Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction



  • ECON 5001 - Seminar

    (3 Cr.) Selected current problems in economics; coordinated individual studies will be pursued, with group analysis and discussion at regular class meetings. Prerequisites: 2001, 2002 or the permission of the graduate coordinator.

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  • ECON 5002 - Survey and Analysis

    (3 Cr.) Fundamental theories of macro- and micro- economics and their application in the development of economic policies to achieve public and private economics goals. (Not applicable as an elective for MBA students.)

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  • ECON 5006 - Health Economics

    (3 Cr.) Analysis of the health care industry and markets. Incentives of market participants; patients, physicians, hospitals, and third-party payers as well as market outcomes are discussed.

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  • ECON 5091 - Directed Study

    (3 Cr.) Individual study of topics in advanced economics under the direction of a senior faculty member. Prerequisites: Twelve semester hours of BMBA courses and a minimum graduate GPA of 3.5.

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Educational Administration and Supervision

  • EDAS 5001 - Foundations of Educational Administration

    (3 Cr.) Introduction to the field of educational administration including study of the administrative process, administrative behavior, social systems and systems analysis. Prerequisites: Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission of the department head. F, Sum

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  • EDAS 5014 - School Law

    (3 Cr.) Local, state, and federal statutory, constitutional and case laws, rulings, and opinions affecting education; legal rights and responsibilities of school personnel. Prerequisites: EDAS 5001  and EDFN 5081 . Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission of the department head. F, Sum

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  • EDAS 5015 - School Finance and Taxation

    (3 Cr.) Principles of taxation; local state, and federal financing of public education; equalization of educational opportunity, budget making. Prerequisites: EDAS 5001  and EDFN 5081 . Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission of the department head. Sp

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  • EDAS 5021 - Supervision in Elementary and Secondary Schools

    (3 Cr.) Introduction to principles and techniques of instructional supervision in elementary and secondary schools. Prerequisites: EDAS 5001  and EDFN 5081 . Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission of the department head. F, Sp, Sum

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  • EDAS 5023 - Supervision of Student Teaching

    (3 Cr.) For teachers preparing to become supervising teachers; emphasis on developing students into effective, elementary and secondary teachers. Prerequisites: Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission of the department head. Sp, Sum

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  • EDAS 5091 - Directed Study

    (1-6 Cr.) Investigative study in selected problems for advanced graduate students. Prerequisites: Approval of instructor.

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  • EDAS 5099 - Thesis or Field Study

    (1-6 Cr.) Grades of CR (Credit) or NC (No Credit) will be awarded. Prerequisites: Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission of the department head.

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  • EDAS 6016 - The Visiting Teacher

    (3 Cr.) Functions of the visiting teacher, home and school visitation programs, analysis of attendance and related problems, promotion of school-home relationships, maintaining of necessary records. Prerequisites: EDAS 5001  and EDFN 5081 . Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission of the department head. (Formerly 516.)

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  • EDAS 6018 - School Community Relations

    (3 Cr.) The dynamics of the interactions of schools with the elements of community are examined. Multicultural and multiracial concepts and the impact of these concepts on educational administration, processes and organization are emphasized. The designing of programs around the needs and problems of the school and its special publics is stressed also. Prerequisites: EDAS 5001  and EDFN 5081 . (Formerly 653B, Seminar in Educational Administration: School-Community Relations.) Sp, Sum II

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  • EDAS 6019 - School Personnel Administration

    (3 Cr.) This course is designed to improve the knowledge and competencies of those individuals in our school systems who are responsible for the development and management of human resources. More specifically, purposes include development of insight concerned with organization, plans, policies, procedures, and processes of personnel administration. Prerequisites: EDAS 5001  and EDFN 5081 . Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission of the department head. (Formerly 653C, Seminar in Educational Administration: School Personnel Administration.) F, Sum II

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  • EDAS 6022 - Advanced Supervision of Instruction

    (3 Cr.) Advanced study of selected aspects related to supervision of instruction including organization of in-service programs, clinical supervision and evaluation of teaching. Prerequisites: EDAS 5021 . Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission of the department head. (Formerly 522.) Sp, Sum

