Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction

Courses numbered 1000 to 1999, freshman; 2000 to 2999, sophomore; 3000 to 3999, junior; 4000 to 4999, senior; 5000 to 5999, graduate; 6000 to 7999, graduate courses beyond the master’s level.  Where indicated, certain 4000-level courses are accepted for graduate credit.

The number after each course title indicates the semester hours credit. CR(credit) or NC (no credit) after a course title indicates a pass/fail course with no semester hours credit.

An abbreviation following a course description indicates the semester or summer term the course will normally be offered: F-fall semester; Sp-spring semester; Sum-entire summer session; Sum I - first summer term; Sum II - second summer term.  The word “even” or “odd” follows the description of a course which is offered only in alternate years.

Students may not enroll in more than one section of the same course specified in the University catalog without approval of the Registrar.  Students who register for more than one section of the same course may be arbitrarily dropped from one of the sections without notice.

Class pre-requisites must be completed as prescribed by the most current catalog, regardless of the catalog or curriculum in effect for any student.  Students who do not meet course qualifications or who have not completed pre-requisites for a course may be arbitrarily dropped without notice.

The courses that are listed in this catalog may be offered for credit in a variety of formats, including electronically mediated teaching.




  • SPAN 2031 - Grammar and Composition

    3 cr.

    A review and drill of the elements of Spanish grammar and syntax with special emphasis on developing the ability to organize and to write correctly and fluently in Spanish.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 3001 - Survey of Spanish American Literature

    3 cr.

    An introduction to the outstanding writers of Spanish America from pre-Colombian to modern times.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002 , SPAN 2005  or permission of department head.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 3007 - Survey of Spanish Literature

    3 cr.

    Selection from the outstanding authors of Spain.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 3008 - Survey of Spanish Literature

    3 cr.

    Selection from the outstanding authors of Spain.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 3011 - Phonetics

    3 cr.

    An introduction to the Spanish phonetic system with emphasis on pronunciation practice in the language learning facility.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1002  or the equivalent.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 3012 - Culture and Civilization of Mexico

    3 cr.

    Advanced studies in the history and culture of Mexico with continued emphasis on understanding, speaking, reading, and writing.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 3013 - Culture and Civilization of Spain

    3 cr.

    Advanced studies in the history and culture of Spain with continued emphasis on understanding, speaking, reading, and writing.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 3014 - Culture and Civilization of Latin America

    3 cr.

    Advanced studies in the history and culture of Latin America with continued emphasis on understanding, speaking, reading, and writing.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 3021 - Independent Reading

    1 cr.

    Directed reading and discussion of excerpts from Hispanic literature with continued emphasis on understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 3022 - Independent Reading

    1 cr.

    Directed reading and discussion of excerpts from Hispanic literature with continued emphasis on understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 3023 - Independent Reading

    1 cr.

    Directed reading and discussion of excerpts from Hispanic literature with continued emphasis on understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 4002 - Seminar in Spanish Literature

    3 cr., Maximum - 6 cr.

    In-depth study and analysis of a specific Spanish-language literary movement or writer.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 4005 - Advanced Oral Language Development

    3 cr., Maximum - 6 cr.

    The refinement of conversational skills utilizing the language learning center and classroom activities.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 4006 - Advanced Spanish Syntax

    3 cr.

    An analysis of the more complex and problematic areas of Spanish grammar and vocabulary usage.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2031  or equivalent.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 4007 - Contemporary Latin American Literature

    3 cr., Maximum - 6 cr.

    An analysis and discussion of outstanding works from the Spanish American literature of the twentieth century.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005  or permission of department head.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 4008 - Contemporary Hispanic Literature in the United States

    3 cr.

    An analysis and discussion of outstanding works of the Hispanic writers of the U.S.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005  or permission of department head.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 4015 - Contemporary Spanish Literature

    3 cr.

    Extensive reading of authors of the Generation of 1898 and of the Twentieth Century.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 4025 - Spanish Language Practicum

    3-12 cr.

    Application of language skills in a foreign-speaking environment. Student will be involved in a total-immersion living situation and will receive a minimum of fifteen clock hours per week in formal language instruction. May be repeated with permission of department head, but may not be repeated for more than a total of 12 hrs. undergraduate and graduate combined.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002  or SPAN 2005 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 4074 - Second Language Acquisition

    3 cr.

    The application of second language acquisition theory in the classroom.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2005 /FRNH 2005 

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPAN 4075 - Language, Culture and the Classroom

    3 cr.

    The application of second language acquisition theory in the elementary or secondary classroom.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2005 
    Same as FRNH 4075 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

Special Education

  • SPED 2002 - Survey of the Education of Children with Special Needs

    3 cr.

