Aug 31, 2024  
2015-2016 ULM Student Policy Manual 
2015-2016 ULM Student Policy Manual [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Appealing a Grade


The academic grade appeal provides a fair means for appealing a final grade in a course if the student believes the final grade to have been determined unfairly.

I. General Conditions for All Academic Grade Appeals

A. Inappropriate Uses of Appeal

An appeal shall not be used to question the professional judgment of a faculty member, the content of an examination, or other course requirements.

B. Only Final Grades Can Be Appealed

Only the final grade in a course may be appealed. Individual test scores are not subject to an appeal. The final grade in a course may be appealed only if the student believes that the faculty member:

1. Has not adhered to grading standards and requirements in the course syllabus or

2. Has not used criteria uniformly to evaluate the student’s academic work compared with the work of other students.

C. ​Original Appeal Cannot Be Expanded

The student may not expand the original appeal beyond that initially presented to the faculty member.

D. ​Time Frames Must Be Observed

The student must initiate an appeal within ten working days after the end of the semester or term in which the questioned grade was assigned. Any subsequent appeals to each higher level must be made within five working days of the student’s notification of the decision. Under normal circumstances, if the student who is appealing a grade fails to meet any deadline of appeal to the next higher level, the appeal will be considered withdrawn.

E. Appeal to Succeeding Levels

1.  It is the student’s responsibility to carry the academic grade appeal to each succeeding level. Each grade appeal shall include:

a. Date of letter

b. Student name and identification number

c. Course name, number, and section

d. Name of faculty member

e. Dates of student/faculty communications

f.  Statement concerning basis for appeal for grade change, with any supporting documentation

g. Grade believed deserved with an explanation of how the student determined the requested new grade

h. Student’s legal signature

2.  A faculty member may appeal an academic grade appeal decision made at the level of school director, dean, or Vice President for Academic Affairs by making a written appeal. Each written appeal shall include:

a. Date of letter

b. Student name and identification number

c. Course name, number, and section

d. Name of faculty member

e. Dates of student/faculty communications

f.  Date of decision being appealed

g. Statement concerning basis for appeal of decision, with any supporting documentation

h. Grade believed deserved

i.  Faculty member’s legal signature.

The time frames that apply to the student shall apply to the faculty also. Under normal circumstances, if the faculty member who is appealing a decision fails to meet any deadline of appeal to the next higher level, the appeal of decision will be considered withdrawn.

II. Academic Grade Appeals at Different Levels (General conditions for all academic appeals apply at all levels.)

A. Faculty Member

The student must first attempt to resolve the matter with the faculty member. 

B. School Director

1. Classes offered in the College of Arts, Education, and Sciences or in the College of Business and Social Sciences

If the matter is not resolved with the faculty member, the student shall send a written grade appeal to the faculty member’s school director. The school director shall provide the faculty member with a copy of the appeal. The faculty member shall provide the school director with a statement concerning the basis for the grade with any supporting documentation. The school director shall discuss the appeal with the student and faculty member as needed and, after review, notify each of them of the decision.

2. Classes offered in the College of Health and Pharmaceutical Sciences

School of Health Professions-The student may appeal the decision of the faculty member to the Program Director by sending a written letter of appeal/explanation and pertinent documents. The Program Director will inform the student in writing of the decision. The student may appeal the decision of the Program Director by sending a written letter of appeal/explanation and pertinent documents to the Director of the School of Health Professions. The School Director will review the written documents and may contact the Program Director for additional information. The School Director will inform the student in writing of the decision.

School of Nursing-The student may appeal the decision of the faculty member to the School Director by sending a written letter of appeal/explanation and pertinent documents. The School Director will review the written documents and may contact the faculty member for additional information. The School Director will inform the student in writing of the decision.

School of Pharmacy-The student may appeal the decision of the faculty member to the Department Head by sending a written letter of appeal/explanation and pertinent documents. The Department Head will inform the student in writing of the decision.  If the student wishes to appeal the decision of the Department Head, a written request for a meeting shall be sent to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs of the School of Pharmacy. The Department Head shall provide the Associate Dean with a statement concerning the basis for the grade with any supporting documentation. The Associate Dean shall meet with the Department Head, faculty member, and student to discuss the appeal and shall notify them of the decision. 

C. Dean

A student may appeal the decision rendered in Section B by sending a written appeal to the faculty member’s dean. The last reviewer identified in Section B shall provide the dean with a statement concerning the basis for the grade with any supporting documentation. The dean shall discuss the appeal with the previous reviewers and the student as needed. After review, the dean shall notify each of them of the decision.

D. Vice President for Academic Affairs

If the student wishes to appeal the decision of the dean, a written appeal shall be sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The dean shall provide the Vice President with a statement concerning the basis for the grade with any supporting documentation. The Vice President shall meet with previous reviewers and the student as needed. After review, the Vice President shall notify each of them of the decision.

E. Academic Appeals Committee

If the student wishes to appeal the decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, a written request for a meeting shall be sent to the Academic Appeals Committee through the Vice President for Academic Affairs who shall provide the Academic Appeals Committee with a statement concerning the basis for the grade with any supporting documentation. The Academic Appeals Committee shall review the appeal and render a final decision and shall notify the previous reviewers and the student of the decision.