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  • EDAS 6034 - Elementary School Principalship

    (3 Cr.) Administrative and supervisory responsibilities of the elementary school principal. Prerequisites: A minimum of 18 hours of required EDAS courses and EDFN 5081 . Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent EDAS or written permission of the department head. (Formerly 534.) Sp

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  • EDAS 6044 - Secondary School Principalship

    (3 Cr.) Administrative and supervisory responsibilities of the secondary school principal. Prerequisites: A minimum of 18 hours of required EDAS courses and EDFN 5081 . Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission of the department head. (Formerly 544.) Sp

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  • EDAS 6084 - Educational Administration Internship I

    (3 Cr.) This course provides 120 clock hours of supervised field-based experience in general school administration. Must meet all other eligibility requirements for Louisiana Teaching Certificate in field of study to earn credit and grade. (Candidate must pass PRAXIS Educational Leadership test to complete course)

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Educational Foundations

  • EDFN 4030 - Special Topics

    (1-6 Cr., Maximum 6 Cr.) A. Study of International Education on Location; B. Study of United States School Systems on Location; C. Comparative Education; D. Evaluation in Education; E. Educational Technology and Media.

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  • EDFN 4036 - Educational Data Processing

    (3 Cr.) Principles of electronic data processing in education.

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  • EDFN 4039 - Fundamentals of Statistics in Education

    (3 Cr.) Tools necessary for competence in education statistics. Algebraic, geometric and trigonometric functions; principles of scaling and score transformation; principles of reliability and validity estimation. Prerequisites: For graduate credit, a valid Louisiana teaching certificate or written permission of Certification Coordinator.

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  • EDFN 4081 - Continuing Studies in Educational Foundations

    (1-3 Cr.) Various topics in educational foundations including educational evaluation, media and technology. Credit may not be applied toward a degree. May be repeated. Grade of CR (Credit) or NC (No Credit) will be awarded.

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  • EDFN 4091 - Directed Study

    (1-6 Cr.) Investigative study on selected problems by students with particular needs.

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  • EDFN 5024 - Utilization of Instructional Technologies

    (3 Cr.) This course provides an overview of the selection, organization, and integration of technology-based instruction materials, computer software, and computer hardware systems into instructional settings.

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  • EDFN 5025 - Instructional Telecommunications, Networks and the Internet

    (3 Cr.) This course assumes familiarity with the World Wide Web. Students will develop skills in the use of planning, development, implementation, and management of distance learning, networking, and Internet use for teaching and learning. Students will engage in hands-on activities that demonstrate the required skills.

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  • EDFN 5027 - Trends in Instructional Technology

    (3 Cr.) Survey course of past, present and future aspects of instructional technology as it relates to instructional settings.

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  • EDFN 5028 - Instructional Media Development

    (3 Cr.) This course provides instruction in organization, design, preparation, and application of technology-based production of instructional materials for print and Web-based distribution.

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  • EDFN 5039 - Statistics and Data Processing in Education

    (3 Cr.) Theory and application of frequency distribution, graphic methods, central tendency, variability, correlation, sampling, and hypothesis testing. Introduction to nonparametric statistics. F

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  • EDFN 5053 - History of Education

    (3 Cr.) Development of educational theory and practice from ancient to modern times.

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  • EDFN 5054 - Philosophy of Education

    (3 Cr.) Philosophical bases of educational policies and practices. F

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  • EDFN 5055 - Instructional Design and Program Development

    (3 Cr.) Application of instructional design principles to solve performance and instructional problems in school and non-school environments by providing experiences in instructional program development, curriculum design, analysis of state and national school technology standards and planning, design, implementation and evaluation of technology staff development activities as well as related experiences in nonschool environments.

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  • EDFN 5081 - Research

    (3 Cr.) Principal research methods; study of existing research; application of research principles. F, Sp, Sum

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  • EDFN 5083 - Multicultural Education Perspectives

    3 cr. An overview of multicultural education and culturally and linguistically responsive instructional and assessment techniques. Supports teacher candidates as they develop personal frameworks for reflecting on and interacting with differences, identity, power, justice, and equity in the classroom.