    A survey of the cause, evaluation, education and prevention of children with special needs.

    (10 observation hours required)
    Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to Teacher Education and pass all applicable parts of PRAXIS.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPED 3010 - Behavior Support and Interventions

    3 cr.

    Methods and techniques for effective behavior management and classroom organization to meet the unique needs of diverse students with exceptionalities. Must be admitted to Teacher Education.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPED 4015 - Instructional Practices in Special Education

    3 cr.

    Course develops educator competencies for teaching academic/social skills to special students and in developing tiered intervention plans for inclusive settings. Must be admitted to Teacher Education.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPED 4020 - Assessment and Evaluation for Special Learners

    3 cr.

    Develops assessment skills for instructional planning to meet the educational needs of diverse learners with mild/moderate disabilities. Addresses formal and informal assessments. Must be admitted to Teacher Education.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • SPED 4025 - Collaborative Teaming and Transition

    3 cr.

    Teaches secondary education majors to integrate reading, writing, speaking, and listening strategies and activities into adolescent reading instruction. Must be admitted to Teacher Education.

    Click here for course scheduling information.


  • THEA 1000 - Career Planning

    0 cr

    Teaches the basics of the theatre business to include resume and portfolio preparation, personal record keeping and career paths.


    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 1005 - Theatre Production Laboratory

    1 cr.

    Provides practice in one of the many theatre skills through participation in university productions. Open to all students. Course not designed to accompany any other course.

    May be repeated for a maximum of three hours credit.
    F, Sp, Sum

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 1010 - Theatre Fundamentals: Skills

    2 cr.

    Teaches the basic skills required to function in a production company: Production Organization, Scene Shop Skills, Property Operations, Electrical Operations, Scene Painting, Sound Operations, Costume Shop Operations, Wardrobe Operations, and Make-up Operations.


    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 1011 - Theatre Fundamentals: Aesthetics

    2 cr.

    Teaches fundamentals of design theory, stage movement and dramatic theory to include genres and styles.


    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 1091 - Enjoying Theatre

    3 cr.

    Seeks to improve appreciation and understanding of theatre art to include playwriting, acting, directing, designing (scenery, lighting, costumes and make-up) and managing. The course gives emphasis to critical observation and thinking skills.

    LCCN: CTHE 1013

    F, Sp

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 2007 - Make-Up

    2 cr.

    Teaches basic skills of make-up design and application for straight and character roles in theatre, television and film. Selected special applications are taught. Laboratory hours on TheatreWorks.ULM productions and student make-up kit are required.

    F, Sp

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 2021 - Beginning Acting

    3 cr.

    Teaches the basic skills of memorization, relaxation, concentration, physicalization, vocal control and script interpretation through exercises and scene study.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 3000 - Directed Study—E-TV

    3 cr.

    Content Varies. A. Drama: Play, performances, and perception. No more than 12 semester hours may be applied toward degree requirements.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 3001 - Scenic Construction

    3 cr.

    Teaches principles and techniques for the building, rigging and shifting of scenery through study, exercises and application.

    Laboratory hours on TheatreWorks.ULM productions required.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 3003 - Lighting

    3 cr.

    Teaches theory, design and practice of lighting for theater, television and film.

    Laboratory hours on Theatre Works.ULM productions required.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 3005 - Advanced Theater Production Laboratory

    1 cr.

    Provides practice in the application of technical or performance skills in the execution of a major role or position of significant responsibility in TheatreWorks.ULM productions.

    May be repeated for up to three hours credit.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Director of the Theater. Not designed to accompany any other course.
    F, Sp, Sum

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 3009 - Playwriting

    3 cr.

    Teaches the writing of short plays through theory, example and practice.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 3021 - Intermediate Acting

    1, 2 or 3 cr.

    Teaches intermediate skills in specialized areas such as auditioning, performance of musical theater and period styles. Topic and credit varies with the subject matter.

    May be repeated for a maximum of nine credits.
    Prerequisite(s): THEA 2021  or permission of instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 3051 - Scenic Design

    3 cr.

    Teaches application of art fundamentals and historical research to the design of scenery for theatre, television and film through projects in drawing, rendering and model building. Laboratory hours on TheatreWorks.ULM productions required.

    Prerequisite(s): THEA 3001  and THEA 3003  or permission of the instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 3060 - Costume Construction

    3 cr.

    Teaches pattern drawing, costume alteration and sewing for theatre, television and film through application projects.

    Laboratory hours on Theatre Works. ULM productions required.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4001 - Costume Design

    3 cr.

