etc.
    3. 5.03:45 Giving, taking or acquiring possession of, without permission, any academic (tests, research papers, notes, books, periodicals, or etc.,) or personal information, passwords, or confidential documentation, financial materials from an office, student worker or employee member of the University. This would include copyright violations and security access to university systems.
    4. 5.03:46 Unauthorized access to or misuse of University computers, computer systems, networks, or services. This includes services such as FaceBook, MySpace, etc.
  13. What was your course of action and reasons for this action?
  14. Instructor’s signature

Classroom Disruption Incident Form

is located at under Student Affairs, Incident Reporting Form.

Steps for Academic Appeals Process

Discipline related to academic matters is the responsibility of the appropriate Academic Unit which may be the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the appropriate Academic Dean, the appropriate Academic Department Head and/or the appropriate academic faculty member. An appeal must begin within three working days of notification of the decision. Order of Appeal Process:

  1. Faculty Member
  2. Department Head and/or Academic Head/Dean
  3. Academic Appeals Committee
  4. Academic Vice President’s Appeal Panel (Final)

Appeal beyond Academic Appeal Committee

Appeals may only be filed in the event of:

  1. a flaw in the student’s right to due process,
  2. evident bias in the decision of the hearing board or the individual conducting a disciplinary conference,
  3. inconsistent or overly severe sanction imposed,
  4. new evidence or insufficient consideration of all aspects of the situation.

For information regarding the appeal procedures, see Academics and Procedures, in the ULM Code of Student Conduct manual.

SPECIAL NOTE: In regard to the role of the dean, department head or supervisor, he/she may appoint a  designee, when appropriate, to serve in their capacity on academic or disciplinary hearings.