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  • EDFN 6025 - Design and Development of Multimedia and Interactive Instruction

    (3 Cr.) This course provides an overview of the process of researching, planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating multi-sensory instructional units. Hands-on class projects will be developed that result in an integrated instructional approach to teaching and learning. Prerequisites: EDFN 5055 .

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  • EDFN 6026 - Technology Leadership in Schools

    (3 Cr.) This course will provide a foundation for managing technology for teaching and learning at the school site. These skills include schoolwide planning that incorporates instructional design, curriculum integration with the standards, logistics of technology implementation with the local site, training, and evaluation. Students will implement projects for local site improvement. Prerequisites: EDFN 5055  or permission of the instructor.

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  • EDFN 6027 - Technology Planning and Administration

    (3 Cr.) This course includes experiences in technology planning, facilities and resource management, technology staff and personnel management, funding and budgetary issues, technology policies and procedures, school connectivity planning, and purchasing practices. Prerequisites: Six hours in instructional media and technology services, including 4026. (Formerly Administration of Educational Media Programs.)

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  • EDFN 6028 - Advanced Telecommunications and Distance Education

    (3 Cr.) This course includes experiences in development of Internet/Web-based learning materials and resources, overview of distance technologies for learning, national curriculum standards, advanced Internet applications, research on the applications of telecommunications and other distance technologies in education, emerging telecommunications and distance learning technologies, and methodologies for distance/on-line instruction and student support. Prerequisites: EDFN 5025 .

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  • EDFN 6054 - History of American Education

    (3 Cr.) Development of elementary, secondary, and higher education in the United States from the Colonial period to the present. Sum

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  • EDFN 6080 - Instructional Technology Research, Evaluation, and Assessment

    (3 Cr.) Identification and application of instructional and technology-related research, the psychology of learning, and instructional design principles guiding the use of computers and related technologies in instructional settings. Prerequisites: EDFN 5055 , EDFN 5081 .

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  • EDFN 6081 - History and Philosophy of American Higher Education

    (3 Cr.) The origin and development of colleges in the United States.

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  • EDFN 6091 - Advanced Education Statistics

    (3 Cr.) Parametric and non-parametric inferential statistics; analysis of variance, covariance, partial and multiple, correlation and special techniques of correlation with computer programming and application. Prerequisites: EDFN 5039 .

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  • EDFN 6092 - Research Seminar

    (3 Cr.) An integration of research theory and techniques, including computer usage, measurement theory and statistical design. Emphasizes development of hypotheses, principles of research design, and development of the research proposal. Prerequisites: EDFN 5039  and EDFN 5081  or their equivalent. Sp, Sum II.

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Educational Leadership

  • EDLE 5000 - Teacher Leader I: Educational Research

    (3 Cr.) Emphasizes application of research methods in PK-12 setting, the collection and assessment of diagnostic data for student achievement, and the study of existing research and instructional strategies. F, Sum I

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  • EDLE 5005 - Teacher Leader II: Improving School Performance

    (3 Cr.) Performance-based course to develop teacher leaders to enhance student achievement. Issues and performances emphasize the practice of leadership in the school culture, instructional settings, curriculum, team activities, decision-making, communication, and learning communities. F, Sum I

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  • EDLE 5007 - School and Community Relations


    This course is designed to assist school administrators and leaders in developing an effective school-community relations plan. Focus will be on conditions, diversity, and changes that affect school-community interaction and its impact on student achievement.

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  • EDLE 5010 - Organizational Theory and Practice

    (3 Cr.)

    A core class in Educational Leadership preparation, including study of administrative process, administrative behavior, social systems, system analysis, and the development and implementation of collaborative visions designed to enhance student learning at all levels. Sp, Sum II

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  • EDLE 5015 - Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues

    (3 Cr.)

    A core class in Educational Leadership preparation, focus is on local, state, and federal statutory, constitutional, and case laws, rulings, and opinions affecting education, as well as the legal and ethical responsibilities of school personnel, and application of provisions for special students. F, Sum I

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  • EDLE 5021 - Instructional Supervision


    A core class in Educational Leadership preparation, focus is on instructional supervision of the classroom environment, instructional procedures, and the evaluation of teaching through the process of observation and consultation. Participants develop control of the instrumentation and procedures which enable them to gather, display, and interpret data relevant to the evaluation of classroom environments.