    Teaches application of art fundamentals and historical research to the creation of costumes for theatre, television and film through drawing and rendering projects. Laboratory hours on TheatreWorks.ULM productions required.

    Prerequisite(s): THEA 3060  or permission of instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4009 - Dramatic Literature, Theory, and Criticism

    3 cr.

    A study of the developments in Western dramatic theory, literature, and criticism from the ancient Greeks to the present.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4015 - Theatre History I

    3 cr.

    Studies the history of theatre art and dramatic literature from primitive beginnings to the year 1700. Emphasis is placed on historical research in support of design and directing concept development.

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1011  or HIST 1012 ; consent of instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4016 - Theatre History II

    3 cr.

    Studies the history of theatre art and dramatic literature from 1700 to the present day. Emphasis is placed on historical research in preparation of seminar presentations and research papers.

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1011  or HIST 1012 ; consent of instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4019 - Children’s Theatre

    3 cr.

    Teaches the selection, direction of plays for child audiences.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4021 - Advanced Acting

    1, 2, or 3 cr.

    Teaches advanced skills in specialized areas such as the performance of Shakespearian drama. Topic and credit varies with the subject matter.

    May be repeated for a maximum of nine credits.
    Prerequisite(s): THEA 2021  and THEA 3021  or permission of the instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4023 - Creative Dramatics

    3 cr.

    Teaches the use of imaginative and creative activities for instruction in college, secondary and elementary school programs.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4024 - Acting for TV and Film

    3 cr.

    This course focuses on applying stage acting techniques to recorded visual media in addition to introducing acting approaches specific to on camera performance.

    Prerequisite(s): THEA 2021  or by permission of the instructor

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4025 - Directing

    3 cr.

    Teaches directorial skills in leadership, script selection and analysis, conduct of auditions, rehearsals and performance evaluation through workshop and application.

    Prerequisite(s): THEA 1011 , THEA 2021  and permission of instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4027 - Theatre Leadership and Management

    3 cr.

    House and box office management, public relations and program development for arts production.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4031 - Summer Theatre Production

    1-6 cr.

    Provides practical application of theatre skills in a summer theatre environment. Student’s participation is determined through audition and application process.

    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4040 - Advanced Technical Practice

    1, 2 or 3 cr.

    Teaches advanced skills in technical production.

    May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits.
    Prerequisite(s): THEA 3001  or THEA 3003  or THEA 3060  and permission of the instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4043 - Contemporary Theatre Practices: France

    3-6 cr.

    Examines current acting and directing styles and techniques in the various technical areas: scenery, lighting, sound, makeup, costumes, and properties.

    (Formerly THEA 442A)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4044 - Contemporary Theatre Practices: England

    3-6 cr.

    Examines current acting and directing styles and techniques in the various technical areas: scenery, lighting, sound, makeup, costumes, and properties.

    (Formerly THEA 442B)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4075 - Advanced Directing

    1, 2, or 3 cr.

    Applies the skills learned in direction (THEA 4025 ) to staging plays as part of TheatreWorks.ULM season, Monroe Little Theater season, with a public/private secondary school or a similar venue.

    May be repeated for a maximum of 3 cr.
    Prerequisite(s): THEA 2021  and THEA 4025  and permission of the instructor.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4080 - Apprenticeship

    1, 2, or 3 cr.

    Provides for working with an acknowledged master in specific theatre craft. Master must agree to supervise and teach the student. Student must design a learning contract which is signed by the student, the master and the Director of Theater. The master can not be a member of the ULM Theater faculty.

    Prerequisite(s): permission of director of Theater.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4085 - Internship

    3-6 cr.

    Provides an opportunity to work as an intern in a professional Theatre. Student must prepare a contract specifying the duties to be performed as an intern and the means and person who will evaluate the student’s work. Contract must be signed by the student, the intern supervisor and the Director of Theater.

    Prerequisite(s): permission of the director of Theater.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4086 - Senior Project

    1 - 2 cr.

    Provides a culminating project for students in technical production, design and direction through which they can demonstrate proficiency in their chosen area.

    Prerequisite(s): permission of director of Theater.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4087 - Senior Recital

    1 cr.

    Provides a culminating project for performance students to demonstrate their proficiency.

    Prerequisite(s): permission of the director of Theater.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4092 - Play Writing

    1-3 cr.

    Directed study in Play Writing.

    May be repeated for a total of 6 credits.
    Prerequisite(s): approval of department head.
    (Formerly THEA 491A)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4093 - Directing

    1-3 cr.

    Directed study in Directing.