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  • EDLE 5025 - Leadership Theory


    This core class in Educational Leadership preparation provides an overview of the theoretical framework for the practice of leadership resulting in the application of theory and best practices for future leaders in educational organizations.

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  • EDLE 5030 - Instructional Leadership

    (3 Cr.)

    A core class in Educational Leadership preparation, initiates vision of leadership development by integrating elements of the teaching/learning process (planning) with basic leadership skills of communication and motivation. F, Sum I

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  • EDLE 5045 - Managing School and District Resources

    (3 Cr.)

    A core class in Educational Leadership preparation, administrative and supervisory responsibilities are explored and practiced as they relate to finance, buildings and facilities, transportation, and auxiliary programs. Candidates will apply financial knowledge and skills. Sum II, Sp

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  • EDLE 5055 - Educational Leadership Internship I

    (3 Cr.) Capstone experience for all candidates seeking administrative certification. Supervised experience in multiple settings beginning before school starts (EDLE 5055) and ending after school ends (EDLE 5060 ). Supervision provided by school district mentor and a university faculty member. Includes planned, problem-based experiences including a minimum of 120 clock hours on-site work in 14 specified areas. Two major projects will be completed each semester. $200 field experience fee. (EDLE 5055 FALL semester only).

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  • EDLE 5060 - Educational Leadership Internship II

    (3 Cr.) Capstone experience for all candidates seeking administrative certification. Supervised experience in multiple settings beginning before school starts (EDLE 5055 ) and ending after school ends (EDLE 5060). Supervision provided by school district mentor and a university faculty member. Includes planned, problem-based experiences including a minimum of 120 clock hours on-site work in 14 specified areas. Two major projects will be completed each semester. Candidate must obtain a passing score on the SLLA Examination prior to receiving credit for Internship II. $200 field experience fee. (EDLE 5060 SPRING semester only).

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Educational Technology Leadership

  • EDIT 5025 - Instructional Telecommunications, Networks and the Internet

    (3 Cr.) This course assumes familiarity with the World Wide Web. Students will develop skills in the use of planning, development, implementation, and management of distance learning, networking, and Internet use for teaching and learning. Students will engage in hands-on activities that demonstrate the required skills.

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  • EDIT 5028 - Instructional Media Development

    (3 Cr.) This course provides instruction in organization, design, preparation, and application of technology-based production of instructional materials for print and Web-based distribution.

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  • EDIT 5055 - Instructional Design and Program Development

    (3 Cr.) Application of instructional design principles to solve performance and instructional problems in school and non-school environments by providing experiences in instructional program development, curriculum design, analysis of state and national school technology standards and planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of technology staff development activities as well as related experiences in non-school environments.

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  • EDIT 6025 - Trends, Design, Development of Multimedia and Interactive Instruction

    (3 Cr.) This course provides an overview of the process of researching, planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating multi-sensory instructional units. Hands-on class projects will be developed that result in an integrated instructional approach to teaching and learning.

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  • EDIT 6026 - Technology Leadership in Schools

    (3 Cr.) This course will provide a foundation for managing technology for teaching and learning at the school site. These skills include schoolwide planning that incorporates instructional design, curriculum integration with the standards, logistics of technology implementation with the local site, training, and evaluation. Students will implement projects for local site improvement.

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  • EDIT 6027 - Technology Planning and Administration

    (3 Cr.) This course includes experiences in technology planning, facilities and resource management, technology staff and personnel management, funding and budgetary issues, technology policies and procedures, school connectivity planning, and purchasing practices.

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  • EDIT 6028 - Advanced Telecommunications and Distance Education

    (3 Cr.) This course includes experiences in development of Internet/Web-based learning materials and resources, overview of distance technologies for learning, national curriculum standards, advanced Internet applications, research on the applications of telecommunications and other distance technologies in education, emerging telecommunications and distance learning technologies, and methodologies for distance/on-line instruction and student support.

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  • EDIT 6030 - Social Media Application

    (3 Cr.) Using online social media simultaneously, and drawing upon theoretical literature in a variety of disciplines, this course delves into discourse about community across disciplines. Online.

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  • EDIT 6080 - Instructional Technology Research, Evaluation, and Assessment

    (3 Cr.) Identification and application of instructional and technology-related research, the psychology of learning, and instructional design principles guiding the use of computers and related technologies in instructional settings.

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  • EDIT 6083 - Educational Technology Internship

    (3 Cr.) This course provides 120 clock hours of supervised field-based experience in instructional technology application or administration. Placement in P-12, higher education, or business settings will be determined by student’s degree focus, or permission of instructor.

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Elementary Education

  • ELED 4052 - Nursery School and Kindergarten

    (3 Cr.) Materials, methods, organization, and administration of nursery schools and kindergartens. Prerequisites: ELED 4051 .

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  • ELED 4085 - Practicum

    (3-6 Cr.) Internship program designed to give supervised experience in the school: Early Childhood-Kindergarten/Nursery School. Prerequisites: Approval of Director of Field Experiences. Must meet all other eligibility requirements for Louisiana Teaching Certificate in field of study to earn graduate credit and grade.

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  • ELED 4086 - Practicum

    (3-6 Cr.) Internship program designed to give supervised experience in the school: Elementary Education. Prerequisites: Approval of Director of Field Experiences. Must meet all other eligibility requirements for Louisiana Teaching Certificate in field of study to earn graduate credit and grade.

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  • ELED 5004 - Assessment of Young Children

    (3 Cr.) Strategies for assessing physical, social, emotional, language, cognitive, and aesthetic development of young children from birth through age eight.

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  • ELED 5010 - Advanced Studies in Science and Math

    (3 Cr.) An integration of current content, techniques, materials, and research in elementary science and mathematics with emphasis upon inquiry and discovery processes. Prerequisites: Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission from Certification Coordinator.

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  • ELED 5011 - Advanced Studies in Elementary Language Arts and Social Studies

    (3 Cr.) An integration of the social studies and the language arts with an emphasis on methodological, philosophical and curricular issues. Prerequisites: Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission from Certification Coordinator.

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  • ELED 5018 - Literature for Children and Young Adults

    (3 Cr.) Investigation in writings for children and young adults with emphasis on broad application in teaching. Prerequisites: Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission from Certification Coordinator. (Same as READ 5018 .)

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  • ELED 5020 - Specialized Instructional Practices in the Elementary School

    (3 Cr.) Analysis and application of effective teaching skills for the elementary teacher. Prerequisites: Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission from Certification Coordinator.

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  • ELED 5021 - Expanding Competencies in Classroom Management

    (3 Cr.) Analysis of classroom management and motivation techniques, ways to cope with disruptive behavior, promoting moral reasoning, and dealing with parents in a pluralistic society. Prerequisites: Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission from Certification Coordinator.

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  • ELED 5033 - Prioritizing and Mapping the Curriculum

    (3 Cr.) Development and function of elementary school curricular patterns. Prerequisites: Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission from Certification Coordinator.

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  • ELED 5045 - Educational Techniques For Exceptional Children in Regular Classrooms

    (3 Cr.) Analysis of the instructional needs of exceptional children and the application of instructional strategies and curricular modifications within regular classroom. A. Elementary; B. Secondary. Prerequisites: Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission from Certification Coordinator. (Same as SPED 5045 ).

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  • ELED 5046 - Cognitive Learning: Children and their World

    (3 Cr.) This course is designed provide candidates with standards-based teaching and learning experiences that emphasize cognitive learning within the context of family, community, and collegial collaborative aspects associated with teaching. Prerequisites: Valid Louisiana teaching certificate or equivalent or written permission from Certification Coordinator.

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  • ELED 5051 - Early Childhood Education

    (3 Cr.) History, trends, and principles of educational programs for children between the ages of three and six.  Prerequisites: Must be admitted to Teacher Education.