    May be repeated for a total of 6 credits.
    Prerequisite(s): approval of department head.
    (Formerly THEA 491B)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4094 - Acting

    1-3 cr.

    Directed study in Acting.

    May be repeated for a total of 6 credits.
    Prerequisite(s): approval of department head.
    (Formerly THEA 491C)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4095 - Technical Theatre

    1-3 cr.

    Directed study in Technical Theatre.

    May be repeated for a total of 6 credits.
    Prerequisite(s): approval of department head.
    (Formerly THEA 491D)

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • THEA 4096 - Theatre Management

    1-3 cr.

    Directed study in Theatre Management.

    May be repeated for a total of 6 credits.
    Prerequisite(s): approval of department head.
    (Formerly THEA 491E)

    Click here for course scheduling information.


  • TOXI 1000 - Introduction to Food Science and Human Nutrition

    3 cr.

    Emphasis on importance of Food Science, Food Industry, and the impact of Food Ingredients on nutrition and health promotion to the community.


    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 1001 - Toxicology and the Environment

    3 cr.

    This class will provide an introduction to the field of toxicology and illustrate the relationships between chemicals, man and the environment. Historical and contemporary “case studies” of contamination episodes will be used to highlight the various factors involved in evaluating and controlling chemical hazards.


    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 1010 - Introduction to Food Safety and Toxicology

    3 cr.

    Focus on toxicology of drugs, pesticides and natural food toxins along with food additives, preservatives and colors.


    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 2001 - Environmental Toxicology

    3 cr.

    This course will encompass both the fate and effects of chemicals in the environment, with emphasis in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Potential sources, routes of exposure, and physical, chemical, and biological factors important with the movement of contaminants within various components of the ecosystems will be examined. In addition, emerging environmental regulations, issues, and case studies will be discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1020 , BIOL 1021 ; CHEM 1007 , CHEM 1009 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 2010 - Techniques of Food Microbiology and Toxicology

    3 cr.

    Practical guidelines and understanding of analytical methods of food safety and toxicology. Emphasis on micro-organisms and toxins encountered in foods.

    Prerequisite(s): TOXI 1010 

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 3001 - Introduction to Forensic Toxicology

    3 cr.

    An introduction to the field of Forensic Toxicology with focus on fundamentals of pharmacokinetics, specimen collection, laboratory analysis and courtroom testimony. Additional discussion will include crime scene investigation, current crime lab practices and an overall application to the medicolegal profession.

    Prerequisite(s): TOXI 1001 , BIOL 1020 , CHEM 2030 , CHEM 2032 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4001 - General Laboratory Techniques

    1 cr.

    This class is designed to provide the student with basic skills required to work in a toxicology laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Toxicology majors only.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4011 - General Toxicology

    3 cr.

    Biochemical basis of chemical toxicity including toxicodynamics, biotransformation, toxicokinetics, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity and toxicity testing.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3011; and grade of “C” or better in TOXI 1001 ; and credit or registration in TOXI 4013 .
    Toxicology majors only.


    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4012 - General Toxicology

    3 cr.

    Continuation of Toxicology TOXI 4011 . Physiological basis of chemical toxicity in organ systems.

    Prerequisite(s): TOXI 4011 ; and BIOL 3011, BIOL 3012; and grade of “C” or better in TOXI 1001  and TOXI 2001 ; and credit or registration in TOXI 4014 .
    Toxicology majors only.


    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4013 - General Toxicology Laboratory

    1 cr.

    Laboratory exercises to accompany TOXI 4011 -TOXI 4012 .

    Three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisite(s): Credit or registration in TOXI 4011  and TOXI 4012 .
    Toxicology majors only.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4014 - General Toxicology Laboratory

    1 cr.

    Laboratory exercises to accompany TOXI 4011 -TOXI 4012 .

    Three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisite(s): Credit or registration in TOXI 4011  and TOXI 4012 .
    Toxicology majors only.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4024 - Clinical Toxicology

    2 cr.

    Information on the clinical management of poisonings including the assessment of toxic potential, stabilization of vital function, and specific antidotal measures.

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or registration in TOXI 4012  and TOXI 4014 .
    (Same as PHAR 5024 ).


    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4041 - Industrial Hygiene I

    3 cr.

    Introduction into industrial hygiene covering its history, ethics, and general principles. Review of regulatory agencies and occupational safety and health standards included. Detailed discussions regarding specific occupational hazards will begin, and include properties of the hazard, industrial exposure potential, exposure monitoring techniques, relevant regulatory standards, and control methodologies.

    Prerequisite(s): TOXI 1001  and TOXI 2001 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4042 - Industrial Hygiene II

    3 cr.