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  • ELED 5053 - Communication and Literacy in Early Intervention

    (3 Cr.) Techniques and strategies for developing languages and teaching language skills to pre-school children.  Prerequisites: A valid Louisiana teaching certificate, or equivalent, or written permission from Certification Coordinator.

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  • ELED 5091 - Directed Study

    (1-6 Cr.) Investigative study in selected problems for advanced graduate students.

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  • ELED 5099 - Thesis or Field Study

    (1-6 Cr.) Grades of CR (Credit) or NC (No Credit) will be awarded.

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  • ELED 6004 - Seminar in Elementary Education

    (3 Cr., Maximum 9 Cr.) Seminars designed to meet the need of advanced graduate students: Classroom Application of Commercial and Teacher Made Materials.

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  • ELED 6005 - Seminar in Elementary Education

    (3 Cr., Maximum 9 Cr.) Seminars designed to meet the need of advanced graduate students: Leadership and Communication Skills.

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  • ELED 6006 - Seminar in Elementary Education

    (3 Cr., Maximum 9 Cr.) Seminars designed to meet the need of advanced graduate students: Content Methodologies.

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  • ELED 6007 - Seminar in Elementary Education

    (3 Cr., Maximum 9 Cr.) Seminars designed to meet the need of advanced graduate students: Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Education.

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  • ELED 6008 - Seminar in Elementary Education

    (3 Cr., Maximum 9 Cr.) Seminars designed to meet the need of advanced graduate students: Selected Topics.

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  • ELED 6083 - Internship in Elementary/Early Childhood Education

    (3-6 Cr.) Supervised experience in instruction, supervision, or administration in public schools or higher education. Prerequisites: Approval of Director of Field Experiences. Must meet all other eligibility requirements for Louisiana Teaching Certificate in field of study to earn graduate credit and grade.

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  • ENGL 4013 - American Novel

    (3 Cr.) Critical analysis of major novels and study of the context.

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  • ENGL 5004 - Studies in Shakespeare

    (3 Cr.) Selected plays and related problems.

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  • ENGL 5005 - Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama

    (3 Cr.) English drama, exclusive of Shakespeare, from the beginning of the Elizabethan Age to the closing of the theaters.

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  • ENGL 5006 - Drama of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century

    (3 Cr.) Representative plays with some examination of critical and historical problems.

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  • ENGL 5007 - English Literature Before 1800

    (3 Cr., Maximum 6 Cr.) Selected British authors before 1800. Subject matter varies. May be repeated for credit.

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  • ENGL 5008 - English Literature from 1800 to the Present

    (3 Cr., Maximum 6 Cr.) Selected British authors from 1800 to the present. Subject matter varies. May be repeated for credit.

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  • ENGL 5009 - Modern Poetry

    (3 Cr.) This course surveys the major works of modern poetry, its characteristic techniques, concerns, and major practitioners. The authors discussed range from Yeats, Eliot, and Pound, to Stein, Stevens, Hughes, and Auden.

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  • ENGL 5010 - Modern Drama

    (3 Cr.) A consideration of modern drama designed to elicit recognition of theatre as the most communal of art forms and of individual and national identity as inevitably theatrical.

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  • ENGL 5014 - Bibliography

    (3 Cr.) Survey of bibliography and literary research.

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  • ENGL 5015 - Grammar for Teachers

    (3 Cr.) Analysis of the structures of written English. Includes study of traditional grammar, with some attention to transformational and structural grammar.

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  • ENGL 5016 - Composition for Teachers

    (3 Cr.) Study of and practice in the traditional rhetorical modes of composition. Includes analysis and evaluation of recent research in composition.

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  • ENGL 5019 - Practicum in College Composition

    (3 Cr.) Supervised teaching of composition.

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  • ENGL 5021 - Writing Project Seminar for Teachers

    (3 Cr.) Research in and practice of the teaching of writing for teachers.

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  • ENGL 5022 - Special Topics in English

    (3 Cr., Maximum 6 Cr.) Instruction in specialized areas of literature or writing. Content varies.

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  • ENGL 5025 - Literary Criticism

    (3 Cr.) Major aesthetic theories related to exercises in practical criticism.

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