    Continuation of Industrial Hygiene I. Detailed discussion of specific occupational hazards continues. Discussions include review of properties of the hazard, industrial exposure potential, exposure monitoring techniques, regulatory standards, and control methodologies. Discussion regarding indoor air quality, ergonomics issues, and industrial ventilation systems is included.

    Prerequisite(s): TOXI 4041 .

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4043 - Industrial Hygiene Laboratory

    1 cr.

    A laboratory dedicated to the practical application of information disseminated in TOXI 4044 .

    Three hours laboratory.
    Toxicology majors only.


    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4091 - Seminar

    3 cr.

    Students are required to make oral presentations and discuss special current problems in the field of toxicology. Involves presentation and class participation. A final comprehensive examination will cover all aspects of the discipline of toxicology.

    Prerequisite(s): credit or registration in all required Toxicology courses.
    Toxicology majors only.

    F, Sp

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4100 - Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry

    3 cr.

    This course is an introduction to Federal OSHA policies, procedures and standards, as well as general industry safety and health principles. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards. Importance will be placed on those areas that are the most hazardous in non-construction industries, using OSHA standards as a guide.

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4105 - Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health Management

    3 cr.

    This course provides practical knowledge to develop and manage an effective occupational safety and health program.

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4110 - Industrial Hygiene for Safety Professionals

    3 cr.

    Industrial Hygiene for Safety Professionals is an introduction to industrial hygiene. Terminology, general principles, regulatory standards, workplace hazards, exposure evaluation methods, and control strategies will be discussed during this course.

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4115 - Occupational Accident Investigation, Recording, and Reporting

    3 cr.

    This course provides direction regarding OSHA recording and reporting occupational accidents requirements.

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4120 - Chemical Hazards and Hazard Communication

    3 cr.

    Chemical Hazards and Hazard Communication provides practical knowledge used to assess the potential health and safety hazards of hazardous chemicals.

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4125 - Health Hazard Awareness

    2 cr.

    The Health Hazard Awareness course is designed to provide practical knowledge important in the recognition and evaluation of potential health and safety hazards, and conditions that may lead to the development of health hazards.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4130 - Bloodborne Pathogens Safety

    3 cr.

    Course provides practical knowledge regarding potential health/safety hazards of BBP, and how to safely work with and mitigate these hazards.

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4135 - Personal Protective Equipment

    3 cr.

    This course provides practical knowledge required to develop an effective PPE program and maintain compliance with OSHA regulations.

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4140 - Hearing Conservation

    3 cr.

    Hearing Conservation provides practical knowledge required to develop an effective Hearing Conservation program and maintain compliance with OSHA regulations.

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4145 - Principles of Respiratory Protection

    2 cr.

    This course provides practical knowledge required to develop an effective respiratory protection program and maintain compliance with OSHA regulations. 

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4150 - Indoor Air Quality

    3 cr.

    The course provides practical knowledge required to evaluate and mitigate potential indoor air quality concerns

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4155 - Grain Handling Health and Safety

    3 cr.

    This course provides information regarding health and safety in grain handling operations.

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4160 - Health and Safety for Disaster Site Workers

    3 cr.

    Provides information regarding health and safety when responding to disasters. 

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • TOXI 4165 - Bloodborne Pathogens Safety for Health Care Facilities

    3 cr.

    Provides information regarding BBP for health care facilities.

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Post Baccalaureate Safety Certificate program.

    Click here for course scheduling information.


  • UCAP 3000 - University Capstone

    3 cr.

    An interdisciplinary course that gives substantive attention to critical thinking, methods of inquiry, written and oral communication skills, and computer literacy. Students are taught to identify, reconstruct, analyze, and critique reasoned claims.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all courses (a total of 39 hours) in the Core Curriculum.

    Click here for course scheduling information.


  • UNIV 1000 - University Orientation

    2 cr.

    University 1000 is course designed to promote success for incoming freshman with specific focus given to goal setting, motivation, diversity, wellness, introduction to time management, and academic strategies. The course will also provide an opportunity for community building with others who will be entering the University as first-year students in the fall.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • UNIV 1001 - University Seminar

    1 cr.

    To maximize the student’s potential to achieve academic success and to adjust responsibly to the individual and interpersonal challenges presented by collegiate life.

    Click here for course scheduling information.

  • UNIV 1010 - Seminar on College Success

    1 cr.

    Focuses on critical skills and competencies to help students become more academically successful; requires individual meetings with mentor and classroom attendance. Course credit may not be applied toward degree requirements. Developmental grade format applies.

    Click here for course scheduling information.


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